Caraz - Nueva Esperanza (gs-transand-2016-tag07)
near Carás, Ancash (Peru)
Viewed 354 times, downloaded 5 times
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Itinerary description
Kurze Transferstrecke von Caraz durch den spektakulären Cañon del Pato mit den 35 Tunneln nach Nueva Esperanza. Es geht bis auf den kurzen Schlussanstige fast permanent bergab. Eventuell lohnt es sich hier, Umwege in Seitentäler einzubauen, wir waren zu früh am Ziel und haben den Nachmittag in Yuracmarca verbummelt.
Short transfer section from Caraz to Nueva Esperanza passing through the spectacular Cañon del Pato with 35 tunnels. We were very early at our destination and had to idle away the afternoon in Yuracmarca.
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Short transfer section from Caraz to Nueva Esperanza passing through the spectacular Cañon del Pato with 35 tunnels. We were very early at our destination and had to idle away the afternoon in Yuracmarca.
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