
Vučipolje - Pustopolje - Čemernica - Mazin


Trail photos

Photo ofVučipolje - Pustopolje - Čemernica - Mazin Photo ofVučipolje - Pustopolje - Čemernica - Mazin Photo ofVučipolje - Pustopolje - Čemernica - Mazin


Trail stats

25.43 mi
Elevation gain
4,298 ft
Technical difficulty
Very difficult
Elevation loss
3,553 ft
Max elevation
3,978 ft
38 5
Min elevation
1,946 ft
Trail type
One Way
June 9, 2019
June 2019
  • Rating

  •   5 1 review

near Kesići, Zadarska (Hrvatska)

Viewed 1062 times, downloaded 63 times

Trail photos

Photo ofVučipolje - Pustopolje - Čemernica - Mazin Photo ofVučipolje - Pustopolje - Čemernica - Mazin Photo ofVučipolje - Pustopolje - Čemernica - Mazin

Itinerary description

Vrijeme početka: 12:06
Vrijeme završetka: 16:36
Udaljenost: 43,8 km (04:29)
Vrijeme kretanja: 03:13
Prosječna brzina: 9,75 km/h
Pros. brzina kretanja: 13,59 km/h

Comments  (4)

  • Photo of Alex K. 1
    Alex K. 1 Jul 5, 2021

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Nice Trail 👌😊

  • Photo of BMaks
    BMaks Aug 16, 2022


  • Photo of Damjan Lisjak
    Damjan Lisjak Sep 27, 2023

    Pozdrav. Why is it very difficult? Can I go with jeep xj without winch and tires from your profile picture? Moze i na hrvatskom odgovor.

  • Photo of BMaks
    BMaks Sep 28, 2023

    At 17.15 km there is a very short steep descent to the right with a deep left-hand rut, and there you lean a lot if you drive in the rut.

    Towards the end of the 17th km there is a narrow passage between the rocks, there are even videos on yt of the team that drove on my trail.

    Around the 30th km there is a climb with rounded rocks covered with wet leaves so that all 4 wheels were slipping. Here I lost a lot of time to get through it because the front and rear axles simultaneously came on the slippery "stairs", I didn't use the winch because I didn't have one 😁.

    That place was quite problematic because I saw a lot of branches that people threw under the wheels.

    In the end, I pulled out that one big stone in reverse, so now there is no problem to pass it.

    When you pass that, you will come to a gorge where you will switch left and right and look for where to pass.

    From the gorge, I arbitrarily drove on and chose the path because there was no longer any visible rut, tall grass, until near the top I saw the end of a macadam road and drove directly towards it. Pay attention after leaving the gorge, it can be quite muddy, I checked the depth of the mud with a stick, because the stream was active.

    And you don't have any GSM signal there.

    The path from the gorge leads to the right, to the east, and I definitely do not recommend it because there is an extreme side slope in places and it is very possible to overturn.

    From 32 km, everything is a macadam road.

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