
Woh Village hike (Right bank)


Trail photos

Photo ofWoh Village hike (Right bank) Photo ofWoh Village hike (Right bank) Photo ofWoh Village hike (Right bank)


Trail stats

6.16 mi
Elevation gain
5,843 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
5,843 ft
Max elevation
3,736 ft
Min elevation
814 ft
Trail type
Moving time
4 hours 31 minutes
6 hours 35 minutes
February 26, 2021
February 2021

near Ra’s al Waḩḩ, Musandam (Sultanate of Oman)

Viewed 1730 times, downloaded 14 times

Trail photos

Photo ofWoh Village hike (Right bank) Photo ofWoh Village hike (Right bank) Photo ofWoh Village hike (Right bank)

Itinerary description

Notes: The hike is easy to moderate, but may be difficult for small children and those with knee issues. The trail begins from the same starting point as "Stairway to Heaven". To reach the starting point, you need a 4WD or AWD, or a sedan with good ground clearance. Alternately, you can park near the Wadi Ghalilah trail starting point and walk the ~2km distance to this hike's starting point.

We begin the hike at 6:30am, with an intention to avoid the afternoon sun, during the descent. The hike begins with a gradual ascent with the typical terrain that is commonly observed on the RAK trails. It is a well laid trail, with crude cemented rock steps, indicating that this is a good picnic trail. There is no possible way for any hiker to be lost on this trail.

As the trail zigzags through the rocky mountain, you start gaining height at a consistent rate. Note that the elevation documented on this wikiloc trail is incorrect as this is a classic "inverted-v" shaped trail, with peak elevation at the Woh village (summit). There is no jagged trail at the peak elevation, as seen in this trail's graph.
When we started the hike, we did not encounter any fog, however, by the time we were approaching the summit, there was dense fog with low visibility. We reached the summit at a village, that we think was the Woh village, as there were signs of sparse human settlement. Given the low visibility, we stayed at this point (summit) and did not proceed further. The beautiful, cold weather made up for the lost panoramic views, amidst the dense fog.

During our descent, we crossed paths with multiple hikers and campers, clearly indicating that this is a famous hiking/camping spot. The descent was enjoyable and cheerful, given that the foggy and pleasant weather, had taken over the harsh afternoon sun. If you intend to soak up in RAK's beautiful natural scenery with minimal disturbance, then a early morning hike is strongly recommended.


PictographPanorama Altitude 830 ft
Photo ofPanorama


PictographMountain pass Altitude 993 ft
Photo ofMountain pass

Mountain pass

PictographPanorama Altitude 1,146 ft
Photo ofPanorama


PictographIntersection Altitude 1,507 ft
Photo ofIntersection


PictographPanorama Altitude 1,402 ft
Photo ofPanorama


PictographPanorama Altitude 2,341 ft
Photo ofPanorama


PictographPanorama Altitude 2,943 ft
Photo ofPanorama


PictographMountain pass Altitude 3,507 ft
Photo ofMountain pass

Mountain pass

PictographMountain pass Altitude 3,576 ft
Photo ofMountain pass Photo ofMountain pass

Mountain pass

PictographPanorama Altitude 3,298 ft
Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama


PictographMountain pass Altitude 3,443 ft
Photo ofMountain pass

Mountain pass

PictographMountain pass Altitude 3,447 ft
Photo ofMountain pass Photo ofMountain pass

Mountain pass

PictographMountain hut Altitude 3,556 ft
Photo ofMountain hut

Mountain hut

PictographSummit Altitude 3,608 ft
Photo ofSummit


PictographSummit Altitude 3,578 ft
Photo ofSummit


PictographSummit Altitude 3,578 ft
Photo ofSummit


Comments  (1)

  • Photo of Pablo de Gárate
    Pablo de Gárate Jan 31, 2023

    Querido amigo:
    La aldea a la que llegaste no se llama Woh. Woh es una pequeña aldea que se encuentra en el territorio de Omán.
    La aldea a la que llegaste se llama Samba. Allí viven únicamente dos granjeros paquistaníes.
    Un kilómetro más arriba de Samba, siguiendo el mismo sendero STH - RB, se encuentra la aldea de Ras Al Ghash, que en su día fue más importante que Samba, pero que ahora solo está habitada por un granjero paquistaní, de nombre Sajjad:
    La confusión con el nombre de Woh se debe posiblemente a alquien que erróneamente le atribuyó ese nombre, y además lo agregó a Google Maps, con la opción de colaboradores, y ahora figura en los mapas de google con ese falso nombre. Estoy intentando que lo corrijan, pero eso lleva tiempo.
    Cordiales saludos

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