
Valbona to Theth (Valbona to Theth Hiking Tour via Koman Lake)


Trail photos

Photo ofValbona to Theth (Valbona to Theth Hiking Tour via Koman Lake) Photo ofValbona to Theth (Valbona to Theth Hiking Tour via Koman Lake) Photo ofValbona to Theth (Valbona to Theth Hiking Tour via Koman Lake)


Trail stats

8.77 mi
Elevation gain
3,048 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
4,180 ft
Max elevation
6,101 ft
Min elevation
2,308 ft
Trail type
One Way
6 hours 53 minutes
April 4, 2023
June 2018

near Rrogam, Kukës (Albania)

Viewed 522 times, downloaded 39 times

Trail photos

Photo ofValbona to Theth (Valbona to Theth Hiking Tour via Koman Lake) Photo ofValbona to Theth (Valbona to Theth Hiking Tour via Koman Lake) Photo ofValbona to Theth (Valbona to Theth Hiking Tour via Koman Lake)

Itinerary description

The Valbona to Theth hike can be rated as a moderate plus hike. The route is well-marked and features a good variety of rugged terrain.

Duration: 6 – 9 hours. It took us 9 hours in total, with plenty of small stops and two longer breaks at the cafés.
Elevation: the hike has a minimum elevation of 800 m and a maximum elevation of 1800 m.
Guide & Trail Markings: You do not need a guide for this hike, as it is very well marked. You will find markings consisting of two white stripes with a red stripe in the middle, mainly on trees and rocks indicating where to go.

Part 1: from the river bed to the forest – The hike starts in Valbona where you will cross the first 2.5 km over a stony river bed along beautiful pine trees. As this part of the hike barely inclines, it is a good warm up for the paths ascending the mountain that are soon to come. Once leaving the river bed, you will start slowly ascending through a forest like path that takes you along small farms until you reach the first café on the hike: Café Emanueli. This part is one of the easiest parts of the hike.

Part 2: a slow ascent – From Café Emanueli you will slowly start ascending, where the path combines zigzagging steep paths with short breaks of straight paths in between. Take your time here, and be sure to sometimes stop, turn around and enjoy the view the hardest part of the hike is yet to come, so preserve some of that energy. Right before the next café you will notice that the path starts to get steeper and steeper, a perfect time for a break and a drink at Simoni Cafe.

Part 3: the steep ascent – After Simoni Café you will find that the path will the path on a continues incline while it slowly zigzags its way to the top of the mountain. This part has some of the most beautiful views over the valley, so take your time, catch your breath, and simply enjoy. While steep, it won’t be long before you reach the Valbona Pass.

Part 4: the Valbona Pass – At a certain point the zigzagging paths will turn into a straight and narrow path along the side of the mountain, be careful here as the paths are quite slippery. From here it is just a short walk to the actual Valbona Pass, where you will be able to enjoy the view over both valleys. Once you reach the paths, you will find various smaller hikes taking you to the top of the hill, the perfect place to stop for a lunch break.

Part 5: through the forest – From the Valbona Pass, a steep descent along rocky paths will lead you through a beautiful forest. While views over the mountains and the valleys will be limited, this forest provides perfect protection from the warm summer sun, just be careful hiking here as the leaves of the trees make the path very slippery. The path will open up again once you reach Café Krojnat, a perfect place for another break (if you have the time) before the final descent to Theth.

Part 6: the steep descent to Theth – While we expected the trail to get easier after Café Krojnat, it actually only got harder. The final part of the hike are steep descending paths filled with loose laying rocks, where nearly all of us almost fell, no matter hiking boots or not. This path will take you down to the centre of Theth where you can make your way to your guesthouse for a delicious dinner and a proper night’s sleep.


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