
Wadi al Ḩayl with children


Trail photos

Photo ofWadi al Ḩayl with children Photo ofWadi al Ḩayl with children Photo ofWadi al Ḩayl with children


Trail stats

4.63 mi
Elevation gain
1,480 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,184 ft
Max elevation
2,413 ft
Min elevation
720 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
2 hours 32 minutes
5 hours 34 minutes
February 22, 2019
February 2019

near Ḩayl, Al Fujayrah (United Arab Emirates)

Viewed 890 times, downloaded 19 times

Trail photos

Photo ofWadi al Ḩayl with children Photo ofWadi al Ḩayl with children Photo ofWadi al Ḩayl with children

Itinerary description

A beautiful hike, but with lots of scrambling. My phone battery died so I couldn't record the actual length but we finished back at Al Hayl castle. I think we would have done 10km.

At the Al Hayl castle continue on the same road till you reach again a little site that says archiological site. No 4 wheel drive needed. There is space for parking. Initially you walk on the roads of the quarry, then after about 2km it's just the wadi. Elevation is very ok but for untrained hikers the scrambling could be difficult. Hiking shoes are of advantage. We found going up easier than down. Lots of shade in between where you can rest. We walked with children, so we did lots of water stops under the trees. It was amazingly green and saw so many flours. It was just beautiful. You will see a mobile tower which is a good point for orientation. You just walk towards it. We loved the walk as the pathway was so clear, you can't get lost. We just wondered if at the end we could do a bigger loop towards the West.


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