


Trail photos

Photo ofWióry-Świślina Photo ofWióry-Świślina Photo ofWióry-Świślina


Trail stats

4.2 nm
Elevation gain
157 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
223 ft
Max elevation
721 ft
Min elevation
568 ft
Trail type
One Way
one hour 49 minutes
October 8, 2017
October 2017
Be the first to clap

near Zapniów, Województwo świętokrzyskie (Rzeczpospolita Polska)

Viewed 837 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo ofWióry-Świślina Photo ofWióry-Świślina Photo ofWióry-Świślina

Itinerary description

Wióry Lake is a small artificial lake in Świętokrzyskie Region. It is quite wild (no watersport industry) and inhabited by a large number of various birds (notably white heron) and beavers. On an autumn day you meet only a couple of anglers.
Świślina is a small river, one of two suppliers of the lake, which continues after the dam. Not particularly beautiful (but not ugly either); perhaps more interesting with high water (we passed a couple of rapids, but at that water level they were very small).
Extremely long portage at the dam!


PictographPhoto Altitude 677 ft
Photo ofStart Photo ofStart


Slip close to Bukówka village. Accessible by car (problematic without 4x4 when muddy)

PictographPhoto Altitude 686 ft
Photo ofDam Photo ofDam


Landing place for the portage is on the left (road visible). Very long portage (+500m) as to access the river on the other side of the dam you have to pass all the dam facilitities

PictographPhoto Altitude 688 ft
Photo ofDam 2

Dam 2

View from the dam on the lake side

PictographPhoto Altitude 606 ft
Photo ofEnd


Small power station marks the end of the track. Behind the bridge, there is a high threshold, inaccessible when the water is low (construction's edge above the water) but potentially very dangerous with high water! When the edge of the threshold is under the waterline, kayak might be 'sucked' into a waterfall behind! (and it looked really ugly down there). Not much sense in continuing behind the threshold, as there is virtually no water on the other side for quite a distance (we walked for about 500-600 meters along the 'river' there and it was nothing but a small stream. Perhaps accessible in early spring with high water. Landing on the left, in front of a cottage. Accessible by car. UWAGA: pod mostkiem widocznym na zdjęciu znajduje się próg spiętrzający wodę dla małej elektrowni wodnej. Próg jest niespływalny przy niskiej wodzie (krawędź wystaje ponad wodę), a przy wysokiej może być bardzo niebezpieczny, grozi "zassaniem" kajaka do jazu - wodospadu, który wygląda paskudnie! Przy kontynuacji spływu konieczna przenoska przed mostkiem, ale dalsze płynięcie jest chyba możliwe tylko przy bardzo wysokiej wodzie (Świślina po drugiej stronie progu zmienia się w maleńki strumyk pełen kamieni). Wygodne lądowanie po lewej przed mostkiem, na trawniku przed domkiem (mały pomost).


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