
Wadi Naqab, Bristly Ridge, Jebel Harf Tila and the Villages


Trail photos

Photo ofWadi Naqab, Bristly Ridge, Jebel Harf Tila and the Villages Photo ofWadi Naqab, Bristly Ridge, Jebel Harf Tila and the Villages Photo ofWadi Naqab, Bristly Ridge, Jebel Harf Tila and the Villages


Trail stats

26.21 mi
Elevation gain
9,783 ft
Technical difficulty
Very difficult
Elevation loss
9,783 ft
Max elevation
5,113 ft
Min elevation
205 ft
Trail type
one day 5 hours 29 minutes
April 17, 2018
April 2018

near Baqal, Raʼs al Khaymah (United Arab Emirates)

Viewed 2719 times, downloaded 79 times

Trail photos

Photo ofWadi Naqab, Bristly Ridge, Jebel Harf Tila and the Villages Photo ofWadi Naqab, Bristly Ridge, Jebel Harf Tila and the Villages Photo ofWadi Naqab, Bristly Ridge, Jebel Harf Tila and the Villages

Itinerary description

As the weather warms with the onset of the 2018 Summer, this route took on the trek late or trek high summer strategy, with an all-height-gained-must-be-retained mentality. We headed sharply in an upward direction therefore, camping at around 3000'/900m looking down on a picturesque mountain village, and remained high until late afternoon the following day, then dropping height to find some cold pools worthy of a quick swim in the wadi. This made the temperatures still very reasonable throughout. The actual move time for this route was 17 hour 20 mins, at a Moderate pace. With a 4x4 you are able to park as high up as (WP2), which will save around 2 hours of walking. (1 hour each way).

To note: I estimate temperatures in the hajar mountains by taking away 1'C for every 500ft, or 2'C for every 300m gained. This has been really consistent, and won me many a bet!

The difficulty of this route ranged from an Easy Hike to Very Difficult. Lower Wadi Niqab has a track, and is therefore easy. The crux of the route is Middle Wadi Niqab (Reference Heli Hike) between (WP19-25) which I graded the route off. Other 'Difficult' sections are the drop from the village into Niqab (WP14-17) and the Bristly Ridge section (WP5-8). The trek up from Niqab to the village, is a Moderate (WP3-4), and the remainder of the route is Easy.

As is usually the case with these routes, it's probably best used, by being broken into sections and used to create routes of your own, to your own spec, although it can be done as a whole evidently. The route from the wadi to the village is certainly a nice short trek in itself (WP2-4) for example.

This route had 6 sections.

1. WP 01 - 03 - Wadi Niqab Walk in - 1 Hour 30 mins - 5.7km - (200m/650' height gain)
2. WP 03 - 04 - Wadi Niqab up to the Villages - 45 mins - 1.3km - (250m/800’ height gain)
3. WP 04 - 08 - Bristly Ridge - 2 Hours 45 mins - 4.2km - (600m/2000' height gain)
4. WP 08 - 13 - The Plateau, Peak and the Villages - 3 Hours 45 mins - 8km - (500m+ then 400 descent / 1600'+ then 1300' descent)
5. WP 13 - 19 - The descent into Wadi Naqab - 2 Hours 45 mins – 5km – (600m / 2000’ descent)
6. WP 19 - 03 - Wadi Niqab Walk out - 4 Hours 20 – 11km - (350m/1100’ descent)
1. WP 03 - 01 - Wadi Niqab Walk out - 1 Hour 30 mins – 5.7km - (200m/650' descent)


PictographCar park Altitude 277 ft

01 - Start/End

01 - Start/End

PictographPhoto Altitude 0 ft
Photo of04 - Top of Path Photo of04 - Top of Path Photo of04 - Top of Path

04 - Top of Path

04 - Top of Path

PictographIntersection Altitude 0 ft
Photo of02 - Track Junction

02 - Track Junction

02 - Track Junction

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo of03 - Bottom of Path Photo of03 - Bottom of Path Photo of03 - Bottom of Path

03 - Bottom of Path

03 - Bottom of Path

PictographPhoto Altitude 0 ft
Photo of05 - Balcony South End

05 - Balcony South End

05 - Balcony South End

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo of06 - Balcony North End

06 - Balcony North End

06 - Balcony North End

PictographCampsite Altitude 2,626 ft
Photo of07 - Campsite Photo of07 - Campsite

07 - Campsite

07 - Campsite

Photo of08 - Col Photo of08 - Col Photo of08 - Col

08 - Col

08 - Col

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,786 ft
Photo of09 - Village Photo of09 - Village

09 - Village

09 - Village

Photo of10 - Col

10 - Col

10 - Col

Photo of11 - Ridgeline Corner

11 - Ridgeline Corner

11 - Ridgeline Corner

PictographSummit Altitude 16,739 ft
Photo of12 - Double Peak (Minor) - 5102m/1555' Photo of12 - Double Peak (Minor) - 5102m/1555' Photo of12 - Double Peak (Minor) - 5102m/1555'

12 - Double Peak (Minor) - 5102m/1555'

12 - Double Peak (Minor) - 5102m/1555'

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,923 ft
Photo of13 - Top of Path Photo of13 - Top of Path Photo of13 - Top of Path

13 - Top of Path

13 - Top of Path

PictographMountain pass Altitude 3,824 ft
Photo of14 - Bend in Path

14 - Bend in Path

14 - Bend in Path

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,316 ft
Photo of15 - Bend in Path

15 - Bend in Path

15 - Bend in Path

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo of16 - Bend in Path

16 - Bend in Path

16 - Bend in Path

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo of17 - Gulley Bend

17 - Gulley Bend

17 - Gulley Bend

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo of18 - Bottom of Arete

18 - Bottom of Arete

18 - Bottom of Arete

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo of19 - Wadi Naqab Photo of19 - Wadi Naqab Photo of19 - Wadi Naqab

19 - Wadi Naqab

19 - Wadi Naqab

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

20 - Big Step

20 - Big Step

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,579 ft

21 - Squeeze

21 - Squeeze

PictographCave Altitude 1,540 ft
Photo of22 - Step above Cave Photo of22 - Step above Cave

22 - Step above Cave

22 - Step above Cave

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,523 ft

23 - Steps

23 - Steps

PictographLake Altitude 1,454 ft
Photo of24 - Pools above Wall Photo of24 - Pools above Wall Photo of24 - Pools above Wall

24 - Pools above Wall

24 - Pools above Wall

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,168 ft
Photo of25 - Step above Bolder Field Photo of25 - Step above Bolder Field

25 - Step above Bolder Field

25 - Step above Bolder Field

Comments  (13)

  • Photo of Meer Waheeth
    Meer Waheeth Jan 25, 2021

    I have just started doing small two to three hours hiking, in curiosity I am asking you went in a group organized by any adventure company or you went alone with friends.

    I have done showka pools, wadi abadilah, jebel yanas balcony hike and mleika desert walk. I am residing in ras al khaimah so please suggest me easy and moderate hikes in ras al khaimah

  • Photo of Ben Robbins
    Ben Robbins Jan 25, 2021

    Wikiloc requires a technical difficulty attached to each route, so look through the routes that I and others have put here for easy routes. I always organise my own treks/climbs rather than going with large groups, which is a bit more risky if a route is experimental.

  • Photo of Meer Waheeth
    Meer Waheeth Jan 25, 2021

    Thank you

  • omar alahmed Nov 2, 2021

    السلام عليكم
    الدرب في تسلق ولا بس مشي

  • Photo of Simon Skyrunning
    Simon Skyrunning Feb 12, 2023

    Hey Ben--How was the decent back into Wadi Naqab? I'm assuming no rope was needed (as per your grade)--but some areas seemed steep when I was last there going into the Wadi (reverse your direction).


  • Photo of Ben Robbins
    Ben Robbins Feb 12, 2023

    HI Simon, No ropes were used, and going down into the wadi is fine...steepish, bit of scree, but not too bad. Waypoint 20 (Big Step) is the crux of the route, and some may want a rope. It's easy, but very exposed briefly.

  • Photo of Simon Skyrunning
    Simon Skyrunning Feb 13, 2023


  • Photo of Simon Skyrunning
    Simon Skyrunning Feb 26, 2023

    Did it over the weekend. Very nice. Agree with your crux indications. Will be more convenient to have a rope for those but as you say doable without.

    The trails most places have disappeared, especially from the village to wadi naqab.

  • Photo of Ben Robbins
    Ben Robbins Feb 26, 2023

    I think they use the path from the south to the village now, since the tawian mountain road was tarmacked, so it's a long route but minimal up/down. So a lot of these other old paths are getting trickier and trickier to sniff out year on year.

  • Photo of Simon Skyrunning
    Simon Skyrunning Feb 27, 2023

    Makes sense. It's amazing to see how green it was today compared to your pictures. The valley, especially the north facing side was full with greenery and yellow flowers (also why it was difficult to find the old path).

    By the way, was the reason you chose to go above the wadi until the wadi naqab waypoint the trail? Or any other reason. I followed the same path, but could very well have been more enjoyable to go into the wadi from beginning instead of cross the screen on the side of the wadi.

  • Photo of Ben Robbins
    Ben Robbins Feb 27, 2023

    From having done that bit of the wadi previously when doing the western approach to Jebel Qihwi I remembered that wadi floor section being flat on the macro, but bouldery on the micro, so went along the path the left bank. It may have been, like you said, not possible to see the old path on this section, which would have made it a bit more scree/sketchy and have slowed it down.

    Sometimes the routes I do, may take alternative options with the intention of avoiding repetition for myself. I often upload routes with the hope people can use them not just in their entirety but also by combining elements of different ones.

  • Photo of Simon Skyrunning
    Simon Skyrunning Feb 27, 2023

    100%. This part of the route i stuck to the suggestion, as I didnt have a rope, so didnt want to go into the valley in the case it was required (and it was getting warm so didnt want to climb back up).

    For future people who would be interested, given what you say and the current condition; seems like it would be easier and nicer to go in the wadi earlier.

  • Photo of Ben Robbins
    Ben Robbins Feb 27, 2023

    To note, there is a trail down the ridge from the village going north. I have not done it, but have seen the path at both ends. This would miss the wadi's big drops, which could be seen as a good or bad thing depending what your after. This is also probably partly why this path section is so faint now.

    Also, there are a few steps in that wadi section, I don't recall anything that difficult, but it wasn't featureless. So the wadi route could be nicer, but in this case I gambled on it being slower.

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