
Shira Camp to Baranco Camp


Trail photos

Photo ofShira Camp to Baranco Camp Photo ofShira Camp to Baranco Camp Photo ofShira Camp to Baranco Camp


Trail stats

6.29 mi
Elevation gain
2,654 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,185 ft
Max elevation
15,204 ft
Min elevation
12,577 ft
Trail type
One Way
April 4, 2019
Be the first to clap

near Barangata, Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)

Viewed 140 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo ofShira Camp to Baranco Camp Photo ofShira Camp to Baranco Camp Photo ofShira Camp to Baranco Camp

Itinerary description

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A day of rising and falling. After the usual abundant breakfast we started a long climb that will take us up to about 4,600 meters to Lava Tower and then start a steep descent first, a little farther down to Baranco Camp.

The idea is to take a break from Lava Tower for an hour or two to get your body used to altitude and then to a lower altitude to sleep.

With a few miles on the legs of this day and the days before it must be recognized that the last meters of the climb to Lava Tower are noticeable. Noteworthy is also the immediate descent that left the quadriceps a little shaken.

We are already in the alpine wilderness zone, with a rocky and arid landscape that becomes a little softer as we approach the 3,900 meter Baranco Camp.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 12,578 ft

Shira Camp

PictographWaypoint Altitude 15,200 ft

Lava Tower

PictographWaypoint Altitude 13,037 ft

Baranco Camp


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