
Pico Vihren P.N. de Pirin


Trail photos

Photo ofPico Vihren P.N. de Pirin Photo ofPico Vihren P.N. de Pirin Photo ofPico Vihren P.N. de Pirin


Trail stats

6.41 mi
Elevation gain
3,186 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3,123 ft
Max elevation
9,522 ft
Min elevation
6,404 ft
Trail type
One Way
6 hours 3 minutes
August 30, 2017
August 2017
Be the first to clap

near Bansko, Област Благоевград (България)

Viewed 559 times, downloaded 23 times

Trail photos

Photo ofPico Vihren P.N. de Pirin Photo ofPico Vihren P.N. de Pirin Photo ofPico Vihren P.N. de Pirin

Itinerary description

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Name: Vihren Peak PN of Pirin

Date: 08/22/2017

Distance covered: 10.3km (06:03)

Moving time: 02:40

Minimum Height: 1951m

Maximum Height: 2902m

Altitude gain: 1036m

Altitude loss: -1012m

Ascension by the S from the Vihren Refuge at 2000m. From the refuge, we follow the red route until we reach Collado Kabata. At this point the geology of the terrain changes from being granitic to limestone-marble. We turn to the N to face the hard zig-zag that takes us to the summit.
We descend in a northerly direction through the steep pass of the horse or Koncheto route. We continue through this area where there is a chain installed, up to the trough. We left the route koncheto and continue on the path to the right, which after crossing the glacier cirque and several waterfalls lead us back to the Vihren refuge.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,407 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,484 ft


Nombre: Segment 1

Hora Inicio: 08/22/2017 10:05

Hora Fin: 08/22/2017 16:09

Distancia recorrida: 10,3km (06:03)

Tiempo en movimiento: 02:40

Velocidad media: 1,7km/h

Vel. en Mov.: 3,8km/h

Velocidad Máxima: 20,6km/h

Altura Mínima: 1951m

Altura Máxima: 2902m

Velocidad Ascenso: 313,7m/h

Velocidad Descenso: -382,5m/h

Ganancia Altitud: 1036m

Pérdida Altitud: -1012m

Tiempo Ascenso: 03:18

Tiempo Descenso: 02:38

Name: Segment 1

Start Time: 08/22/2017 10:05

End Time: 08/22/2017 16:09

Distance covered: 10.3km (06:03)

Moving time: 02:40

Average speed: 1.7km / h

Vel. in Mov .: 3.8km / h

Maximum speed: 20.6km / h

Minimum Height: 1951m

Maximum Height: 2902m

Ascent Speed: 313,7m / h

Descent Speed: -382.5m / h

Altitude gain: 1036m

Altitude loss: -1012m

Ascent Time: 03:18

Descending Time: 02:38

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