
Tanzania. Uhuru Peak. Kilimanjaro por ruta Lemosho (seis días)


Trail photos

Photo ofTanzania. Uhuru Peak. Kilimanjaro por ruta Lemosho (seis días) Photo ofTanzania. Uhuru Peak. Kilimanjaro por ruta Lemosho (seis días) Photo ofTanzania. Uhuru Peak. Kilimanjaro por ruta Lemosho (seis días)


Trail stats

39.19 mi
Elevation gain
14,954 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
17,441 ft
Max elevation
19,281 ft
99 5
Min elevation
5,363 ft
Trail type
One Way
2 days 3 hours 8 minutes
April 8, 2022
April 2022
  • Rating

  •   5 9 Reviews

near Ol Molog, Arusha (Tanzania)

Viewed 2209 times, downloaded 74 times

Trail photos

Photo ofTanzania. Uhuru Peak. Kilimanjaro por ruta Lemosho (seis días) Photo ofTanzania. Uhuru Peak. Kilimanjaro por ruta Lemosho (seis días) Photo ofTanzania. Uhuru Peak. Kilimanjaro por ruta Lemosho (seis días)

Itinerary description

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To Mari Luz. My companion so many kilometers high

Pronouncing Kilimanjaro already predisposes one to adventure.
The abundant literature and information about the different routes, the experience told to you by colleagues who have already known it, and what you yourself sense from previous experiences in other mountains, makes you outline an approximate (and quite real) idea of what What are you going to find?
We know that in the mountains (the high mountains), there are three basic elements to take into account: preparation, appropriate equipment and acclimatization. And there is a fourth that every mountaineer should never forget, and that is the key to all the challenges we face: previous experiences cannot be extrapolated.
Finally, knowing the importance of acclimatization, we traveled a few days before starting the trip to Sierra Nevada to obtain a prior adaptation. We are not wrong.
The Kilimanjaro mountain is made up of three inactive volcanoes, from lowest to highest altitude: Shira (3962 m), Mawenzi (in the Chagga language it is ancient rock) (5,149 m) and Kibo (5,895 m). Kibo (in the Chagga language it means impressive), is the youngest of the three in geological terms, and is located between both
With these premises we prepared this undertaking, consisting of taking our suffering bodies to Uhuru Peak (Liberty Peak, named after the independence of Tanzania), which is the highest point of the Kilimanjaro mountain, on the Kibo volcano. We knew the difficulty of achieving the goal. The difficulties that can appear despite having preparation, encouragement and equipment are not insignificant.
We had the wickers, now we could start making the basket.
Confident, but aware of the difficulty, we set out to do a route that would give us the opportunity to get used to the altitude, since the challenge of acclimatization is the most important one we had ahead of us. And this knowing that in previous experiences we had already gone above 5,000 without major difficulty.
For this we chose the Lemosho route to reach the summit in six days, and another two days of descent. It seemed to us the most suitable, not only to successfully complete our initiative, but also to enjoy the environment and live with the country's natives, learning some words of Swahili and Chagga, and getting to know some of their uses and customs; which is an enriching experience without a doubt.
It is worth highlighting how important both the guide Rigan and the assistant Abdullah have been for us and we want to thank them not only for their help and advice, but for having learned and known first-hand the idiosyncrasies and customs of their people. They will always be with us.

The route developed as follows:

First day.

We leave at nine (local time) from Moshi bound for Lemosho Gate.
We already had our gear prepared so after breakfast we finally left.

At 11:05 we are at Lemosho Gate to carry out the essential procedures for access to Kilimanjaro National Park (everything is weighed and checked to access the national park and every time you arrive at a camping area).
Without further ado we begin our journey. Emotion overcomes us.
We are in the middle of the jungle and the first drops of rain begin to fall.
Our team of porters begin the journey. We followed them minutes later.
We started walking from 2,100 at Lemosho Gate.
7 km. They separate us from Mti Mkubwa Camp (Big Tree) at 2650 m altitude.
The rain intensified along the route although it was never bothersome. The path, through the forest, is very entertaining. The birds swarm around us but do not show themselves. Only its trills reveal its hidden presence. We also do not see the colobus monkeys, which we hear screaming.
A gentle and enriching two-hour walk leaves us at our destination at 2:17 p.m. What costs four hours to do according to the program we do in half. Now we have to rest until tomorrow and replenish the little energy we have spent.
The feelings of the day have been positive. We are exultant and excited.

Second day

After a hearty breakfast, we begin the second stage from Mti Mkubwa to Shira I. 7 km separate us. and the forecast is 4 hours of travel.
We first do this section through a jungle area. The sun is with us, but when we reach the first ridges of the Shira Valley the clouds begin to cover the sky and the humidity is felt. We entered what they call “moorland” (literally moorland).
The Shira zone is a huge crater several kilometers in diameter, within which there are other smaller cones, in addition to Kibo.
In conversation with our guide he tells us the origin of the name Shira for this area. Shira refers, in some way, to the fury of an armed conflict. This territory is inhabited by the Chagga ethnic group, with their own language, expert farmers and with completely different traditions from the Maasai, mostly cattle ranchers. In past times, when the Maasai suffered the effects of droughts, they would direct their herds to the areas occupied by the Chagga, which was a source of conflict, since they invaded agricultural lands. These conflicts over the use of territory were what gave rise to the name Shira.
Since we started walking at 8:15, it is now when we stop to rest and have lunch. It's 10'50.
Along the route we passed from 2,650 m to 3,610 m in Shira Camp I.
We arrived at Shira camp I in just over two hours.
After intense reflection, and a conversation with the guide, we decided to do the next day's stage to Shira II on the same day. The reason was that we felt very well physically and did not feel any effects of altitude sickness. We could save time and get much closer to the objective. So, after a brief rest and after regaining our strength, we began the journey to Shira II.
We started walking at 1:40 p.m.
On our way to the camp the sky begins to clear and we see the slopes of Kibo for the first time, although its summit continues to be covered by clouds.
We arrived at Shira II at 4:30 pm.
In less than three hours we have completed the 10 km that separated us from Shira I to Shira II. Now we really start to feel the almost 4,000 m. The wind on your face is appreciated, as an aid to breathing.
When the sun disappears the cold becomes intense and we have to take refuge in the tent.
We have dinner and at 7:30 pm we are in bed summarizing the day, commenting on our feelings and taking stock of what we have done and what we have left. The mental review is intense, and although sleep is not continuous, we need it to achieve our goal.
We have hours to rest until the next day. The summary is positive and the perception of our state is very good. We agree that the days spent at the height of the Sierra Nevada have been very important for the adaptation we are undergoing.

Third day

We got up at 6:30 tired of lying down. I have slept little, but Marilú is more of a groundhog and has been able to rest.
From the moment we get up we feel like we are at 4,000 m high. Any effort is noticed.
We begin to be aware that the real effort begins from now on.
We have 10 km to Barranco Camp, and it is planned to do so in 6 hours.
Until there the path is not difficult. We applied the maxim they told us on the first day: pole pole (little by little). Without haste we began to walk.
It is a key day due to the fact of walking the 4,000 m
A little after 8 hours we headed to our first objective, which is none other than Lava Tower at 4600 m. Until there the road is less dusty than in previous days, although dust is now part of our most intimate nature.
The path runs through different volcanic flows (like enormous steps) until it reaches the Lava Tower. The view of the volcanic piton is spectacular and as we approach we realize its magnitude.
In just over three hours we have completed the distance from Shira II and, after a brief snack, we continue the path to Barranco Camp.
The path is now smooth and descending, except for some small jumps that we climbed down without difficulty. The overcast sky and the east wind make the thermal sensation very cold. The streams that come down from the melting snow of Kibo are frozen and a thin layer of dry ice falls on us. During the route we passed through a huge forest of dendrosenécios, a very resistant native plant of these high altitude moors and with an imposing appearance in some specimens. At another time we crossed a small stream coming from a waterfall.
We arrived at the camp at 2:25 p.m.; in just over two hours.
There is little hunger and, although it is difficult to eat, we have to regain strength.
It's very cold and we go to bed very early. Back to our thoughts and reflections in the privacy of the store.
We feel very well and our spirits are through the roof.
The best thing this icy wind has brought us is that it has cleared the slopes of Kibo and for the first time we see it in all its majesty. Also towards the southwest the Meru leaves us with some beautiful images.

Fourth day

The night has been very cold.
At seven we are up. The wind has died down a lot and, like last night, Kibo stands out perfectly in a splendidly blue sky.
It is striking how the sun appears and disappears in the afternoon, in a fraction of a second. It is something that since we are at such a height we observe with curiosity.
After cleaning and having breakfast, we begin our day.
After 8:15 we began the ascent of Barranco Wall.
The climb is the most important that we will find along the entire route to the top. We were warned. It is not hard, nor even dangerous. The only difficulty is that it is very vertical, and about three hundred meters long, although it must be said that it has more horizontal sections and there is always good grip and good footing. The fact that it is so long is the other problem it may have.
We do it all at once, practically without rest, except for some waits that other groups on the route force us to do and are going a little slower.
In a few minutes we reached the edge of the ravine where we surpassed 4200 m.
The south wind is intense again and you have to protect your body and hands. The sky begins to cover and the cold increases again. An intense haze makes Meru a desire more than a vision. Moshi and Mweka, which could be seen from this height this morning, are now missing under a sea of clouds.
From now on, until reaching Karanga Camp, the path is a succession of ups and downs through a field of lava flows, with a slight descent, between 4100/4000 m.
The road is again alternately dusty, and between ashes and scree, which does not make it easy to walk, especially in the steeper sections. Although it becomes unpleasant to walk, it is not difficult.
The small valleys and streams that run transversally, and that separate the steps from the lava flows along the way, come from the melting of the ice on the summit. The torrents do not entail any additional difficulty when wading through them.
Without any further problems we arrived at our destination at 12:20 in the morning, and although the day has not been very physically intense, it is time to rest and take shelter from the wind. Today there is appetite and thirst.
At 6:00 p.m. we are already retired to our store, returning to comment on the day's work, and the preceding ones.
Today we have the feeling of having completed an authentic mountain stage. Until now the route had been more of a purely hiking type (through jungle, savanna and high mountains), although the altitude complicated the walk due to the difficulty of breathing, making it somewhat more demanding. Even so, we are lucky that it hasn't rained on us, except for the first day in the jungle (only an hour, with a light rain).
We have good vibes again and the confidence that we can achieve it becomes more and more real.

Fifth day

Today we woke up very early despite the fact that the day is very short, thinking about arriving early and resting as much as possible to attack the summit with a chance of success. At 6:30 we are up.
With the restlessness inherent to the scenario presented to us, we have slept little.
We had breakfast.
Only 4 km separate us from Barafu Hut, where, in anticipation of the last effort, we will rest at almost 5000 m.
We set off at 8:30, starting immediately with a climb up a steep path. A path without any difficulty that in about 45 minutes leaves us on a small hill. Ten minutes later, another steeper climb places us on another higher step, approaching the wall leading to the Barafu Hut pass.
The wind is light, which is appreciated. We are in what they call the alpine desert. The vegetation is completely gone.
After walking a dusty road, without complications, we reach the final escarpment that will leave us at the camp.
Without any difficulty we are overcoming the different detours that we have to make through the rock to arrive, at 10:57, at Barafu Hut (ice camp), although for years it has not lived up to its name. Climate change is evident.
The wind is gusty and very cold, but when the sun stops it is scorching.
The only thing we appreciate are the everlasting white-collared crows, which we have seen throughout our tour from the first day. This is where there is the most.
The camp is inside a side crater of Kibo, or a subsidence of part of its southern slope.
Looking around us we see the path that we will follow at dawn, and that along the slope will lead us to Stella Point.
The sky becomes overcast and we have to take shelter despite our warm clothes.
We hope that with the arrival of the afternoon the sky will clear, the wind will cease and the high clouds will disappear so we can see the slope of Kibo and the other great mountain: Mawenzi.
After a copious dinner, and despite not feeling tired, we are forced to rest and accumulate strength. We are very close to the last effort, and although restlessness does not allow us to sleep, it is mandatory due to the wind and cold.
Finally the sky is clearing as we expected, and the full moon appears over the Mawenzi.
At 11 p.m. we got up to start the climb.
After getting equipped we had a light snack.
The inside of the tent is covered in frost from perspiration. The night is very cold.

Sixth day

At 0'05 we started to climb.
It is an added luck to have a full moon. The light from our headlamps would be enough, but we would not see the perfect contours that are defined by the reflection of the moon. The Mawenzi seems like a witness to our march. The moon is the eye of Polyphemus that watches over us.
The path is made of loose gravel and stones, with different alignments of rocks that have to be climbed, when we cannot avoid them. The cold is intensified by the small gusts of wind that sometimes appear. Ice also falls on us at intervals.
The last 500 m, until reaching Stella Point, are even more vertical and, although the path is not much worse, breathing becomes harder with the effort, and combined with the wind it is devastating. It takes a long time and it seems like you never get there. Pole pole, is our mantra. Pole pole,..., pole pole.
At 4:50 we arrived at Stella Point. The first lights of day appear on the curved horizon (the Earth is definitely NOT flat). With the cold the camera freezes on the first photo. There is no time to waste and we continue walking west in search of our destination.
It will still take us 40 minutes to travel the little more than a kilometer that remains to Uhuru.
As if it were a great fire after Mawenzi, the light of dawn defines its silhouette and quickly illuminates the path.
The cold is so unbearable that not even the hot water in the thermos has resisted freezing.
The image of the mountaineers heading to the summit reminds me of the comical walk of penguins: in a row, with short, syncopated steps. It's hard to breathe.
To our right we see the enormous Kibo caldera and the central crater with some ice patches.
To our left are the remains of the glacier, greatly reduced by the rise in temperatures, but the high walls that still stand are still impressive.
In front, and in the distance, the moon is the lighthouse that shows us the direction. It continues to be the guide that shows us the way to Uhuru.
The path is now flat, and after a few brief stops to immortalize the moment, we arrive at our destination.
We melted into a hug.
Joy overflows us.
We have achieved it.
We remind the family that they will be looking forward to knowing the outcome. To the friends who have accompanied us on our journey. To those we love and who left our side.
The morning light illuminates everything. Only the shadow of Kibo looms long over the sea of clouds to the West.
The stay seemed brief to us, but after almost an hour at the top we headed back.
The descent is now rapid.
After returning to Stella Point on our steps, the descent is now through a field of slag and ashes. Dizzyingly, in less than two hours we are back at the camp.
After a brief rest and regaining our strength we made the decision to return to Moshi that same day. That is to say; do two stages again on the same day. We find ourselves with strength and although it will be a total of just over 27 km that we will do this day, the desire for rest and personal hygiene is more powerful than staying one more day on the road.
At 8:55 we set off again.
The descent is no longer an effort and as we go down we see the clear summit from where we came. Our prize is also rewarded by a splendid day and a sun that we were not used to. What the weather had previously deprived us of, it now more than compensates us for.
We are leaving the alpine desert behind so that, when at 12:05 we have reached High Camp (3950 m), we are in what is called “moorland”: A moorland with bushy vegetation and sometimes tree-like. This is where we rest and have a comforting lunch to continue the journey.
The walk is difficult now because it runs between the different volcanic flows, which form an innumerable number of ridges, like enormous steps, which are very complicated to go down, and which in the flatter sections are full of dusty earth. Sometimes the path is bounded by stones and logs in a regulated section. It is a real leg-breaker that is difficult to cross after so many days of crossing, and at this point in the day, after the effort we just made a few hours ago.
The vegetation changes as we approach Mweka Camp (3100 m). Again we make a brief stop to rest.
We are gradually entering the humid forest of Kilimanjaro National Park. We are under the sea of clouds that we saw a few hours ago and that covers the entire forest. The humidity is felt, to the point that it starts to rain. The vegetation becomes lush.
Until you reach Mweka Gate the path is long but very comfortable. It's like walking through a gigantic botanical garden. A humid forest of very varied species, with tree ferns that transport us to primitive worlds. It is a well-deserved walk contemplating the countless native plant species. Although the rain can be annoying, we don't care.
We are happy with what we have achieved.

Mari Luz is the perfect companion for any adventure.
He always has an opinion.
He knows how important silences are many times.
He always has a word of support when "the hill" gets steep.
For her there is no discouragement.
His strength is extraordinary.
His life experience is an example for me and for everyone.
Thanks to her, the route and the experience have been unsurpassed.
Without her nothing would have been the same.
Thank you so much.

We hope that our experience will be of help to those of you who intend to do this summit. It is not difficult nor does it require additional technical resources.
It's worth doing it. It is an unforgettable experience.

We are not going to give you advice on what to bring, or how to prepare. Just to say that any person with good preparation, in good physical condition, with appropriate equipment for high mountains and without an age limit, can if they want.
We encourage you and hope you enjoy it as much as we have.

If anyone needs any type of help or information, do not hesitate to ask us. It will be a pleasure to be of help to anyone who may need it.


PictographOvernight Altitude 15,159 ft
Photo ofBarafu Hut Camp Photo ofBarafu Hut Camp Photo ofBarafu Hut Camp

Barafu Hut Camp

Último campamento antes del ataque a la cumbre.

PictographOvernight Altitude 14,340 ft
Photo ofBarranco Camp Photo ofBarranco Camp Photo ofBarranco Camp

Barranco Camp

Final de la tercera etapa de la ruta.

PictographIntersection Altitude 11,708 ft
Photo ofCruce al Pico Moir Photo ofCruce al Pico Moir Photo ofCruce al Pico Moir

Cruce al Pico Moir

Ruta al campamento Shira II

PictographIntersection Altitude 11,935 ft
Photo ofCruce al pico Shira Photo ofCruce al pico Shira

Cruce al pico Shira

Cruce de rutas.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 18,275 ft

Descenso por el canchal

PictographWaypoint Altitude 19,223 ft
Photo ofGlaciar Photo ofGlaciar Photo ofGlaciar


Camino a Uhuru Peak.

PictographPicnic Altitude 12,487 ft
Photo ofHigth Camp Photo ofHigth Camp Photo ofHigth Camp

Higth Camp

Área de descanso en el descenso.

PictographOvernight Altitude 13,195 ft
Photo ofKaranga Camp (Campamento cacahuete) Photo ofKaranga Camp (Campamento cacahuete) Photo ofKaranga Camp (Campamento cacahuete)

Karanga Camp (Campamento cacahuete)

Final de la cuarta etapa.

PictographMountain pass Altitude 14,725 ft
Photo ofLava Tower Photo ofLava Tower Photo ofLava Tower

Lava Tower

Área de descanso en dirección a Barranco Camp.

PictographDoor Altitude 7,851 ft
Photo ofLemosho Gate Photo ofLemosho Gate Photo ofLemosho Gate

Lemosho Gate

Punto de partida de la ruta.

PictographOvernight Altitude 9,139 ft
Photo ofMti Mkubwa Camp (Campamento Árbol Grande) Photo ofMti Mkubwa Camp (Campamento Árbol Grande) Photo ofMti Mkubwa Camp (Campamento Árbol Grande)

Mti Mkubwa Camp (Campamento Árbol Grande)

Primer campamento.

PictographPicnic Altitude 10,083 ft
Photo ofMweka Camp Photo ofMweka Camp Photo ofMweka Camp

Mweka Camp

Segundo área de descanso hasta la salida.

PictographDoor Altitude 5,364 ft
Photo ofMweka Gate Photo ofMweka Gate

Mweka Gate

Final de la ruta.

PictographPark Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofSelva del Parque Nacional Monte Kilimanjaro Photo ofSelva del Parque Nacional Monte Kilimanjaro Photo ofSelva del Parque Nacional Monte Kilimanjaro

Selva del Parque Nacional Monte Kilimanjaro

La ruta discurre por un impresionante bosque húmedo

PictographPicnic Altitude 11,464 ft
Photo ofShira I Camp Photo ofShira I Camp Photo ofShira I Camp

Shira I Camp

Área de descanso.

PictographOvernight Altitude 12,770 ft
Photo ofShira II Camp Photo ofShira II Camp Photo ofShira II Camp

Shira II Camp

Final de la segunda etapa.

PictographMountain pass Altitude 18,800 ft
Photo ofStella Point Photo ofStella Point

Stella Point

Arrival at the rim of the crater. At this point other routes converge. From now on there is only a gentle slope to the peak.

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 14,301 ft
Photo ofSubida a Lava Tower Photo ofSubida a Lava Tower Photo ofSubida a Lava Tower

Subida a Lava Tower

Camino que lleva hasta el final de la tercera etapa.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 14,931 ft
Photo ofCamino y trepada a Barafu Hut (Campamento de hielo) Photo ofCamino y trepada a Barafu Hut (Campamento de hielo) Photo ofCamino y trepada a Barafu Hut (Campamento de hielo)

Camino y trepada a Barafu Hut (Campamento de hielo)

Section of the road that takes us to the camp at the base of Kibo, with a small bump or slight climb.

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 13,714 ft
Photo ofTrepada de Barranco Wall Photo ofTrepada de Barranco Wall Photo ofTrepada de Barranco Wall

Trepada de Barranco Wall

Pequeña trepada sin mayor dificultad.

PictographSummit Altitude 19,258 ft


Uhuru Peak (Freedom Peak), named after the independence of Tanzania.

Show original
PictographMountain pass Altitude 10,188 ft
Photo ofÁrea de descanso Antes de Shira I Photo ofÁrea de descanso Antes de Shira I Photo ofÁrea de descanso Antes de Shira I

Área de descanso Antes de Shira I

Salida del bosque.

Comments  (39)

  • Photo of Malpaso
    Malpaso Apr 9, 2022

    Paco, no tengo palabras para decirte lo impresionado que estoy tras leer tu descripción de la ruta. A pesar de que ya me lo habías contado, creo que hasta después de leerte, no me había hecho una idea de la dimensión de esta montaña y la aventura que conlleva ya desde la aproximación. Tiene que haber sido algo realmente emocionante; una de esas experiencias de la vida que nos dejan su huella para siempre.

    Me alegra mucho que hayas cumplido tu sueño y desde la envidia más sana, siento mucho, muchísimo, no haber sido capaz de estar ahí contigo.

    Eres el orgullo de todos.
    Un gran abrazo.

  • Photo of Prz.Snchz
    Prz.Snchz Apr 9, 2022

    Titooo a ver cuando me llevas a descubrir esos sitios 😉😉

  • Photo of Paco Félix
    Paco Félix Apr 9, 2022

    Muchas gracias Joaquín. Habría sido un lujo poder tenerte a mi lado y poder abrazarme contigo en la cumbre.
    Lo sabes.
    Siempre digo que lo escribo como lo siento, aunque muchas veces intento contenerme. En ocasiones la emoción casi puede sobreponerse , pero intento ser lo más ecuánime en mis descripciones.
    Gracias amigo.

  • Photo of Paco Félix
    Paco Félix Apr 9, 2022

    Hola Pablo. Cuando tengas vacaciones nos preparamos una de estas que hacen afición.
    Ya sabes que con vosotros al fin del mundo.
    Muchos abrazos.

  • mariluegi Apr 9, 2022

    He de decir qué este gran montañero,y mejor persona,ha hecho un trabajo extraordinario y una descripción perfecta de esta ruta.
    Ha sido un honor para mí compartirla con el.
    Estará en nuestra retina, y en nuestro corazón para siempre.
    Estoy contenta y orgullosa de haberla hecho,y con quién la he hecho.
    Un beso y un abrazote a mi (waiki)

  • mariluegi Apr 9, 2022

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Hace falta estar un poco rodado.
    Y tener claro que hay que aclimatarse,para no sufrir el mal de altura.
    Por lo demas con un poco de sacrificio se puede.

  • Photo of Paco Félix
    Paco Félix Apr 9, 2022

    Muchas gracias Marilú.
    Tú si que eres grande.
    Nos quedan aún muchos ratos de montaña para compartir.

  • Photo of Gabi Londo
    Gabi Londo Apr 10, 2022

    es muy impresionante la ruta que te has marcado con mariluegi, felicidades a los dos.
    Además te agradezco que compartas los detalles y fotos, que nos sirven para soñar si algún día....
    Desde Murcia vivíamos con emoción, y con envidia también, vuestra aventura.
    A ver si en la próxima que detalles puedo acompañarte.
    Un abrazo a los dos protagonistas.

  • Photo of Malpaso
    Malpaso Apr 10, 2022

    Mariluegi, perdona que con la emoción de la descripción de Paco, se me ha pasado el felicitarte a ti. Muchísimas felicidades por este logro tan importante y espero que podamos conocernos pronto.

  • Photo of Paco Félix
    Paco Félix Apr 10, 2022

    Gracias Gabi.
    Tenemos pendientes muchas y buenas rutas soñadas, que con el tiempo se harán realidad.

  • Photo of Gabi Londo
    Gabi Londo Apr 10, 2022

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Claro que sí Paco. Seguimos soñando y haciendo lo que podemos.

  • Photo of torreguil
    torreguil Apr 10, 2022

    Enhorabuena a los dos por la ascensión a esta mítica montaña. Muchas gracias Paco por compartirla.

  • Photo of Paco Félix
    Paco Félix Apr 10, 2022

    Muchas gracias Carlos por tu valoración.
    Tenemos pendiente hacer juntos algunos sueños, y será un placer poder acompañarte.
    Un abrazote.

  • mariluegi Apr 10, 2022

    Muchas gracias a todos amigos de Paco.
    El hecho de ser amigos de él ,hace que os sienta mis amigos.
    Cualquier dia nos conocemos y organizamos una de

  • Photo of chispas
    chispas Apr 12, 2022

    Enhorabuena a los dos!!! Tremendos montañeros!! Paco, me he visto todo el camino con vosotros, sintiendo cada etapa de esta emocionante ascensión... Muchas gracias por dejarnos vivir desde aquí vuestra maravillosa aventura 😃👏😘😘😘

  • Photo of Paco Félix
    Paco Félix Apr 12, 2022

    Muchas gracias Chispas.
    Agradezco mucho tus palabras porque que vienen de una excelente montañera y mejor persona. Ojalá algún día conozcas a Marilú. Es una guerrillera como tú.
    Tengo ganas de veros pronto a ti y a los "joaquines".
    Muchos besos.

  • mariluegi Apr 12, 2022

    Áupa chispas!!!
    Cualquier dia nos vemos por alguna cima.
    Que la prepare el escritor,montañero y allá vamos.....
    Muchas gracias .👍🤗

  • Photo of Pelchas
    Pelchas Apr 12, 2022

    Bueno tengo que decir, que leyendo la magnifica descripción me he emocionado como "los monos colobo", precioso la exposición del rutón, mi enhorabuena para tu fenomenal compañera Mari Luz y para ti habéis formado una estupendo equipo, estas experiencia os acompañara toda la vida. Un abrazo campeones.

  • Photo of chispas
    chispas Apr 13, 2022

    Chicos, nosotros también deseando veros a tod@s!! Espero que Mari Luz (Mariluegi) se apunte a la próxima quedada... Y que sea YA!!!! 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️

  • Photo of Paco Félix
    Paco Félix Apr 13, 2022

    Muchísimas gracias Jose.
    Esta ruta también la habría disfrutado tu mujer por tantos animales que hay.

  • Photo of Pedrojmros
    Pedrojmros Apr 21, 2022

    Menuda envidia me corroe...a ver si me hago mayor pronto, casi tan joven como tu, y la hago yo también... un saludo y un fuerte abrazo Paco

  • Photo of Pedrojmros
    Pedrojmros Apr 21, 2022

    El próximo sábado 23, vamos a quitar un árbol caído sobre del acueducto escondido.... no es lo mismo pero casi...Un saludo nuevamente

  • Photo of Paco Félix
    Paco Félix Apr 22, 2022

    Muchísimas gracias Perico. Tenemos pendientes algunas correrías. A ver si podemos hacerlas pronto.
    Ya quisiera tener tu edad. No tengas prisa.
    Un abrazote amigo.

  • Photo of gust_e
    gust_e May 6, 2022

    Hola Paco, pienso ir en Junio, me puedes decir como organizaste la expedición?
    Con respecto a guía etc, directamente allí o en España?
    Muy claro e instructivo tu aporte.
    Saludos cordiales

  • Photo of Paco Félix
    Paco Félix May 13, 2022

    Hola gust_e
    Muchas gracias por tu comentario.
    Te he enviado un privado.
    Un saludo.

  • Photo of ANGELVICTOR
    ANGELVICTOR Jun 16, 2022

    Hola, tengo pensado ir este año he estado leyendo vuestra aventura. Gracias por compartirla y enhorabuena por lo muy bien que escribes...da gusto leerlo.
    Un saludo

  • Photo of Paco Félix
    Paco Félix Jun 24, 2022

    Muchas gracias ANGELVICTOR.
    Ahora mismo debe estar allí gust-e que tambien me escribió, y espero que la esté disfrutando tanto como nosotros.
    Si necesitas alguna información adicional no dudes en pedirla.

  • anaanaycar36 Mar 16, 2023

    Hola Paco
    Lo primero muchas gracias por compartir esta preciosa ruta,tus palabras me han transportado a la misma cima....
    Estamos pensando en hacer esta ruta para el mes de julio,me puedes decir cómo contrataste la ruta???
    Estoy perdida totalmente,no sé como organizarlo,si me pudieses ayudar.....
    Muchas gracias ,un abrazo


  • anaanaycar36 Mar 16, 2023

    Preciosa descripción de la por tus palabras

  • Photo of Paco Félix
    Paco Félix Mar 17, 2023

    Hola anaaycar36.
    Gracias por tu valoración. Si me das un correo o teléfono te lo cuento de pe a pa.

  • Photo of Paco Félix
    Paco Félix Mar 17, 2023

    anaanaycar36 si habilitas los mensajes privados te podré contestar.

  • anaanaycar36 Mar 18, 2023

    Gracias Paco,te dejo mi email.

  • anaanaycar36 Mar 18, 2023


  • Photo of Paco Félix
    Paco Félix Mar 18, 2023

    Está incompleto. Habilitas los mensajes privados, es lo mejor.

  • anaanaycar36 Mar 18, 2023

    Como lo habilitó?

  • Photo of Paco Félix
    Paco Félix Mar 18, 2023

    Ve a configuración, y en ajustes de privacidad.

  • Photo of MartaH.F
    MartaH.F Mar 30, 2023

    Buenas! Podrías decirme cuánto os ha costado y cómo habéis contratado el guía? Es obligatorio hacerlo con porteadores? Gracias.

  • Photo of Paco Félix
    Paco Félix Mar 30, 2023

    Hola Rachi747.
    Tienes dos opciones: contratar con una agencia de aquí, que te ofrecerá un paquete cerrado de un mayorista de Tanzania; o bien una vez allí contratar con una agencia tanzana.
    No es obligatorio contratar guía, ni porteadores (al menos cuando estuvimos nosotros), pero ten en cuenta que: desplazamientos, tiendas para dormir, comida, agua para el aseo o beber, infraestructura para rescate (en caso de necesitarlo) es difícil que puedas llevarlo todo por tí mismo. También tienes que pagar por entrar a los parques nacionales y la burocracia no es fácil.
    Para una primera vez yo te aconsejaría contratar aquí, y así tienes la certeza de que todo está asegurado.
    En cuanto al precio fueron unos 2.000 euros (con vuelos ida/vuelta), los 10 días todo incluido: desplazamientos, permisos, guías, porteadores, comidas, asistencias. Tienes que sumarle las propinas que tienes que dar a los guías/porteadores (unos 60 euros por persona).
    Estaban saliendo de la pandemia y todo fue bastante económico.
    Espero haberte aclarado algo. Si tienes alguna duda pregunta sin problemas.
    Es una experiencia muy bonita y enriquecedora.
    Un saludo.

  • Photo of MartaH.F
    MartaH.F Mar 30, 2023

    A mí lo de llevar porteadores me da bastante vergüenza. Yo subo con lo que necesito en mi mochila o no subo. Lo de llevar guía aún lo puedo aceptar, pero porteadores ni de coña jajaja. Muchas gracias!

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