
Termilan Tash loop (Jyrgalan)



Trail stats

36.99 mi
Elevation gain
3,517 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3,517 ft
Max elevation
8,499 ft
Min elevation
6,258 ft
Trail type
39 minutes
June 27, 2023
June 2023

near Dzhergalan, Ysyk-Köl (Kyrgyz Republic)

Viewed 112 times, downloaded 5 times

Itinerary description

A short video taken along the loop here:

A challenging cross country style loop from Jyrgalan Village. One for those that dont mind some long climbs. You will be rewarded by fantastic views of traditional Jailoos (Kyrgyz high pastures) full of yurts and horses, and an awesome panorama from Kok Bel pass with Jyrgalan village in the distance below.

The route goes past Termilan Tash (Termilan Stones). You can see them (huge pile of stones) to the left of the road at approximately 31km into the route after crossing the bridge. If you would like to go up to them there is a dirt trail leaving the road to the left just after the bridge. Its 2-3mins detour.

The legend is that Termilan asked each of his soldiers to place a rock onto a pile before going into battle. On returning each soldier still alive took 1 rock out of the pile. So each rock left represents one dead soldier.

Don't be fooled by the map. Yes, a lot of this route travels along "roads", but these are gravel/rocky/jeep tracks rather than tarmac. Currently the A362 is being sealed, this 4km will be the only tarmac on the route. Even on this section, dont expect to see more than 1 or 2 cars. The off road sections are mostly dirt tracks with a few open grassy meadows where you can pick your line.

The route is not particularly technical, the difficulty mostly comes from the physical challenge of some of the climbs. Expert riders will be able to ride 100% of the trail. Fit, but less experienced/confident mountain bikers may prefer to cross a couple of the small streams on foot, and may need to get off and push up a small steep section with loose rocks at the bottom of the climb up to Kok Bel Pass (the last pass), but can still expect to ride 99% of the route. Those with less fitness may struggle with a few steep sections.

Reversing the route would be possible and create longer descents, however the steep descent at 23km would be a tough climb. You would also miss out on finishing with Kok Bel, and a descent into Jyrgalan Village, which is a nice finale.

The descent from Kok Bel Pass to Jyrgalan in this GPX file is probably the easiest route. However, if you would like something a little more fun and technical an alternative is:

If you dont fancy the full route you can arrange a Jeep to either drop you off or pick you up somewhere. Destination Jyrgalan, the village tourism project, can arrange this.


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