
Boardhouse hotel - Meerdaalwoud



Trail stats

30.24 mi
Elevation gain
925 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
925 ft
Max elevation
358 ft
21 3.3
Min elevation
7 ft
Trail type
4 hours 18 minutes
April 23, 2017
April 2017
  • Rating

  •   3.3 1 review
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near Heverlee, Flanders (Belgique)

Viewed 400 times, downloaded 26 times

Itinerary description

Boardhouse hotel - Meerdaalwoud

Comments  (1)

  • Photo of WouterN
    WouterN Jul 19, 2020

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Hilly ride in a beautifull scenery. Mostly following bigger forest roads with a good amount of fun twisty single tracks. Especially towards the end, the track becomes a lot more demanding!
    The given ascend meters however are completely wrong (as is the height profile).
    Expect this track to be more towards 600m of ascending/descending.

    A few extra notes:
    - a handfull of tracks are also used for horse riding, on a few ocassions there's a cycle path next to it, Keep a look out as these horse trails are usely very sandy. Also quite a lot of turd-alerts on these sections.
    - in a few places this track follows the official MTB-route from meerdael in the opposite(!) direction. Beware for this on the single track sections.
    -some of the roads on this route are no longer accesible for bikes, please dont follow them and navigate around them. In particular one section at Zoete Waters is a big no-no to ride your bike in. In Sint-Joris Weert the GPX also takes a private road, best not to follow here.
    -second crossing of Chaussée de Louvain is completely closed for bikes and pedestrians, the 'new' crossing a bit further up is very dangerous, be carefull!

    In general I recommend this track!

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