
Cycling around Kýiv - Middle Teteriv


Trail photos

Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Middle Teteriv Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Middle Teteriv Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Middle Teteriv


Trail stats

75.29 mi
Elevation gain
2,254 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,546 ft
Max elevation
763 ft
Min elevation
399 ft
Trail type
One Way
January 25, 2022
January 2022
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near Zhytomyr, Zhytomyr (Ukraine)

Viewed 196 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Middle Teteriv Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Middle Teteriv Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Middle Teteriv

Itinerary description

This is the second part of a two-day trip with downstream of the Hnylopjať and Teteriv, with an overnight in Žytomyr. The first part is described here .
The beginning of the route captures the rocky bed of Teteriv - below Žytomyr it still flows in rapids between the hilly forested banks. I think it is possible to follow the stream all the way to Korostyšiv (Коростишів), but for the sake of saving time I took a shortcut along the M-06 highway.
Here in Korostyšiv the river gets calmer, but numerous granite quarries nearby still remind you of its rocky nature. There are 3 quarries in Korostyšiv and another one in Vysoký Kamiń (Високий Камінь) - all serving as resting places.
Below Vysoký Kamiń, Teteriv is already flowing through the flat meadows, perfect for relaxed cycling. The beaten road starts in the village Marjanivka, leading to the historical town of Radomyšľ (Радомишль). After 25 km, I had to leave the road and to make a turn into the boggy meadows towards an iron bridge across the river - to the village Bila Krynyća (Біла Криниця) and eventually to a bumpy concrete road O-101110. The final destination is anyway not far - just 15 km to the railway station Teteriv with a direct connection to Kýiv.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

Водонапірна вежа

Лютеранська кірха

PictographRiver Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofЛевківський поріг

Левківський поріг

PictographRuins Altitude 635 ft
Photo ofМаєток Нірода (руїни)

Маєток Нірода (руїни)

PictographWaterfall Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofХолодний водоспад

Холодний водоспад

PictographPark Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofКоростишівський парк Photo ofКоростишівський парк

Коростишівський парк

PictographLake Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofКоростишівський кар'єр

Коростишівський кар'єр

PictographLake Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofКоростишівський кар'єр (озеро Вороного) Photo ofКоростишівський кар'єр (озеро Вороного)

Коростишівський кар'єр (озеро Вороного)

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofВідслонення пегматиту (1)

Відслонення пегматиту (1)

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofВідслонення пегматиту (2)

Відслонення пегматиту (2)

Городище трипільської культури

PictographLake Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofГранітний кар'єр 'Високий камінь'

Гранітний кар'єр 'Високий камінь'

PictographMuseum Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofЗамок-музей Радомисль

Замок-музей Радомисль


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