
Ai giannis - potamoi - avlomonia - agia roumeli - ai giannis


Trail photos

Photo ofAi giannis - potamoi - avlomonia - agia roumeli - ai giannis Photo ofAi giannis - potamoi - avlomonia - agia roumeli - ai giannis Photo ofAi giannis - potamoi - avlomonia - agia roumeli - ai giannis


Trail stats

19.08 mi
Elevation gain
9,911 ft
Technical difficulty
Experts only
Elevation loss
11,457 ft
Max elevation
6,320 ft
Min elevation
13 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
13 hours 21 minutes
one day 7 hours 35 minutes
June 27, 2020
June 2020
Be the first to clap

near Ágios Ioánnis, Crete (Greece)

Viewed 1023 times, downloaded 36 times

Trail photos

Photo ofAi giannis - potamoi - avlomonia - agia roumeli - ai giannis Photo ofAi giannis - potamoi - avlomonia - agia roumeli - ai giannis Photo ofAi giannis - potamoi - avlomonia - agia roumeli - ai giannis

Itinerary description

Extremely difficult excursion!!
At some points you need good climbing experience. You have to have with you 5-6L of water and sleeping equipment. There is no path at the difficult part. If an accident happend it will be almost imposible to rescue the team (it will take days to reach and the summit line it is too technical to move an injured man/woman)
After the technical part you have to descent 1.400m to reach palaia agia roumeli but the field is very steep and there is danger of injury.

We started from krousia (1.200m) above ai giannis

(for more info about ai giannis region aks alonia guest house: )

And we went through zarani pass to potamoi sheperd house.

Zarani pass is one of the most beautiful places in lefka ori. It is old pass where the sheperds from ai giannis and aradena moves with their sheeps to high lefka ori for the summer season. There is a source there but during summer it is better to ask if there is water at alonia-antonis.

From zarani source the path is descending slowly to potamoi (the start of eligias' gorge)the last part is difficult and it is not easy to find the path.

From the sheperd house we ascent t the summit line between the 2 gorges, samaaria and eligia and moved south. After vathia seli and alatsopetra summit we camp at the summit line for the night.

The problem with beviouac at the summit line is that you are exposed to wind. That was the reason we was looking the stars all night...strong winds didnt let us sleep.

The second day early in the morning to continue to the summitline until aggelokambi. It is very technical part, only for those who are strong, expirienced in lefka ori and who can carry 12-15k backpacks and climb with the backpacks in a very wild terain and in the group MUST be 2 people who have done this before. Max group 5-6 persons.

From aggelokambi there is a difficult descent to palaia agia roumeli. There is no path is is steep and easy to get injured..

From palaia agia roumeli we went to agia roumeli to "recharge our batteries". 2h break to drink eat and go to the beach and the river.

After that there was the most difficult part. We were tired it was the waest time of the day under the hot sun and sand...we moved east until the south entrance of eligias gorge where we started the ascent to fliskounias and from there to kormokopos.

The part from fliskounia to kormokopos cave is also little technical and it has many exposed parts!! Before you try this ask a local. Furthermore the path is NOT clear and there are NO signs.

From kormokopos cave (we lost the path and we accidentaly went little more east just few meters but there are blue signs that goes to the cave) there are just few km to ai giannis.

Before you go to lefka ori note that there are very dry, during the summer it is too hot and an average human needs to consume at least 5 liters of water in a day.


PictographInformation point Altitude 5,724 ft
Photo ofPath to zarani

Path to zarani

PictographPhoto Altitude 5,807 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 5,870 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 5,944 ft
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PictographInformation point Altitude 5,993 ft
Photo ofZarani pass

Zarani pass

PictographFountain Altitude 6,250 ft
Photo ofZarani soutce

Zarani soutce

PictographWilderness hut Altitude 6,243 ft
Photo ofPace to sleep

Pace to sleep

PictographPhoto Altitude 6,223 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 6,179 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 5,925 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 5,542 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 5,491 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographWilderness hut Altitude 5,117 ft
Photo ofSheperd house (mitato potamon malefou)

Sheperd house (mitato potamon malefou)

PictographIntersection Altitude 5,156 ft
Photo ofIntersection. Reaching the summitline

Intersection. Reaching the summitline

PictographPhoto Altitude 5,438 ft
Photo ofGremnara


PictographPhoto Altitude 6,135 ft
Photo ofAvlimanakou korfi

Avlimanakou korfi

PictographSummit Altitude 5,938 ft
Photo ofPsiristra


PictographPhoto Altitude 5,867 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographSummit Altitude 6,027 ft
Photo ofVorino


PictographInformation point Altitude 5,525 ft
Photo ofCol vathia seli

Col vathia seli

PictographPhoto Altitude 5,416 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 5,586 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographInformation point Altitude 5,800 ft
Photo ofVlimonaria


PictographPhoto Altitude 5,884 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographInformation point Altitude 5,937 ft
Photo ofAlatsopetra


PictographRisk Altitude 5,886 ft
Photo ofDanger


PictographCampsite Altitude 5,681 ft
Photo ofSleeping place

Sleeping place

The milky way hotel

PictographPhoto Altitude 5,687 ft
Photo ofGood morning!!

Good morning!!

PictographInformation point Altitude 4,992 ft
Photo ofKimises


PictographPhoto Altitude 4,963 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 4,759 ft
Photo ofKatsigianni miti

Katsigianni miti

PictographSummit Altitude 4,727 ft
Photo ofMiti katsigianni

Miti katsigianni

PictographRisk Altitude 4,720 ft
Photo ofRisk


PictographRisk Altitude 4,719 ft
Photo ofLouki katsimitika Photo ofLouki katsimitika

Louki katsimitika

PictographRisk Altitude 4,671 ft
Photo ofLouki katsimitika

Louki katsimitika

PictographPhoto Altitude 4,579 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographRisk Altitude 4,417 ft
Photo ofRisk


PictographRisk Altitude 4,409 ft
Photo ofRisk


PictographPhoto Altitude 4,400 ft
Photo ofKouvara


PictographRisk Altitude 4,069 ft
Photo ofRisk


PictographRisk Altitude 4,060 ft
Photo ofRisk


PictographRisk Altitude 4,012 ft
Photo ofRisk


PictographSummit Altitude 3,955 ft
Photo ofKouvara


PictographRisk Altitude 3,368 ft
Photo ofSteep


PictographRisk Altitude 2,268 ft
Photo ofSara


PictographInformation point Altitude 1,804 ft
Photo ofTis panagias to avlochi

Tis panagias to avlochi

PictographIntersection Altitude 1,125 ft
Photo ofTurn right

Turn right

Photo ofReaching palea agia roumeli

Reaching palea agia roumeli

PictographPhoto Altitude 8 ft
Photo ofPhoto


Photo ofAgia roumeli

Agia roumeli

Comments  (2)

  • Photo of hollerfreund
    hollerfreund Jul 6, 2020

    Hello Eftihis,
    thanks for sharing this track. I've planed different times to walk this ridge down to Angelokambi, but never done. The images you have attached are very interesting and helpful to classify the dificulty of the path.
    Regards Matthias

  • Photo of eftihis
    eftihis May 23, 2021

    Hello hollerfteund!
    Thank you!
    To be honest I was not sure about uploading this excursion. But I know a lot of people who were asking information about this area. I hope it is helpful..

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