
Vuelta al Ausangate (4 Días / 3 Noches)


Trail photos

Photo ofVuelta al Ausangate (4 Días / 3 Noches) Photo ofVuelta al Ausangate (4 Días / 3 Noches) Photo ofVuelta al Ausangate (4 Días / 3 Noches)


Trail stats

33.56 mi
Elevation gain
7,743 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
6,496 ft
Max elevation
16,797 ft
79 5
Min elevation
12,912 ft
Trail type
One Way
3 days 3 hours 41 minutes
September 26, 2019
September 2019
  • Rating

  •   5 1 review

near Labramarca, Cusco (Peru)

Viewed 5038 times, downloaded 196 times

Trail photos

Photo ofVuelta al Ausangate (4 Días / 3 Noches) Photo ofVuelta al Ausangate (4 Días / 3 Noches) Photo ofVuelta al Ausangate (4 Días / 3 Noches)

Itinerary description

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Engraved with Garmin Etrex 30

The Ausangate trek is a difficult route. Mainly because the weather conditions can make you have a bad drink and especially because the trekking runs entirely above 4400. This, together with sleeping in a tent, makes it a complicated trekking.

The best time is the dry season from May to October. We did it at the beginning of September and it snowed or hailed us every day in the afternoon, the clouds accumulating in the massif as the morning went by. One of the days hailstorm was important while we were walking. It seems that the dry season does not mean absence of precipitation, it is normal for there to be rainfall in the late afternoon, in the rainy season these are continuous and more intense. As we speak with the people of the area, the presence of clouds is frequent in the area, being May and June the clearest months but, on the contrary, they are the months of frost, being able to reach very low temperatures during the night. Today the seasonality of the sessions is more irregular, so nothing is certain about time.

The trekking we have prepared on our own. We contacted a man from Tinke who put us an arriero to carry a backpack that we carried for 100 soles a day (€ 25). The contact is as follows. Hernán Quispe +51 984134098. Man has managed to make a website that is this

Hernán is a man of about 40 years old, with teeth and black lips chewing coca and an acceptable level of Spanish. The contact with him is very fast by whatsapp although the technologies are not yet well mastered. He does not write well in Spanish and it is easier to communicate with him through audios. We got a muleteer named Edwin. The boy was chattering Spanish, enough to communicate awkwardly. Of course, he was a charm and very attentive to us, even though he went alone as an arriero with his horse "Gringo". Hernán also puts you in touch with Gerónimo who is a Tinke taxi driver who lives in Cusco. It takes you to Tinke and picks you up in Pacchante the day you end up for 300 soles. His contact number is +51953835370. Gerónimo as a taxi driver is great, a charming man with charisma and he doesn't hit the stick with the price. Calling him a few days in advance is enough, very punctual and he drives with his head. We have him for the trips to both Ausangate and Salkantay, for the moment he has no whatsapp but for what he told us he is trying to have an Internet presence but still does not dominate him. He intends to organize routes to Ausangate as a guide, if so I can assure you that he would be a great guide, he knows the area, customs and tells you about the culture of the Ausangate area.

What has been the Ausangate stages is not difficult in terms of the characteristics of the terrain but in terms of height and climate. It is important to be well acclimated especially because you always sleep high and there is no possibility of going down fast and much less of being rescued quickly. We did the trekking after touring the Atacama desert and the Uyuni area, so we were 12 days earlier in height and arrived perfectly acclimatized.

When making the route many people make a detour that, as organized, increases the route in one or two days to see the mountain of the seven colors or Vinicunca, so publicized by the streets of Cusco. In my opinion this is not worth it because it extends the route and makes it harder to see, among hundreds of tourists, a mountain that is not unique at all since there are many mountains like that in the area and can be seen from the same step Palomani the third day of the classic lap. It makes less sense if to visit the famous Vinicunca mountain one omits the Palomani pass which, surely, is much more spectacular and without walking among hundreds of Sundays.

I briefly describe the stages:

Day 1: Tinke - Upis.

Stage to catch the rhythm. From Tinke it is possible to see the work of people as well as alpacas and women with clothing typical of the area. He always walks with the Ausangate in front and once away from Tinke we begin to approach Upis between small, very photogenic lagoons. Arriving in Upis there is the possibility of sleeping in a small cabin, the photo appears in the waypoint, for 10 soles. To sleep here you have to look for the man who takes care of the alpacas that lives in a cabin that is high up west of the camp. In the cabin there are about six people, 8 if you press more 1 more on the floor. A lot of caution in this camp because it is frequented by foxes that can sneak into the cabin or the tent in order to get food. It is recommended to sleep with everything in shelter since the internet reads of theft in this camp when you leave something outside.

Day 2: Upis - Ausangatecocha

This is a very spectacular day starring lagoons and the surrounding mountains. It is a physically demanding day as two steps are uploaded. The first step, the open Arapa, is a simple step with beautiful views when you arrive at the top. Between this step and the next one goes from lagoon to lagoon. It is inevitable to stop every two by three so it is good to start the day early to take advantage of it before a lot of cloud accumulates in the massif. The second step is very close to the glacier. Arriving above the views of the Ausangatecocha lagoon and the camp, along with the Palomani pass to the top and the valley that leads to Vinicunca makes the photograph beautiful.

Day 3: Ausangatecocha - Jampa

For me this day is the most scenic. The landscape changes radically with that of the previous day. You start by going up to the Palomani pass. The climb becomes somewhat hard but it is compensated with the views that constantly accompany. At the start of the exit you have to be attentive to a small send that leads to the top of the Ausangatecocha lagoon that offers a beautiful scene. The Palomani pass is unquestionably the prettiest point of the entire return to Ausangate. The stage is taken from a Tim Burton movie. To the southwest all the mountains of colors, among which are twin sisters of the famous vinicunca, in the same step Palomani the bare mountain with different shades of red along with the Sierra Nevada in the background give a perfect picture. To the north the Ausangate massif along with the glacial lagoons with floating icebergs and the mountains extending eastward. Arriving at the Palomani Pass makes all the effort involved in getting here to make sense.

The descent of the passage is done by the slope of the mountain with the Ausangate at the back and the valley in front. You pass through small cabins with alpacas grazing to follow the river and cross it over a bridge that leads to an area of lagoons. Again, before reaching Jampa, you follow the river uphill and you reach the valley where Jampa is located. In the end there are snowy peaks and dozens of alpacas grazing everywhere. The Jampa camp to my liking is the most beautiful. It is worth walking through the rocks on the side of the camp, because they are full of vizcachas.

Day 4: Jampa - Pacchante

This day begins with a climb that is harder than Palomani being longer. During the ascent you have several peaks in front and finally you reach Jampa from which you can see the huge glacier below and the valley of the lagoons in the background. In our case, we had a huge hailstorm that made the moment quite hard and forced us down quickly. In the area of the lagoons, clouds usually cover the massif. We saw him very timidly, the weather was the worst of the entire lap and the snow accumulated on the road. Until Pacchante you go through a series of very photogenic lagoons each with a spiritual significance for the Ausangate community.

From Pacchante you can take transportation to Tinke. In our case, the taxi driver Gerónimo was waiting for us, who took us to Cusco for 150 soles. The road from Pacchante to Tinki is absurd to do it walking since it is a busy dirt road.


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PictographMountain pass Altitude 17,060 ft
Photo ofAbra Palomani Photo ofAbra Palomani Photo ofAbra Palomani

Abra Palomani

Abra Palomani y montaña de colores

PictographBridge Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofPuente


PictographLake Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofAzulcocha


PictographCampsite Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofCampamento Jampa Photo ofCampamento Jampa Photo ofCampamento Jampa

Campamento Jampa

PictographCampsite Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofCampamento Upis Photo ofCampamento Upis

Campamento Upis

PictographCampsite Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofCampamento Ausangatecocha Photo ofCampamento Ausangatecocha Photo ofCampamento Ausangatecocha

Campamento Ausangatecocha

PictographIntersection Altitude 0 ft


PictographLake Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofLaguna


PictographLake Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofLaguna Puqa Qocha Photo ofLaguna Puqa Qocha

Laguna Puqa Qocha

PictographLake Altitude 15,709 ft
Photo ofLaguna Vinacocha

Laguna Vinacocha

PictographLake Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofLaguna Photo ofLaguna Photo ofLaguna


PictographLake Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofLaguna Photo ofLaguna


PictographLake Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofLaguna Photo ofLaguna


PictographLake Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofLagunas Photo ofLagunas Photo ofLagunas


PictographLake Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofOtorongococha hembra Photo ofOtorongococha hembra

Otorongococha hembra

PictographLake Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofOtorongococha macho

Otorongococha macho

PictographCar park Altitude 0 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 14,698 ft
Photo ofPampacancha


PictographMountain pass Altitude 15,955 ft
Photo ofAbra Photo ofAbra


PictographMountain pass Altitude 15,546 ft
Photo ofAbra Arapa Photo ofAbra Arapa Photo ofAbra Arapa

Abra Arapa

PictographMountain pass Altitude 16,531 ft
Photo ofAbra Jampa Photo ofAbra Jampa Photo ofAbra Jampa

Abra Jampa

PictographMonument Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofPoblado Photo ofPoblado Photo ofPoblado


PictographMountain hut Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofRefugio


10 soles

PictographIntersection Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofSenda izquierda Photo ofSenda izquierda

Senda izquierda

PictographIntersection Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofSenda izquierda vistas Photo ofSenda izquierda vistas

Senda izquierda vistas

PictographRiver Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofRío


PictographCar park Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofTinke Photo ofTinke


PictographPanorama Altitude 15,450 ft
Photo ofMirador


PictographPanorama Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofVista Laguna témpanos Photo ofVista Laguna témpanos

Vista Laguna témpanos

PictographPanorama Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofVistas poblado

Vistas poblado

Comments  (4)

  • Photo of Berta NC
    Berta NC Oct 7, 2019

    Como siempre, un placer para la vista descubrir el mundo a través de tus rutas. Gracias!

  • Photo of daniorte
    daniorte Oct 11, 2019

    Muchas gracias por pasarte a comentar!! Saludos!

  • Dan QC Jan 29, 2020

    Que buen comentario es de mucha ayuda

  • Photo of Vic_Erick
    Vic_Erick Jul 24, 2021


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