
Cycling around Kýiv - Parks of the Udaj Valley


Trail photos

Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Parks of the Udaj Valley Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Parks of the Udaj Valley Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Parks of the Udaj Valley


Trail stats

117.22 mi
Elevation gain
2,756 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,730 ft
Max elevation
612 ft
44 5
Min elevation
361 ft
Trail type
One Way
May 3, 2021
May 2021
  • Rating

  •   5 1 review

near Hun’ky, Chernihiv (Ukraine)

Viewed 240 times, downloaded 1 times

Trail photos

Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Parks of the Udaj Valley Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Parks of the Udaj Valley Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Parks of the Udaj Valley

Itinerary description

The following route covers several well-known places situated in the valley of the river Udaj and its tributaries: Kačanivka, Trosťaneć and Sokyrynci. But to diversify the cultural landscapes, before that it also crosses the wild forests of Ičńanśký National Park (Ічнянський НПП).
Basically, the route starts in the village Xajenky (Хаєнки), to which there leads either a 45 km modern highway from Nižyn (Ніжин) railway station (with a direct connection to Kýiv), or 16 km from Jaxnivka (Яхнівка) station on Nižyn-Pryluky railroad.
So from Xajenky goes one of the two tourist eco-tracks in the forest ('Along the Ičeńka valley'). In general, this park is not really about remarkable places or viewpoints, but more about the atmosphere of the wild wood, which indeed looks very nice in spring. The only thing that marks the track is several camping/picnic places along the way. The other eco-track is 10 km to the south through the woods: first along the broken asphalt road to the village Voronivka, and then there goes a path - partly a forest dirt road, partly a gravel track most probably for military use, leading to the village Dźubivka (Дзюбівка). This second eco-track ('Sadova') is situated on the place of an old demolished mansion and still has some remnants of a linden tree alley in the forest, and there is also a remarkable old oak-tree along the way.
The track goes eventually towards the village Budy, and that is perhaps the best way to go, because a shortcut through the forest is overgrown and hardly passable.
I lost more time than expected struggling in the wood, so eventually missed the train by 5 mins. The initial plan was to take a train between the stations 720km and 702km and to visit Parafijivka (Парафіївка), where there is an old sugar factory. So the itinerary changed and I rode directly eastwards - without preliminary preparation of that route.
Very soon I was rewarded by the first surprise: riding between the ordinary fields I ran into an old wooden windmill (Данилів вітряк) - not something you are normally supposed to see in Ukrainian countryside. And the neighbouring village Olšana (Ольшана) is also quite interesting, with a half-brick half-wooden school.
From there the road resembles a highway - with several exceptions it is practically flawless all the way to Kačanivka (Качанівка). Here in Kačanivka starts the key interval of the day - 50 km connecting three well-known parks and palaces of Kačanivka, Trosťaneć and Sokyrynci, each of them worth spending hours.
Between Kačanivka and Trosťaneć it is possible to take a shortcut through the fields, passing also some picturesque valleys and pastures. Interestingly, in the neighbouring village Vaśkivci (Васьківці) there is another old windmill.
To complete the day, after Sokyrynci the route goes out on the H-07 highway (which in 2021 was being actively rebuilt), and 30 km ahead enters the town of Pryluky. From the first sight Pryluky looked very attractive to me: good roads, renovated old part of the town, and many people walking in the central square and park in the evening. There are several hotels here and a modern railway station, which unfortunately has very few trains passing by.


PictographPark Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofІчнянський національний природний парк - Екостежка «В долині Іченьки»

Ічнянський національний природний парк - Екостежка «В долині Іченьки»

PictographPark Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofІчнянський національний природний парк - Екостежка «Садова»

Ічнянський національний природний парк - Екостежка «Садова»

PictographTree Altitude 0 ft

Липова алея

PictographTree Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofДуб


PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofДанилів вітряк

Данилів вітряк

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

Парафіївський цукровий завод

PictographPark Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofНаціональний історико-культурний заповідник «Качанівка» Photo ofНаціональний історико-культурний заповідник «Качанівка» Photo ofНаціональний історико-культурний заповідник «Качанівка»

Національний історико-культурний заповідник «Качанівка»

PictographPark Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofДендропарк «Тростянець» Photo ofДендропарк «Тростянець» Photo ofДендропарк «Тростянець»

Дендропарк «Тростянець»

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofВітряк


PictographPark Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofПалац і парк Галаганів

Палац і парк Галаганів

Трьохсвятительська церква

PictographMuseum Altitude 0 ft

Полкова скарбниця (Арсенал Галагана)

Спасо-Преображенський собор

Photo ofСобор Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці

Собор Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці

PictographMuseum Altitude 0 ft

Театр Бродського

Comments  (1)

  • Photo of Serhii Tihan
    Serhii Tihan Jul 19, 2024

    Гарно описано. Є чому повчитися та вибудовується маршрут власної поїздки. Дякую за вкладений час )

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