
ruta nº1 Ferbikes Prats


Trail photos

Photo ofruta nº1 Ferbikes Prats Photo ofruta nº1 Ferbikes Prats Photo ofruta nº1 Ferbikes Prats


Trail stats

3.9 mi
Elevation gain
207 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
207 ft
Max elevation
2,446 ft
Min elevation
2,268 ft
Trail type
20 minutes
July 22, 2019
July 2019
Be the first to clap

near Prats de Lluçanès, Catalunya (España)

Viewed 100 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo ofruta nº1 Ferbikes Prats Photo ofruta nº1 Ferbikes Prats Photo ofruta nº1 Ferbikes Prats

Itinerary description

Ruta nº1
Volta ideal per fer amb familia. Sortim de Ferbikes Prats ( poligon industrial nº26 de Prats de Lluçanes) hi ha parking i la area de autocaravanes just al costat. Sortim per carretera en direcció al poble, a la gasolinera agafem direcció el santuari de Lourdes per carretera. De Lourdes tirem ja cap a la font de les coves per camí ample ( a la torre hi ha una baixada pronunciada) . De la font de les coves tirem direcció Prats. baixem per camí fins a la carretera on passem per davant del bar El bon Gust, seguidament es va al safreig de Prats i tornem ja cap a Ferbikes Prats.
Route nº 2
Tour ideal for families. We leave from Ferbikes Prats (Polígono Industrial nº26 of Prats de Lluçanes), there is parking and the motorhome area next to it. We leave by road in the direction of the town, at the petrol station we take to the santuari of Lourdes by road. From Lourdes, we head towards font de les coves on a wide path (there is a steep descent in the tower). From the font de les coves we go direction to Prats . We pass by the EL BON GUST bar, then go to the Prats stream and return to Ferbikes Prats.


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