
Wadi Naqab + Exploration of 1555


Trail photos

Photo ofWadi Naqab + Exploration of 1555 Photo ofWadi Naqab + Exploration of 1555 Photo ofWadi Naqab + Exploration of 1555


Trail stats

10.79 mi
Elevation gain
5,840 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
5,840 ft
Max elevation
5,137 ft
Min elevation
910 ft
Trail type
October 17, 2020
October 2020

near Yinas, Raʼs al Khaymah (United Arab Emirates)

Viewed 284 times, downloaded 18 times

Trail photos

Photo ofWadi Naqab + Exploration of 1555 Photo ofWadi Naqab + Exploration of 1555 Photo ofWadi Naqab + Exploration of 1555

Itinerary description

This hike starts as very famous climb up to the village along Wadi Naqab with very well marked trail and then continues with no obvious path as exploratory part in order to reach mountain with view on Gulf of Oman.

Overall stats: 17.8km, +-1500m elevation, 10 hours

This route can be split in three sections:
Section 1: is Wadi Naqab hike up to the village
Section 2: hike from the village to the farm
Section 3: downclimbing to wadi and starting final climb up the peak

Section 1: is a popular hike in itself and starts as easy hike along wadi bed, gradually getting steeper. Trail is marked with cairns and stairs are arranged at steeper sections.
Section 2: is a stretch from village to remote farm, just hike along the same ridge from village gradually gaining the elevation
Section 3: from farm you'll face quite steep walls of our target mountain range and you need to find the best way to climb it from wadi bed below you. There's obvious line along which it's possible, from wadi bed there will be around 70m steep scrambling/easy climbing with no exposure just take care of every move (red line seems obvious, but I climbed along the green one). After the scramble you'll join the line along the Wall up to the ridge (orange). From there it's gradual long way up the peak.

Stock up on water, as 3.5l that I took wasn't enough and I had 2 last hours of hiking without a drop of it. Keep some in the car. There are some reservoirs with water at the bottom of wadi and in the village, but I wouldn't risk drinking it without filtering, maybe I'm wrong.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,131 ft

Top 1565

Altitude1564 m
Speed0.0 km/h
Azimuth63 °
Accuracy4.0 m
Created2020-10-17 08:57:42

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,566 ft

Bottom entravce

Altitude1087 m
Speed0.1 km/h
Azimuth139 °
Accuracy3.0 m
Created2020-10-17 08:57:42

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,570 ft

Potential entrance

Altitude1088 m
Speed0.1 km/h
Azimuth154 °
Accuracy3.0 m
Created2020-10-17 08:57:42

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,812 ft

Scramble down to Wadi bed

Altitude1162 m
Created2020-10-17 08:57:42

PictographWaypoint Altitude 4,324 ft

The ridge

Altitude1318 m
Speed0.2 km/h
Azimuth315 °
Accuracy3.0 m
Created2020-10-17 08:57:42

PictographWaypoint Altitude 4,049 ft

The wall

Altitude1234 m
Speed0.1 km/h
Azimuth227 °
Accuracy4.0 m
Created2020-10-17 08:57:42

PictographWaypoint Altitude 4,049 ft

The wall

Altitude1234 m
Speed0.1 km/h
Azimuth227 °
Accuracy4.0 m
Created2020-10-17 08:57:42

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,917 ft

Top entrance

Altitude1194 m
Speed0.1 km/h
Azimuth254 °
Accuracy3.0 m
Created2020-10-17 08:57:42

Comments  (5)

  • Photo of aaron.rawnsley
    aaron.rawnsley Feb 7, 2021

    Great route and awesome views at the top of the 1,555. Thanks for the route details 👍🏽. I did it today

  • Photo of Kozyriev Oleksandr
    Kozyriev Oleksandr Feb 7, 2021

    Glad you liked it! Do you mean you did/run it in full by now today or you camped overnight? Just curious how long it took you to complete. Thanks for feedback.

  • Photo of aaron.rawnsley
    aaron.rawnsley Feb 7, 2021

    Return trip:
    5:00 hours moving time
    7:30 hours with exploration and photos

    I started at 4:30am from Wadi Naqab

    That summit is amazing 🤩

  • Photo of Kozyriev Oleksandr
    Kozyriev Oleksandr Feb 7, 2021

    That is very well done, but more important that you liked it. 👍

  • Photo of 'Rainbow Hiker' Patrick Vijay D'Silva
    'Rainbow Hiker' Patrick Vijay D'Silva Mar 5, 2023

    Hi Kozyriev,

    We hiked this trail yesterday but with bit twists and turns of our own on the summit mountain and we descended by our known previous trail that descends from Twin brothers.

    On the first sight from Samarat village , this summit mountain looks like a vertical wall, but it is easily walkable terrain.

    We enjoyed the hike and we enjoyed every bit of it.

    Thank you Koziriev.

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