
Subida al Kilimanjaro: Presentación todos los Track 2019-08-15 11:36


Trail photos

Photo ofSubida al Kilimanjaro: Presentación todos los Track 2019-08-15 11:36 Photo ofSubida al Kilimanjaro: Presentación todos los Track 2019-08-15 11:36 Photo ofSubida al Kilimanjaro: Presentación todos los Track 2019-08-15 11:36


Trail stats

27.93 mi
Elevation gain
16,870 ft
Technical difficulty
Very difficult
Elevation loss
8,189 ft
Max elevation
19,340 ft
Min elevation
5,917 ft
Trail type
One Way
3 days 22 hours 11 minutes
August 24, 2019
August 2019
Be the first to clap

near Barangata, Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)

Viewed 321 times, downloaded 4 times

Trail photos

Photo ofSubida al Kilimanjaro: Presentación todos los Track 2019-08-15 11:36 Photo ofSubida al Kilimanjaro: Presentación todos los Track 2019-08-15 11:36 Photo ofSubida al Kilimanjaro: Presentación todos los Track 2019-08-15 11:36

Itinerary description

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Start Time: 08/15/2019 10:37
End Time: 08/19/2019 08:48
Distance traveled: 42.1 km (37:32)
Time in movement: 19:25
Average speed: 1.12 km / h
Vel. in Mov .: 2,17 km / h
Maximum speed: 10.48 km / h
Minimum Height: 1803 m
Maximum Height: 5894 m
Ascent Speed: 388.1 m / h
Descent Speed: -408.5 m / h
Altitude gain: 8756 m
Altitude Loss: -5866 m
Ascent Time: 22:33
Descent Time: 14:21

Ascension to Kilimanjaro (5895m): Machame Route.
On the 15th to the 20th, in the company of Alex, Manel and Ainoha, and 16 Tanzanian porters (John, Mandey ...), the ascent to the Kilimanjaro mountain (5895m), which due to its altitude is considered the roof of Africa .
It is a generally conical stratovolcano located in northeastern Tanzania, formed by three inactive volcanoes: the Shira, in the west, 3962 m high; the Mawenzi to the east, 5149 m and the Kibo, the most recent from the geological point of view, located between them and whose peak, the Uhuru, rises to 5891.8 m and is the highest point in Africa. In addition to this fact, the Kilimanjaro is known for the famous ice fields of its summit, which are being drastically reduced since the early twentieth century and are estimated to disappear completely between 2020 and 2050, and as we have seen in if you.
The ascent has begun at the Puerta de Machame 1800 m, to end in a long journey of six days at the summit of Uhru 5891.8m which has allowed us to contemplate the variety of ecosystems that occur therein.
The lowlands or lowlands, associated approximately with the plains that surround Kilimanjaro, are between 800 and 1600 m of altitude. The weather is very warm and dry. It is an open environment where fire, often unleashed and controlled by the Masai shepherds, plays a leading role. The vegetation consists mainly of savannas.
The tropical forest, located approximately between 1600 and 2700 m of altitude, are vulnerable to human activity, which are responsible for a perceptible extinction of large mammal species.
As we rise in altitude we go from the dry forest that has been almost completely replaced by irrigated crops, to the rainwater located south and east of the volcano with its typical vegetation. Continuing we enter the forest of fog and cloud forest. Between 2800 and 4000 m is the alpine area with its typical tree heather. Between 4000m and 5000m we find the afroalpine with its typical lobelia. And above 5000m the snowy area.
I want to express my deepest respect to the Tanzanian porters since without their sacrifice this adventure would not have been possible, and especially to Mandey who helped me in the final ascent to the top of the Uhuru when the very severe “altitude sickness” affected me . My thanks to my colleagues for their friendship.
Technically there are many routes with final ascent to the Uhru, in one of the photographs I show all the possibilities. We have made the so-called Machame characterized by the fact that it is harder and is done in a tent, and because it seems that one acclimates better at altitude, which has not been my case. This is very interesting since it is circular and borders the entire Kilimanjaro park: it starts at the Machame Gate at 1800m to continue through Machame Camp at 3,100m high, and continues through Shira camp at 3840m to go to Barrarnco camp 3976m after pass by Lava Tower at about 4600m. Continue with the final ascent to the base camp of Barafu camp at 4630m, from where we make the final ascent to Uhru 5891.8m. Once reached the top we descend to Mweka camp 3068m and from here to Mweka Gate 1640m where we conclude our adventure. In total 6 days of route with just over 63 km. Here I only show the tracks that take us from the door of Machame to the top of the Uhru and descent to the base camp of Barafu. I do not show the other two tracks that show us the descent to the Mweka gate end of our adventure. The figure of the complete 6-day expedition can be seen in the location map of photograph 2.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,917 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 9,878 ft


Nombre: Segment 1

Hora Inicio: 08/15/2019 11:37
Hora Fin: 08/15/2019 16:44
Distancia recorrida: 9,2km (05:07)
Tiempo en movimiento: 03:04
Velocidad media: 1,8 km/h
Vel. en Mov.: 2,92 km/h
Velocidad Máxima: 10,48 km/h
Altura Mínima: 1803 m
Altura Máxima: 3011 m
Velocidad Ascenso: 1079,9 m/h
Velocidad Descenso: -2129,3 m/h
Ganancia Altitud: 3079 m
Pérdida Altitud: -1753 m
Tiempo Ascenso: 02:51
Tiempo Descenso: 00:49

PictographWaypoint Altitude 9,910 ft


Nombre: Segment 1

Hora Inicio: 08/15/2019 11:37
Hora Fin: 08/15/2019 16:54
Distancia recorrida: 9,3km (05:17)
Tiempo en movimiento: 03:14
Velocidad media: 1,75 km/h
Vel. en Mov.: 2,86 km/h
Velocidad Máxima: 10,48 km/h
Altura Mínima: 1803 m
Altura Máxima: 3033 m
Velocidad Ascenso: 824 m/h
Velocidad Descenso: -597,8 m/h
Ganancia Altitud: 2445 m
Pérdida Altitud: -1251 m
Tiempo Ascenso: 02:58
Tiempo Descenso: 02:05

PictographWaypoint Altitude 9,933 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 12,604 ft


Nombre: Segment 1

Hora Inicio: 08/16/2019 08:30
Hora Fin: 08/16/2019 12:48
Distancia recorrida: 4,6km (04:17)
Tiempo en movimiento: 01:16
Velocidad media: 1,06 km/h
Vel. en Mov.: 3,47 km/h
Velocidad Máxima: 7,24 km/h
Altura Mínima: 3022 m
Altura Máxima: 3899 m
Velocidad Ascenso: 388,3 m/h
Velocidad Descenso: -612,6 m/h
Ganancia Altitud: 1335 m
Pérdida Altitud: -521 m
Tiempo Ascenso: 03:26
Tiempo Descenso: 00:51

PictographWaypoint Altitude 12,655 ft


Nombre: Segment 1

Hora Inicio: 08/16/2019 08:30
Hora Fin: 08/16/2019 18:35
Distancia recorrida: 6,8km (10:04)
Tiempo en movimiento: 06:41
Velocidad media: 0,68 km/h
Vel. en Mov.: 1,02 km/h
Velocidad Máxima: 7,26 km/h
Altura Mínima: 3022 m
Altura Máxima: 4063 m
Velocidad Ascenso: 396,5 m/h
Velocidad Descenso: -470,7 m/h
Ganancia Altitud: 1530 m
Pérdida Altitud: -727 m
Tiempo Ascenso: 03:51
Tiempo Descenso: 01:32

PictographWaypoint Altitude 12,528 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 13,127 ft


Nombre: Segment 1

Hora Inicio: 08/17/2019 08:35
Hora Fin: 08/17/2019 14:42
Distancia recorrida: 9,5km (06:07)
Tiempo en movimiento: 02:48
Velocidad media: 1,56 km/h
Vel. en Mov.: 3,38 km/h
Velocidad Máxima: 5,92 km/h
Altura Mínima: 3818 m
Altura Máxima: 4639 m
Velocidad Ascenso: 483,2 m/h
Velocidad Descenso: -752,6 m/h
Ganancia Altitud: 1863 m
Pérdida Altitud: -1680 m
Tiempo Ascenso: 03:51
Tiempo Descenso: 02:13

PictographWaypoint Altitude 13,037 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 15,319 ft


Nombre: Segment 1

Hora Inicio: 08/18/2019 07:20
Hora Fin: 08/18/2019 14:36
Distancia recorrida: 7,8km (07:15)
Tiempo en movimiento: 02:43
Velocidad media: 1,07 km/h
Vel. en Mov.: 2,58 km/h
Velocidad Máxima: 4,7 km/h
Altura Mínima: 3929 m
Altura Máxima: 4669 m
Velocidad Ascenso: 251,7 m/h
Velocidad Descenso: -438,4 m/h
Ganancia Altitud: 1405 m
Pérdida Altitud: -709 m
Tiempo Ascenso: 05:35
Tiempo Descenso: 01:37

PictographWaypoint Altitude 15,247 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 15,349 ft


Nombre: Segment 1

Hora Inicio: 08/19/2019 01:01
Hora Fin: 08/19/2019 09:48
Distancia recorrida: 8,7km (08:47)
Tiempo en movimiento: 03:37
Velocidad media: 0,99 km/h
Vel. en Mov.: 2,38 km/h
Velocidad Máxima: 6,21 km/h
Altura Mínima: 4647 m
Altura Máxima: 5894 m
Velocidad Ascenso: 329,9 m/h
Velocidad Descenso: -566,5 m/h
Ganancia Altitud: 1766 m
Pérdida Altitud: -1788 m
Tiempo Ascenso: 05:21
Tiempo Descenso: 03:09

Comments  (2)

  • Photo of alfonso r. r
    alfonso r. r Sep 16, 2019

    ¡¡ Enhorabuena !! Eres un Crack

  • Photo of jjsierra
    jjsierra Sep 17, 2019

    Muchas gracias, la parte final no me fue fácil.

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