
LROCB Brooklyn 4WD Weekend Trip


Trail photos

Photo ofLROCB Brooklyn 4WD Weekend Trip Photo ofLROCB Brooklyn 4WD Weekend Trip Photo ofLROCB Brooklyn 4WD Weekend Trip


Trail stats

205.67 mi
Elevation gain
18,957 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
18,957 ft
Max elevation
2,524 ft
Min elevation
152 ft
Trail type
2 days 2 hours 40 minutes
May 20, 2018
May 2018
Be the first to clap

near Peak Crossing, Queensland (Australia)

Viewed 369 times, downloaded 5 times

Trail photos

Photo ofLROCB Brooklyn 4WD Weekend Trip Photo ofLROCB Brooklyn 4WD Weekend Trip Photo ofLROCB Brooklyn 4WD Weekend Trip

Itinerary description

Day-1: Headed down across the NSW/QLD border the back way down via Boonah, then around the back of Maroon Dam and took a turnoff up to check out a place I hadn't been to in years - Upper Portals Carpark. This was a nice little track with some great views. From this point is was back the way I came and off up across the border via Carneys Crk Road and White Swamp Rd. Stopped for a smoko break at Koreelah campgrounds before continuing to my 1st nights destination - Tooloom Falls. Upon reaching Tooloom Falls took some time to check the place out before settling for a nice little campspot for the night (along with quite a few other campers as the day became night).

Day-2: Packed up early and headed around to meet the others at Brooklyn 4WD park. Currently, this park is closed to the public, but open to some 4WD Clubs and invited guests. Apparently the park closed down to the public a good number of years ago and looking at the condition of the tracks, I can believe it with a lot of the tracks overgrown with lantana. Arrived and did the meet and greet before we all jumped in our cars an setof driving a few tracks. The 1st few tracks were quite overgrown with lantana but were still fairly easy. Made it back to camp late in the day for dinner and a good camp fire.

Day-3: Late rise and packup before heading off for a hour or 2 drive around the park again, finding some play areas to drive, etc before making our way but to camp to say our farewells and start the journey homewards. Headed back the same way I came down but making some time to explore some side tracks should I find any....Along White Swamp Rd, I managed to find a few side tracks that really required more time than I had but one of the tracks I found came with a little surprise - A fairly good Condition Van that someone had driven off and down into the bush. I stopped to check it out and it was in good order, clean inside and out. The number plates had been removed. The grass was still flatten where the vehicle had been driven into the bush, so it hadn't been there for too long....Anyhow, I pushed onwards but decided to go home a slightly different way, dropping into some of the small townships on my way home that I hadn't seen before.... Some very nice country...


PictographCampsite Altitude 1,254 ft

Brooklyn Park 4wd Park

Brooklyn Park 4wd Park

PictographCar park Altitude 0 ft

Cleared Ridge Parking Area

PictographCampsite Altitude 0 ft

Koreelah Creek Campground

PictographCampsite Altitude 0 ft

Tooloom Falls Camp Grounds

PictographCampsite Altitude 0 ft

Waterfall Creek Reserve Campground


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