
Cycling around Kýiv - Xolodný Jar


Trail photos

Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Xolodný Jar Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Xolodný Jar Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Xolodný Jar


Trail stats

51.1 mi
Elevation gain
2,887 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,792 ft
Max elevation
793 ft
Min elevation
250 ft
Trail type
One Way
June 7, 2021
June 2021
Be the first to clap

near Peremoha, Cherkasy Oblast (Ukraine)

Viewed 270 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Xolodný Jar Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Xolodný Jar Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Xolodný Jar

Itinerary description

This is the continuation the trip from Myronivka to Čerkasy, described here:
The main goal is to cross the large forest of Xolodný Jar (Хородний Яр) with all its remarkable places.
The first 17km from Čerkasy the road threads several suburb villages and is an ordinary mixture of asphalt and gravel, but in the village Verhuny we enter a pine-tree forest, and here it gets too sandy.
On the other bank of the Ťasmyn (Тясмин) situates the first hill upon the way - Šajeva Hora (Шаєва гора), which for whatever reason has been taken fancy to by some orthodox sect.
There is a track marked along these hills stretching on the right bank of the Ťasmyn towards the village Čubivka (Чубівка), but in reality it soon gets totally overgrown in high grass. I have managed to pass it, but got totally wet from the dew, and needless to say that the bike gathered lot of vegetation. From Čubivka there starts a stone road, but I turned into the hills, where it is possible to pass through the fields towards the Onufrijivśký monastery (Онуфріївський монастир).
From there, a gravel road crosses a rivulet Žabotynka (Жаботинка) and then steadily gains elevation on the way to the village Lubenci (Лубенці), and then in the forest. Here the track is still largely ridable, but not everywhere (fallen trees, mud etc.). Eventually it reaches a monastery pond and a well, from which there goes a staircase uphill.
So here starts the tourist part of Xolodný Jar, which includes the Motronynśký monastery (Монтронинський монастир), a pond Hajdamaćký Stav (Гайдамацький став) and numerous monuments devoted to the Cossack times and to Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921. Passing through the forest, the road goes southward to the steading Buda, where grows a huge oak, declared to be 1100 years old.
Instead of going back the same road, it is possible to make a shortcut around the fields and through the forest, the path is relatively well-beaten. Eventually it goes out on a main road of the village Hruškivka (Грушківка), but at first it is not a relief as it is very broken and muddy.
The road improves after the village, but until the town Kamjanka it will be a constant struggle with hills and gravity. The town itself is quite interesting, and is totally worth spending several hours with both natural and historic landmarks.


PictographSummit Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofШаєва гора Photo ofШаєва гора Photo ofШаєва гора

Шаєва гора

PictographFountain Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofДжерело Святого Пантелеймона

Джерело Святого Пантелеймона

PictographFountain Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofМонастирське джерело

Монастирське джерело

Мотронинський монастир

PictographTree Altitude 0 ft

Вікові ялини

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofМісце останнього бою Василя Чучупаки

Місце останнього бою Василя Чучупаки

PictographLake Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofГайдамацький став Photo ofГайдамацький став

Гайдамацький став

PictographTree Altitude 0 ft

Плюсове дерево

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofСклик


PictographTree Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofДуб Максима Залізняка

Дуб Максима Залізняка

PictographFountain Altitude 0 ft

Малярне джерело

PictographPark Altitude 0 ft

Парк декабристів

PictographMuseum Altitude 0 ft

Музей Пушкіна і Чайковського

PictographMuseum Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofЗелений млинок

Зелений млинок

PictographRiver Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofТясминський каньйон

Тясминський каньйон


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