
Upper Pisang - Manang


Trail photos

Photo ofUpper Pisang - Manang Photo ofUpper Pisang - Manang Photo ofUpper Pisang - Manang


Trail stats

13.24 mi
Elevation gain
3,586 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,874 ft
Max elevation
12,451 ft
Min elevation
10,750 ft
Trail type
One Way
February 5, 2018
Be the first to clap

near Upper Pisang, Western Region (Nepal)

Viewed 258 times, downloaded 21 times

Trail photos

Photo ofUpper Pisang - Manang Photo ofUpper Pisang - Manang Photo ofUpper Pisang - Manang

Itinerary description

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Route 6 - Annapurna Circuit - Sixth route of the Annapurna circuit (06/23/2017). Affected by altitude sickness, the crossing becomes harder but does not prevent us from enjoying the landscapes and people of the area. This route is quite hard because of the unevenness and the distance to travel. We leave Upper Pisang with a fairly good temperature, although later the sun will rise and the day will become an oven (on the one hand well since there is a lot of visibility and the sun is always appreciated, on the other hand not so much because there are not many villages and we were short of water). The road is one of the most beautiful of the circuit as you go through narrow roads of different types, climbs and descents in sharp zigzags, among pine forests, uncovered, next to cliffs, in short, a way to enjoy. The first part is the hardest, because you climb a mountain with a large gap to Ghyaru (a very picturesque village full of bees) from where there are incredible views of the valley of the Marshyangdi River, then the route continues to climb a few kilometers with a low altitude and from there it's all downhill. The views are incredible along the entire route and there are several temples next to the path. The Ngawal people are very colorful because of the flags and the fields around them are beautiful because they have a good irrigation system that they use with smooth stones (it looks like slate). Then continue through a more desert area with a wide horizon whose views are wonderful. Then you enter the valley of a stream dominated by the pines that aromatizan the walk, from there you take a wider path that follows the side of the Marshyangdi River and that leads directly to Manang. Both the town of Braka, 1 kilometer before Manang, and Manang will surprise anyone. In Manang we stayed at Yak Hotel and were delighted with the treatment and the food, 100% recommended.


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