
Weddin Mountains National Park, Grenfell, NSW, Australia


Trail photos

Photo ofWeddin Mountains National Park, Grenfell, NSW, Australia Photo ofWeddin Mountains National Park, Grenfell, NSW, Australia Photo ofWeddin Mountains National Park, Grenfell, NSW, Australia


Trail stats

2.67 mi
Elevation gain
617 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
627 ft
Max elevation
1,555 ft
Min elevation
1,029 ft
Trail type
3 hours 18 minutes
June 25, 2010
June 2010
Be the first to clap

near Piney Range, New South Wales (Australia)

Viewed 2406 times, downloaded 9 times

Trail photos

Photo ofWeddin Mountains National Park, Grenfell, NSW, Australia Photo ofWeddin Mountains National Park, Grenfell, NSW, Australia Photo ofWeddin Mountains National Park, Grenfell, NSW, Australia

Itinerary description

Wedding Mountains National Park is located 430 km west of Syndey near the town of Grenfell.

Grenfell is a historical Australian town with a lot of character. Grenfell is also the town where the famous Australian writer and poet Henry Lawson was born.

Regarding the national park, there are various walks that one can choose (from easy to long hard and steep).

I chose a moderate walk. I arrived in the afternoon and started my ascent in the Black Gin Gully. During the afternoon one can observe many native including Superb parrots and Peregrine Falcons.

I also did a bit of rock climbing, however I would not recommend it because it is a little dangerous. Please ignore the rock climbing bit on my GPS trail.

Finally, dusk is magical and is when the swamp wallabies and kangaroos come out to play.

I would not recommend this walk for summer. There is too much dry and flammable wood around and the risk of being caught in a bush fire is probable.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,156 ft

chasing roos in the bush

20-JUN-10 17:00:32

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,332 ft

dont climb rocks

20-JUN-10 15:55:22

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,162 ft

noon bird watching spot

20-JUN-10 16:36:05

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,491 ft

rock faces

20-JUN-10 15:11:40

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,553 ft

trial one

20-JUN-10 15:21:31


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