


Trail photos

Photo ofSluč Photo ofSluč Photo ofSluč


Trail stats

152.21 mi
Elevation gain
2,930 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3,051 ft
Max elevation
846 ft
Min elevation
556 ft
Trail type
One Way
July 4, 2022
July 2022
Be the first to clap

near Pechanivka, Zhytomyr (Ukraine)

Viewed 262 times, downloaded 1 times

Trail photos

Photo ofSluč Photo ofSluč Photo ofSluč

Itinerary description

A two-day route along the middle stream of the river Sluč from Nova Čortorýa to Sokolivśki Hory Landscape Park, which is the quintessence of the trip.

Day 1 is not that rich on interesting places. There is an old mansion in Nova Čortorýa and several old watermills farther downstream (but the one in Viľxa is totally overgrown, and the Huľśk mill is in ruins). The road between Myropil and Baranivka is a gravel road, sometimes turning into stone road. From Baranivka to Zviaheľ goes a rather broken motorway.
I haven't mapped here all the numerous objects, related to WW2, which include pillboxes and underground command centres in Huľśk and Zviaheľ. Zviaheľ itself is a nice town which has a good combination of historical and military heritage as well as wonderful nature (large parks on the banks of the Sluč, rocks, rapids and beaches).

Day 2 is a 145-km long loop-trip from Zviaheľ to Sokolivśki Hory Landscape Park on both banks of the Sluč. The motorway from Zviaheľ to Horodnyća is the easiest part of the day, as afterwards the road on the right bank gradually turns more and more sandy, until it is virtually impossible to ride. Things get stably better only close to Hubkiv, the village which offers some of the best viewpoints: the ruins of and old castle on the hill, and wide panoramas of the river. Soon the road crosses the Sluč, marking a half-way of the route.
The left-bank part of the way starts with the cliff Sokil, which gives way to the trekking route along the river bank up to the Radon Spring. However, although the trek is detectable, it is densely overgrown and is hardly passable esp. with a bike. The attempt to reach the spring by the road was also fruitless as it bumped into the forestry territory guarded by unleashed dogs. For the sake of time, I rode all the way to Zamkova hill in Marynyn village, leaving some spectacular but hardly accessible places aside.
The motorway which seemed perfect near the forestry, eventually turned into a very uncomfortable stone road, which remained like this all the way tp Frankopiľ.
Here I took a sharp turn to the left into the wild wood. The goal is to reach a large plantation of larch-trees. Some wandering in the wood involves crossing two streams, but the result is totally worth it - right in the middle of the forest there grow huge trees looking like pine-trees on steroids. This grove is artificial, planted by the Potocki around 1830s, and a stone memorial marks this fact.
The grove ends at an almost perfect gravel road, leading all the way through the forest and farther piercing also several more villages upon the way. With more time it could have been probably more preferable to take a turn to the Sluč, where there are some picturesque places (rapids and granite rocks).


PictographMuseum Altitude 787 ft
Photo ofСадиба Прушинських-Оржевських Photo ofСадиба Прушинських-Оржевських

Садиба Прушинських-Оржевських

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofМлин Нова Чортория

Млин Нова Чортория

PictographWaypoint Altitude 702 ft
Photo ofМлин Вільха Photo ofМлин Вільха

Млин Вільха

PictographWaypoint Altitude 666 ft
Photo ofМлин Мєзєнцева

Млин Мєзєнцева

PictographPanorama Altitude 697 ft

Звягельська фортеця

PictographWaypoint Altitude 700 ft

Кам'яний гриб

PictographWaypoint Altitude 725 ft

Садиба Уварових

PictographFountain Altitude 728 ft

Червона Горобина

PictographPanorama Altitude 692 ft

Оглядовий майданчик

PictographMuseum Altitude 695 ft

Дім-музей Лесі Українки

PictographPanorama Altitude 669 ft

Лиса гора

PictographReligious site Altitude 659 ft

Городницький Свято-Георгіівский монастир

PictographPark Altitude 635 ft
Photo ofГородницький парк

Городницький парк

PictographPanorama Altitude 607 ft
Photo ofСоколині гори

Соколині гори

PictographSummit Altitude 624 ft

Гора Дзвінецька

PictographRuins Altitude 643 ft
Photo ofГубківський замок Photo ofГубківський замок Photo ofГубківський замок

Губківський замок

PictographWaypoint Altitude 597 ft


PictographPanorama Altitude 597 ft
Photo ofГора Сокіл Photo ofГора Сокіл Photo ofГора Сокіл

Гора Сокіл

PictographFountain Altitude 640 ft

Радонове джерело

PictographPanorama Altitude 705 ft
Photo ofЗамкова гора Photo ofЗамкова гора Photo ofЗамкова гора

Замкова гора

PictographFountain Altitude 662 ft

Більчаківське джерело

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

Млин Устя

PictographTree Altitude 641 ft
Photo ofМодрина Photo ofМодрина Photo ofМодрина


PictographWaypoint Altitude 600 ft

Млин колишнього села Любтов

PictographWaypoint Altitude 610 ft



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