
From Shaghapat village to Mount URTS


Trail photos

Photo ofFrom Shaghapat village to Mount URTS Photo ofFrom Shaghapat village to Mount URTS Photo ofFrom Shaghapat village to Mount URTS


Trail stats

20.88 mi
Elevation gain
3,268 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
5,190 ft
Max elevation
7,606 ft
Min elevation
3,004 ft
Trail type
One Way
6 hours 51 minutes
October 23, 2018
May 2017
Be the first to clap

near Chanchanots’, Ararat (አርሜኒያ)

Viewed 412 times, downloaded 3 times

Trail photos

Photo ofFrom Shaghapat village to Mount URTS Photo ofFrom Shaghapat village to Mount URTS Photo ofFrom Shaghapat village to Mount URTS

Itinerary description

Biking trail description
This trail starts from Shaghapat village in the Ararat region and stretches to the 1.5-2 km section of the interconnecting road on the Lanjanist (H10). The route is in the Ararat region and is referred as "Royal" because the cycling brings a great joy to the Armenian cyclists. They enjoy the mountains during the summer heat, admire the abundance of mountains and lakes in the Ararat region, admiring the magnificent view of the Biblical Mount Ararat. The biking route rises up the sloping slopes to the mountains of Ural, from where the tops of the mountains go down to the city of Vedi. The landing is more than pleasant and long.

Monuments description
The Ordine Ridge is located in the south of the Republic of Ararat. It is a descent of origin. It stretches from north-west to south-east. The length is 25 km, the maximum height is 2445.9 m (Upper Mountains). It is uneven. The northern slopes are long and short, while the southern slopes are short and steep. The eastern fringe of the range is located in the village of Syrtasar (1910 m). You can also visit the route,
Khor Virap Monastery is located in the Ararat region of Armenia, on the left side of Arax River, on one of the hills of historical Artashat.
According to Agatangheghos, Trdat III, the Great, during the persecutions of Christians, Grigor Lusavorich was thrown into the father of Artashat's Royal Prison, where the Lusavorich spent about 14 years. The Enlightener, getting out of the Khor Virap, gets the king's support, making Christianity a state religion.
In the fifth century a monastery was founded.
Starting from the 13th century, Khor Virap has become a pan-Armenian center for education and science, besides being an important sanctuary. More than 10 manuscripts have been preserved there. In 1255, Vardan Areveltsi founded a high school, a monastery in the monastery, where, besides the theology, taught the works of ancient philosophers, logic, rhetoric, grammar, and hymns. 1669 the construction of the St. Grigor Church instead of the 14th century chapel was started. The Virab has a diameter of about 4.5 m and a depth of 6.5 m. 1703 Complete reconstruction of the central St. Astvatsatsin church was completed. At the end of the 19th century, the colonnaded bell tower was built adjacent to the western facade of that church. In 1970-1980s due to the efforts of Catholicos Vazgen I the walls of the monastery and other buildings were renovated.

Most mountainous areas of Ararat province occupy the slopes of the Geghama Mountains and the mountains of Urts and Yeranos. Here the forest is protected by separate islets, which was founded by the King of Armenia Khosrow Kotak in IV century. There is now a Khosrov Reserve. The Ararat Valley is another world, it is the world of alpine flower meadows, the royal royal forest of Khosrov, the mountainous springs full of pomegranate and sunburned and sunflower fruits of the Ararat Valley.
The meadows, the green valleys, the silent rocks, give the terrain an indescribable beauty. More often on the slopes of the mountains, there are various types of cannabis, hawthorn, mossy, chicchin (oblepiha).

The wildlife of the Ararat Province is rich because it is a part of "Khosrov State Reserve". The climate is suitable for a beef, Caucasian bear, wild pig, rabbit, buckwheat, fox, hedgehog, jackal, hawthorn, myrtle, clammy, cranberry, squirrel. There are diverse birds, reptiles, insects, and fish in the rivers, the most famous of which are red. The region is rich in fish farms, where they grow spirals, white and black bull-fire, white and gray fasteners, etc. Many species of fish (whitefish, mustard, beech, etc.) have a fishing effect, and some species (Armenian blackberries, skirts, silkworms, etc.) are the objects of sport hunting. Carnation hunting is banned.

Safety and Security:
Ucom and MTS Armenia networks are almost always available in Urumqi. In the case of any emergency call 911. Beware of rural dogs.

Technical description
Best period: May-October
Biking trail Length: 33.4 km
Ride duration: 6 hours 51 min
Altitude from the sea level 1438-2445 m
90% of the road is land grinding, 10% is asphalt
Take a bottle of water with you

How to get to the route
To cross the above mentioned route, it is needed to take a taxi from Yerevan to Shaghap village, in Ararat province. Then continue another 2-3 kilometers. The taxi will cost around AMD 7,000. The mountain biking route begins from the nearest road of the village. Please use taxis that have meter in it. Taxis throughout Armenia are quite affordable.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 4,886 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 4,951 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,339 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,178 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,058 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 7,605 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,008 ft



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