
Monte Kilimanjaro Ruta Marangu ( Coca-Cola ) entera : BTT Monte Kilimanjaro


Trail photos

Photo ofMonte Kilimanjaro Ruta Marangu ( Coca-Cola ) entera : BTT Monte Kilimanjaro Photo ofMonte Kilimanjaro Ruta Marangu ( Coca-Cola ) entera : BTT Monte Kilimanjaro Photo ofMonte Kilimanjaro Ruta Marangu ( Coca-Cola ) entera : BTT Monte Kilimanjaro


Trail stats

42.88 mi
Elevation gain
16,030 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
16,030 ft
Max elevation
19,278 ft
Min elevation
6,527 ft
Trail type
4 days 4 hours
November 23, 2017
November 2017
Be the first to clap

near Ghombon, Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)

Viewed 732 times, downloaded 6 times

Trail photos

Photo ofMonte Kilimanjaro Ruta Marangu ( Coca-Cola ) entera : BTT Monte Kilimanjaro Photo ofMonte Kilimanjaro Ruta Marangu ( Coca-Cola ) entera : BTT Monte Kilimanjaro Photo ofMonte Kilimanjaro Ruta Marangu ( Coca-Cola ) entera : BTT Monte Kilimanjaro

Itinerary description

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The first day we started at the Kilema gate (2000 Mts) and along the evacuation track we connected two days walking to the refuge of Horombo (3720 Mts). In total 14.7 km and 1727 meters of altitude difference.
The second day was acclimatization, the intention was to climb to the base of Mount Mawenzi (4530 Mts) to go down to sleep at the Horombo shelter. When leaving the whole day raining we did in two times 7.3 Km and 503 Mts of unevenness.
The third day we left Horombo refuge (3720 Mts) to climb the refuge of Kibo (4720 Mts) in total 9.6 km and 973 Mts of altitude.
The fourth day was also acclimatization, the intention was to climb the cave of Hans Mayer, the day came again very bad and we only climbed 361 meters in 3 km. I end the day with a good snowfall.
On the fifth day we left Kibo refuge (4720 Mts) to reach Uhuru Peak (5895 Mts - Summit) after 7 hours and 20 minutes of ascent and 5.9 km with 1175 mts of elevation. Once the photos were finished we had 30 km of descent to the Kilema gate (with 4019 Mts of negative height), the total of the day was 36 km with 1300 Mts of positive height gain, 4019 Mts of negative height and 15 hours 20 minutes of effort.
The total numbers are: 69 km in 4 days and 4 hours with a positive and negative height difference of 4886 meters and a real effort time of 27 hours with 22 minutes.
Cycling on 25% of the total of the route and the bikes have been carried by us and by hired native porters.


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