Vilaflor de Chasna, Paisaje Lunar
near Vilaflor, Canarias (España)
Viewed 879 times, downloaded 65 times
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5,415 ft
Vilaflor de Chasna, Paisaje Lunar. 01-04-22
Vilaflor de Chasna, Paisaje Lunar. 01-04-22
by VOLCANAGAWalking distance: 4.97 mi. - 8 km.
Elevation min: 1648 meters max: 1962 meters
Uphill: 320 meters down: 320 meters
Type: Loop
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0 ft
3 Subimos por la Izq.
0 ft
5 De frente
0 ft
20 Seguimos por la pista unos 50 metros y la abandonamos a la Drch. por el sendero
Comments (1)
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I have followed this trail verified View more
Easy to follow
Nice hike, the path is very easy to follow. Not a challenging walk - the whole path is prepared. Beautiful scenery with many trees and different types of stone/sand and nice views all the way - although I had expected more of the “lunar” stones. The way off the main road looks slightly bad in the first few meters but is a good road to drive on all until the starting point of the hike. We completed the hike within 2 hours.