
Cycling around Kýiv - Lubeč


Trail photos

Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Lubeč Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Lubeč Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Lubeč


Trail stats

123.39 mi
Elevation gain
1,371 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,316 ft
Max elevation
560 ft
Min elevation
340 ft
Trail type
One Way
May 10, 2021
May 2021
Be the first to clap

near Hun’ky, Chernihiv (Ukraine)

Viewed 224 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Lubeč Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Lubeč Photo ofCycling around Kýiv - Lubeč

Itinerary description

A one-day trip to the ancient town of Lubeč (Любеч), although somewhat longer than expected. The initial plan was to reach Černihiv by train with an interchange in Nižyn, and the direct road from there to Lubeč is about 50 km long.
However, during this interchange I had almost 1.5 free hours, which I decided to spend in the forest of Nižynśký Regional Landscape Park. In the tract Zajači Sosny, several years ago the park opened a 'cycling eco-track', which was interesting to see. The track is well marked from the very entrance in the village Mala Košelivka, but what concerns the road itself - it is not a cycling track by any means, but just a sandy path in the wood and in fact very uncomfortable to ride. Eventually I lost more time than expected there, and missed the train by a couple of minutes.
Without an alternative plan, I set off for a 75 km ride to Černihiv, estimating that it would be faster than to wait for the next train, which were to arrive in more than 3 hours. The unfortunate thing was a strong headwind, with which my speed was very moderate, and which substantially delayed my arrival.
Anyway, on the outskirts of Černihiv near the village of Anysiv, I was passing some picturesque meadows and lakes in the valley of the Desna, which is a popular picnic place for the entire city.
It was already 3 pm, when I reached Černihiv railway station to get the tickets back to Kýiv, just to learn that the train had been cancelled. This was both good and bad news, as now I had no time limit, except for the daylight hours, and with some effort they were just sufficient to make another 100 km first to Lubeč and consequently to Slavutyč.
The motorway between Černihiv and Lubeč is in fact very comfortable for cycling, thanks to smooth roadsides and quite low traffic. After the village Pavlivka it turned into a wide concrete road, which in Ukraine usually indicates a vicinity of a military object. And we know than in the nearby forest there indeed used to be a military town (Lubeč-1) serving a twin-sister of the infamous 'Russian woodpecker' antenna not far from Čornobyl. Nowadays there is hardly anything there, except for the abandoned houses, so I left this location unvisited, and before 6 pm was already in Lubeč.
The town of Lubeč is definitely a worthy destination thanks to its wonderful nature: high and steep hills offer a marvelous view on the Dnieper valley all the way to Belarus lowlands, and old wooden buildings as well as archaeological sites scattered on the hills altogether supplement the impression of the decent age of the settlement.
From Lubeč the motorway goes southwards through the woods, threading several half-abandoned villages. The road quality turns from good to perfect, and thanks to the steady slope down it makes this ride one of the most comfortable I have ever experienced. And the nature around is very beautiful: pine-tree forests change with meadows, and in several places the road approaches the bank of the Dnieper, revealing the views on its meanders and forested watersides.
In the final village of Nedančyči (Неданчичі) we eventually reach the railway line leading across the Dnieper. Here there are also some popular fishing and picnic places on the river, mainly for Slavutyč residents, and they are connected to the town by a wide, but at times rather battered road.


PictographPark Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofНіжинський регіональний ландшафтний парк - Еко-стежка 'Спадщина предків' Photo ofНіжинський регіональний ландшафтний парк - Еко-стежка 'Спадщина предків' Photo ofНіжинський регіональний ландшафтний парк - Еко-стежка 'Спадщина предків'

Ніжинський регіональний ландшафтний парк - Еко-стежка 'Спадщина предків'

What is marked as a cycling track in the forest is in fact anything but that. No work on the road has ever been done - it is just bumpy sand. If it hadn't rained on the eve, it would be too soft to ride at all.

PictographCave Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofБлижня Печера Св. Антонія

Ближня Печера Св. Антонія

PictographPanorama Altitude 0 ft

Гора Лисиця

PictographCave Altitude 0 ft

Дальня Печера Св. Антонiя

Photo ofЗамкова гора

Замкова гора

PictographMuseum Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofКам'яниця Полуботка

Кам'яниця Полуботка


Photo ofСпасо-Преображенський собор

Спасо-Преображенський собор


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