
Vietnam (Sa Pa): Paseo hasta Ta Van (Lao Chai)


Trail photos

Photo ofVietnam (Sa Pa): Paseo hasta Ta Van (Lao Chai) Photo ofVietnam (Sa Pa): Paseo hasta Ta Van (Lao Chai) Photo ofVietnam (Sa Pa): Paseo hasta Ta Van (Lao Chai)


Trail stats

5.63 mi
Elevation gain
335 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,749 ft
Max elevation
4,849 ft
89 5
Min elevation
3,388 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
2 hours 31 minutes
4 hours 6 minutes
October 11, 2023
October 2023
  • Rating

  •   5 3 Reviews

near Mông Hòa, Lào Cai (Vietnam)

Viewed 967 times, downloaded 44 times

Trail photos

Photo ofVietnam (Sa Pa): Paseo hasta Ta Van (Lao Chai) Photo ofVietnam (Sa Pa): Paseo hasta Ta Van (Lao Chai) Photo ofVietnam (Sa Pa): Paseo hasta Ta Van (Lao Chai)

Itinerary description

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Tour from the outskirts of Sa Pa, from where we take a track that goes to Cau May, Lao Chai and Ta Van, small towns inhabited by those belonging to the Black Hmong ethnic group. Along the way we visited two of the humble houses of the residents of these places, to end our tour in Ta Van.

DESCRIPTION OF OUR TOUR: We are seven travelers who are going to do this tour accompanied by a Vietnamese guide, who on paper speaks Spanish, but who in reality manages it at a very elementary level and understands almost nothing, although with effort we managed to do that understands what is essential.

We leave our hotel in a minibus towards the outskirts of Sa Pa to get closer to the road/track that we are going to travel. 8 girls are waiting for us at the beginning, most of them very young, between 20 and 30 years old, some carrying a child on their backs. They all carry a bag with some very simple handmade products. We believe that their intention is to sell us their items, but initially they show them to us without insistence. We ask our guide if they are going to accompany us all the way, and after some unclear explanations, we conclude that it will be like that. We are immersed in another world, with situations that are difficult to understand. We soon realize that there is a leader of the group and that each girl takes care of one of us discreetly. If you are late to take a photo, your companion is waiting for you, if you move faster, she is very close, waiting for you. We speak with them in very basic English, which they speak better than our guide.

Most of the route runs along the cemented track on which vehicles can circulate, although we only came across a few motorcycles. We arrive at a bridge that connects the track with a few scattered houses of the inhabitants of this ethnic group who are dedicated to agricultural tasks. After crossing the bridge we reach a narrow and very muddy path to visit two of the houses of the women who accompany us, to return along it to the track to continue our walk.

The houses we visited are made of wooden planks, with a dirt floor, a tin roof, with some separate spaces, without electric light, they cook with a fire on the floor and a grill to hold the cooking containers. All they have are some pallets and mats on the floor, and some hanging clothes. In the upper part of the house, a kind of open attic, there are a few bags. They contain rice, they tell us. Everything is very humble, hardly any light enters the houses and they are very sad. There are so few things that we doubt this could be your home. Next to one of the houses they also have a water buffalo locked up in a small farmhouse, a very valuable animal in these parts. They release him and give him fresh grass so that we can see him better. He is completely domesticated and we can stay very close to him. After this shocking visit and after some of us (one of them the guide) fell into the mud on the trail, we returned to the bridge and followed the track towards Cau May.

We walk near the terraced rice fields, which have just been harvested at this time of year, and so we only see the canes that remain from the harvested rice.

We already see the scattered houses of Lao Chai. Soon we reach a bridge that takes us to the center of town. I think many tourists pass through here because of the number of souvenir shops there are. We continue walking between houses to Ta Van, which is part of Lao Chai, where we eat in a very nice restaurant and where we end our walk.

The girls have accompanied us up to this point with their children on their backs and their bags of crafts. None of us have bought anything from them. But we said goodbye to them, thanking them for their company with a small cash gift from a collection that we have made among ourselves and that we distribute equally among them.


PictographInformation point Altitude 4,160 ft
Photo ofEn la pista/camino por el que vamos a hacer el recorrido Photo ofEn la pista/camino por el que vamos a hacer el recorrido Photo ofEn la pista/camino por el que vamos a hacer el recorrido

En la pista/camino por el que vamos a hacer el recorrido

We begin to walk with fog that prevents us from enjoying the landscape accompanied by locals.

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PictographPanorama Altitude 4,147 ft
Photo ofPanorámica Photo ofPanorámica Photo ofPanorámica


Se va levantando la niebla

PictographBridge Altitude 3,543 ft
Photo ofPuente Photo ofPuente


PictographInformation point Altitude 3,698 ft
Photo ofCasa 1 Photo ofCasa 1 Photo ofCasa 1

Casa 1

Primera de las casas que visitamos

PictographInformation point Altitude 3,766 ft
Photo ofCasa 2 Photo ofCasa 2 Photo ofCasa 2

Casa 2

Segunda de las casas

PictographInformation point Altitude 3,753 ft
Photo ofSendero embarrado Photo ofSendero embarrado

Sendero embarrado

PictographInformation point Altitude 3,724 ft
Photo ofSendero en mal estado

Sendero en mal estado

El sendero está destrozado además de embarrado

PictographPanorama Altitude 3,465 ft
Photo ofTerrazas de arroz Photo ofTerrazas de arroz Photo ofTerrazas de arroz

Terrazas de arroz

PictographPanorama Altitude 3,451 ft
Photo ofPanorámica Photo ofPanorámica


PictographInformation point Altitude 3,406 ft
Photo ofLao Chai Photo ofLao Chai Photo ofLao Chai

Lao Chai

PictographBridge Altitude 3,287 ft
Photo ofPuente Photo ofPuente


PictographInformation point Altitude 3,307 ft
Photo ofLao Chai Photo ofLao Chai Photo ofLao Chai

Lao Chai

PictographInformation point Altitude 3,301 ft
Photo ofTa Van Photo ofTa Van Photo ofTa Van

Ta Van

PictographInformation point Altitude 3,314 ft
Photo ofTa Van Photo ofTa Van Photo ofTa Van

Ta Van

Final de nuestro recorrido

Comments  (8)

  • Photo of Raquel A
    Raquel A Oct 27, 2023

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Un paseo muy bonito y agradable con la compañía de las lugareñas

  • anaifr6 Oct 27, 2023

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Perfecta descripción de la ruta y las circunstancias en las que las realizamos.

  • Photo of Manu Arroyo
    Manu Arroyo Oct 27, 2023

    Muchas gracias Raquel y Ana por vuestros comentarios y valoración.

  • Photo of maisid
    maisid Nov 2, 2023

    Bonita e interesante descripción de la ruta y la aventura.

  • Photo of Manu Arroyo
    Manu Arroyo Nov 2, 2023

    Hola Maisid: he pasado casi todo el mes de octubre por la Indochina, otro mundo, (como decía Paul Éluard “hay otros mundos pero están en este”). Interesante y sorprendente. Muchas gracias por tu valoración y comentario.

  • Photo of maisid
    maisid Nov 2, 2023

    Ya se te echaba de menos por aquí.... Con tu relato y tus fotos, me has ahorrado un largo viaje. 🙂

  • Photo of W.White
    W.White Feb 14, 2024

    Hola Manu, donde contratasteis los guias locales y cuantos dias recomiendas para ver la zona de sapa? Muchas gracias

  • Photo of Manu Arroyo
    Manu Arroyo Feb 17, 2024

    Nosotros viajamos con muchas cosas contratadas con GrandVoyage, entre ellas esta excursión hasta Ta Van. Estuvimos tres días en Sa Pa. Pero considero que merece la pena dedicarle más tiempo, al menos 5 días. Y seguro que en los hoteles de Sa Pa pueden informaros de guías locales para hacer rutas por las montañas Vietnamitas.

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