
Walking down the South Kaibab trail into the Grand Canyon


Trail photos

Photo ofWalking down the South Kaibab trail into the Grand Canyon Photo ofWalking down the South Kaibab trail into the Grand Canyon Photo ofWalking down the South Kaibab trail into the Grand Canyon


Trail stats

1.54 mi
Elevation gain
0 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,070 ft
Max elevation
7,201 ft
Min elevation
6,121 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
42 minutes
one hour 23 minutes
July 8, 2022
July 2022
Be the first to clap

near Grand Canyon, Arizona (United States)

Viewed 74 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo ofWalking down the South Kaibab trail into the Grand Canyon Photo ofWalking down the South Kaibab trail into the Grand Canyon Photo ofWalking down the South Kaibab trail into the Grand Canyon

Itinerary description

Walking down the South Kaibab trail into the Grand Canyon


PictographPark Altitude 7,201 ft
Photo ofBeginning of the Southern Kaibab trail down the Grand Canyon Photo ofBeginning of the Southern Kaibab trail down the Grand Canyon

Beginning of the Southern Kaibab trail down the Grand Canyon

PictographPanorama Altitude 7,188 ft
Photo ofDown the trail Photo ofDown the trail

Down the trail

PictographRisk Altitude 7,077 ft
Photo ofWarning signs about the risk of Kaibab trail Photo ofWarning signs about the risk of Kaibab trail

Warning signs about the risk of Kaibab trail

PictographPanorama Altitude 6,693 ft
Photo ofView down the Kaibab trail

View down the Kaibab trail

PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,594 ft
Photo of1st station down the trail Photo of1st station down the trail

1st station down the trail

With amazing view

PictographPanorama Altitude 6,460 ft
Photo ofInner side of the canyon Photo ofInner side of the canyon

Inner side of the canyon

PictographPanorama Altitude 6,198 ft
Photo ofApproaching the next station

Approaching the next station

PictographPark Altitude 6,079 ft
Photo of2nd station

2nd station


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