
Wadi Qada'ah to Jebel Tafif via Qadaah village (Ascent only) Ras al Khaimah.


Trail photos

Photo ofWadi Qada'ah to Jebel Tafif via Qadaah village (Ascent only) Ras al Khaimah. Photo ofWadi Qada'ah to Jebel Tafif via Qadaah village (Ascent only) Ras al Khaimah. Photo ofWadi Qada'ah to Jebel Tafif via Qadaah village (Ascent only) Ras al Khaimah.


Trail stats

4.2 mi
Elevation gain
4,216 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
164 ft
Max elevation
5,284 ft
Min elevation
1,064 ft
Trail type
One Way
3 hours 37 minutes
January 29, 2024
January 2024

near Athabāt, Raʼs al Khaymah (United Arab Emirates)

Viewed 58 times, downloaded 3 times

Trail photos

Photo ofWadi Qada'ah to Jebel Tafif via Qadaah village (Ascent only) Ras al Khaimah. Photo ofWadi Qada'ah to Jebel Tafif via Qadaah village (Ascent only) Ras al Khaimah. Photo ofWadi Qada'ah to Jebel Tafif via Qadaah village (Ascent only) Ras al Khaimah.

Itinerary description

If you followed my trail, referred my detailed text and if it helped you in achieving your goal or not, Kindly leave a comment / review on wikiloc post after your hike.
It will be helpful for fellow hikers to understand the trail and your inputs will be appreciated.

My non commercial FB Page dedicated to UAE Hiking activities.
Please follow and like the page for previous hikes and future hikes updates.

This recording is only for the ascent section of the trail that starts from Danab village at Wadi Qada'ah to the summit of Jebel Tafif.

There are few more trails recorded by me as other hikes covering the sections of this trail.
This trail is fairly accurate to follow.
You can refer other trails recorded on wikiloc as below for more clarity and pictures.

The trail below can be referred till the base of Jebel Tafif.

The trail below can be referred for the segment from base of Tafif till the summit ( It is recorded from top of Yanas mountain and eventually it merges with my this trail )

This hike trail can be referred for Wadi Qadaah to Qadaah village (Leopard Canyon full loop village) and beyond till the base of Tafif mountain.

The Hike starts from Danab Village. Please make sure you do not block the road or any property. While walking through the village, be silent and discreet. The residents do not like noisy and inquisitive visitors.

This is the first time we reached the summit of Tafif mountain from wadi Qadaah - Qadaah village approach.
This ascent to Qadaah village is on a very well visible and maintained trail, most of it is steps and stones. You gain elevation very fast over short distance.

The parking point is the same as Leopard canyon hike.
From the last asphalted road on old Jebel Jais road, it is about 8 Kms of off-roading, a good SUV is the best.
25.753245, 56.133805
Please do not block the road as it is a functional village.

The hike starts from here and it connects o the well known trail for the Qadaah village and its very safely climbed up.

From the village you can continue in the right side to the visible mountain top and it further takes you to the false summit.

From here Jebel Tafif will be visible.
The path is easy and manageable as all the time you will be on the mountain surface.

From the base of Tafif, the ascent to the top is bit tricky and you need to find your own way to navigate through naturally laid steps type approach. Scrambling is involved for about 30 meters elevation.

Once you cross the wall, you are on the top plateau of the mountain and it is bit loose rocks and unstable grounds, but can be navigated safely.

Soon you will reach the higher levels, you will see the Oman border marker.

You walk 500 meters further towards the highest point of the mountain which geographically in Oman.

You can take the same route to return back.

Do Not Try Any Mountain Hikes If You Do Not Understand The Mountain Terrains, Dangers From Wildlife, First Aid, Hydration And Snacks, Your Own Fitness, Remote Activity Preparations, Communication Tools, Mountain Geography, Topography, Risk Factors, HSE Requirements, Hiking Risks, Fitness Level Of The Group Members.
Study All Above Matters Well Before Following Any Trails That You Find Online. Please Do Not Over Estimate Yourself.
Better Be Safe Than Put Yourself / Group In Danger And Regret Later.
Lately We Have Seen A Lot Of Unwanted Hiking Incidents That Could Have Been Avoided With Better Preparation.
Wish You All The Best.
Wikiloc, Only For Reference. There Can Be Errors On The GPS Recording Due To GPS Jumping In The Wadi Sections or Erroneous Recording.


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