
Warrie Circuit and The Pinnacle


Trail photos

Photo ofWarrie Circuit and The Pinnacle Photo ofWarrie Circuit and The Pinnacle Photo ofWarrie Circuit and The Pinnacle


Trail stats

10.33 mi
Elevation gain
4,108 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
4,108 ft
Max elevation
2,616 ft
57 5
Min elevation
1,046 ft
Trail type
6 hours 22 minutes
January 15, 2017
January 2017
  • Rating

  •   5 1 review

near Natural Bridge, Queensland (Australia)

Viewed 1301 times, downloaded 105 times

Trail photos

Photo ofWarrie Circuit and The Pinnacle Photo ofWarrie Circuit and The Pinnacle Photo ofWarrie Circuit and The Pinnacle

Itinerary description

warrie circuit would have to be one of, if not the best waterfall walk in SEQ. In addition you can easily visit The Pinnacle which offers 360 degree views of Springbrook NP, and even views out to the Gold Coast. The final scramble up The Pinnacle could be classed as difficult but it is only very short, hence why I graded the walk Moderate. The path out to The Pinnacle can be a bit indistinct at times but the route is straight forwards and very difficult to get lost on. If you loose the path simply retrace your steps till you find it again.

Warrie circuit is an easy walk which is advertised as 17km but my gps tells me it was only 13km so go figure. Take your time and enjoy the waterfalls and scenic terrain. If you are looking at going for a swim Gooroolba Falls is your best bet. The meeting of the waters is definitely worth visiting but it doesn't offer much in the way of swimming opportunities.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,345 ft

Gooroolba Falls

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,211 ft

Meeting of the waters

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,902 ft

The Pinnacle

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