
2014 KENIA: viaje al lago Turkana



Trail stats

1,002 mi
Elevation gain
37,215 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
37,215 ft
Max elevation
8,267 ft
Min elevation
1,181 ft
Trail type
January 11, 2015
January 2015

near Airport North, Nairobi Area (Kenya)

Viewed 1069 times, downloaded 21 times

Itinerary description

Navidad 2014-15


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Aeropuerto Internacional Jomo Kenyatta, Nairobi

DAY 1: Departure in regular flight to NAIROBI. At night arrival to the capital Kenya - "place of fresh water" in the Masai language and transfer to the hotel.

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Hotel Meridian Court, Nairobi, Kenia

Hotel Meridian Court, Nairobi, Kenia

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DAY 2: After breakfast we start the trip to Lake Turkana. Sorting through Rift failure, we will cross the line of Ecuador to get to sleep at NYAHURURU, the highest population in Kenya (2,360 m). Here we will visit the Thompson Falls, a jump of 72 meters that takes the name of the British explorer whose last name also He baptized the zebra "Thompson". Night in hotel.

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Laikipia Comfort Hotel - Nyahururu Falls, Kenya

Laikipia Comfort Hotel - Nyahururu Falls, Kenya

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Charca de los hipopótamos

Charca de los hipopótamos

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Cataratas Thomsom

Cataratas Thomsom

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DAY 3: A road in harsh conditions takes us towards the mountainous area of MARALAL, where we started to see tribal people with their clothes and beads traditional Samburus dominate, a tribe related to the Masai and Turkana. The Young people's hairstyles denote their warrior status. Night in bands (see section accommodation).

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Yare Camel camp, Maralal, Kenya

Yare Camel camp, Maralal, Kenya

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DAY 4: We continue north through a landscape first mountain and some forest. After the Ndoto mountains we are presented with the KORANTE plain, which with the lights of the afternoon gives us a spectacular landscape. The dik diks - the smallest antelopes in the mundo-, impalas and some ostrich follow each other along the way. Night in bands in SOUTH HORR.

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Sports View Lodge, South Horr, Kenya

Sports View Lodge, South Horr, Kenya

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DAY 5: Through a hard sand track that may be muddy, we will reach the arid environment of LAKE TURKANA, a sea of ​​jade in northern Kenya. The first cones volcanics announce us a surreal landscape. It is the alkaline and desert lake more of the world, stop of migratory birds and in whose waters they also inhabit large fish like perch, in addition to the crocodiles of the Nile. It is also the home of the tribe Turkana, which gives its name. Night in bands in LOIYANGALANI. DAY 6: Today we enjoy unhurried LAGO TURKANA, its wild nature, its incredible range of colors and also of its inhabitants, tribal people with a reputation for aggressive people who have had to develop their instinct of survival to the maximum in a hard zone. Their cultures are among the purest and most isolated on Earth. We will visit the tribe of the emolos and we will approach by boat to their sacred island. Night in bands in LOIYANGALANI

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Malabo Lodge, LOIYANGALANI, Kenya

Malabo Lodge, LOIYANGALANI, Kenya

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Aldea rendille

Aldea rendille

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Aldea turkana

Aldea turkana

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Aldea Emolo

Aldea Emolo

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North Horr

North Horr

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DAY 7: We leave Lake Turkana behind and along a stony track we will arrive at the first sands of NORTH HORR, a remarkable settlement of the Gabbra tribe in the middle of the nothing. It is the anteroom of the CHALBI DESERT. Located right where there was a salty lake that dried up, this desert is a succession of sand and mud in a landscape of Extreme dryness, very difficult to cross. Here gabbras nomads collect the salt that They will sell later in Marsabit. In the afternoon we will arrive at the wooded oasis of KALACHA, which Gabbra language means "place of open space". Night in bands.

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Takuma Smart Resort, Kalacha, Kenya

Takuma Smart Resort, Kalacha, Kenya

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DAY 8: After visiting the Ethiopian paintings of the church of Kalacha, we will skirt the desert from the Chalbi through a stony track that leads to the KAISUT DESERT. Ancient volcanic boilers dot the landscape of orange sand, solitary acacias and rock wash. An unexpected transition from arid and barren land to another green and fertile one announces us MARSABIT, a multi-ethnic town located in a wooded area and crossroads with Ethiopia. Night in basic hotel.

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Catholic church guest house, MARSABIT, Kenia

Catholic church guest house, MARSABIT, Kenia

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DAY 9: Journey of route that will take us to the SAMBURU COUNTRY, where the succession of landscapes, shepherds, herds and animals will animate the morning. We will enter the RESERVE SAMBURU, habitat of the Big African Five: lion, leopard, elephant, rhinoceros and buffalo. Animal life gathers around the waters of the Ewaso Nyiro River, which beautifies even more the natural landscape of the reserve. This day we will make a game drive to the late with our truck. Night in bands. DAY 10: After breakfast we will do another morning game drive in search of wildlife savage of SAMBURU, which also includes zebras, giraffes, hyenas, licaons, different antelope species and a varied representation of birds. In the afternoon we can approaching a samburu village to soak up the customs and way of life of these nomadic shepherds. Night in bands.

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Aldea Samburu, Kenia

Aldea Samburu, Kenia

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Cruce del ecuador en Nanyuki

Cruce del ecuador en Nanyuki


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