
Ubla - Prijevor - Obli Svitavac 1549m - Veliki Svitavac 1529m


Trail photos

Photo ofUbla - Prijevor - Obli Svitavac 1549m - Veliki Svitavac 1529m Photo ofUbla - Prijevor - Obli Svitavac 1549m - Veliki Svitavac 1529m Photo ofUbla - Prijevor - Obli Svitavac 1549m - Veliki Svitavac 1529m


Trail stats

7.52 mi
Elevation gain
2,644 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,644 ft
Max elevation
4,861 ft
Min elevation
3,327 ft
Trail type
4 hours 17 minutes
June 5, 2023
June 2023

near Ubli, Republika Srpska (Босния һәм Герцеговина)

Viewed 86 times, downloaded 3 times

Trail photos

Photo ofUbla - Prijevor - Obli Svitavac 1549m - Veliki Svitavac 1529m Photo ofUbla - Prijevor - Obli Svitavac 1549m - Veliki Svitavac 1529m Photo ofUbla - Prijevor - Obli Svitavac 1549m - Veliki Svitavac 1529m

Itinerary description

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The trail starts from the "Ubla" Mountain Lodge, descends into a field and crosses an asphalt road, then continues along a macadam road until entering the forest. A little later, the trail diverges from the road into a narrow hiking trail. The ascent is even and serpentines through the beech forest after 500 meters again on the macadam road. We continue along the road and after 300 meters at the intersection we turn right into the smaller do. We continue to follow the road, which is quite overgrown in that part, considering that no vehicles have been going there for a long time. After 500 meters, the road ends and we continue on a narrower hiking trail. A little later we come out of the forest to a place with a beautiful view of the Bukovica valley, all the way to the Zubač plateau and further towards Dalmatia.

We continue on and a little later the descent into the valley and the tall beech forest begins. After reaching the lowest point, a steep ascent also begins through a tall beech forest. With this descent and steep ascent, we bypass the part that was damaged in the fire and on which it is practically impossible to restore the path for now, so we moved it to the valley.
A wonderful beech forest on some parts of the trail

After a few hundred meters of strong ascent, we are back on the old trail, which is much easier, and a little later we come out on the Prijevor Pass. In Prijevor, we are greeted by a spacious meadow, unusually tame for Orjen's conditions. There is also a crossroads of paths here, on the left you go to Štirovnik and Kalupna greda and on the right you go to Obli and Veliki Svitavac.
We continue to the right through a beautiful meadow 500 meters long, after which the ascent to Oblo Svitavac begins. We overcome the first stone blocks and small gullies to enter the forest after a few hundred meters. Through the forest, the path winds between the rocks and after a few hundred meters we emerge on a steep, wide, grass-covered part of the ridge. After 20 minutes, we climb that slope to the top of Oblog Svitavac. And this Orjen peak is characterized by a beautiful view in all directions.

The ridge dips slightly to the west, and after about a hundred meters the slope reaches the saddle and the smaller head toward Veliki Svitavac. We go around this headland and continue along the ridge to start climbing Veliki Svitavac after a few minutes. We follow the ridge and after 20 minutes we are at the top of Veliki Svitavac.

Comments  (1)

  • Photo of viper.dbk
    viper.dbk Mar 18, 2024

    Opis staze

    Staza počinje od Planinarskog doma "Ubla", spušta se u polje i prelazi asfaltnu cestu, zatim nastavlja duž makadamske ceste sve do ulaska u šumu. Malo kasnije, staza se odvaja od ceste na uski planinarski put koji vijuga kroz bukovu šumu, a nakon 500 metara ponovno se spaja s makadamskom cestom. Nastavljamo dalje duž ceste i nakon 300 metara na raskrižju skrećemo desno prema manjoj dolini. Nastavljamo pratiti cestu, koja je dosta zarasla u tom dijelu, s obzirom da tamo već dugo nisu prolazila vozila. Nakon 500 metara, cesta završava i nastavljamo na uži planinarski put. Malo kasnije izlazimo iz šume na mjesto s prekrasnim pogledom na Bukovicu, sve do Zubačkog platoa i dalje prema Dalmaciji.

    Nastavljamo dalje i malo kasnije počinje spuštanje u dolinu i visoku bukovu šumu. Nakon dostizanja najniže točke, počinje i strmo uspinjanje kroz visoku bukovu šumu. S ovim spuštanjem i strmim usponom, obilazimo dio koji je bio oštećen u požaru i na kojem je praktički nemoguće trenutno obnoviti stazu, pa smo je premjestili u dolinu. Prolazimo kroz predivnu bukovu šuma na nekim dijelovima staze.

    Nakon nekoliko stotina metara jakog uspona, ponovno smo na staroj stazi, koja je puno lakša, i malo kasnije izlazimo na Prijevorsko sedlo. Na Prijevoru nas dočekuje prostrana livada, neobično pitoma za uvjete Orjena. Ovdje se također nalazi raskrižje staza, lijevo idemo prema Štirovniku i Kalupnoj gredi, a desno prema Oblom i Velikom Svitavcu. Nastavljamo desno kroz prekrasnu livadu dugačku 500 metara, nakon čega počinje uspon na Obli Svitavac. Prelazimo prve kamene blokove i male jame kako bismo nakon nekoliko stotina metara ušli u šumu. Kroz šumu, staza vijuga između stijena i nakon nekoliko stotina metara izlazimo na strmi, široki dio pokriven travom. Nakon 20 minuta, penjemo se tom padinom do vrha Obla Svitavca. Ovaj vrh Orjena karakterizira prekrasan pogled u svim smjerovima.

    Greben se blago spušta prema zapadu, i nakon otprilike stotinu metara padina dolazi do sedla i manje glave prema Velikom Svitavcu. Obilazimo ovu glavicu i nastavljamo duž grebena kako bismo nakon nekoliko minuta počeli penjanje na Veliki Svitavac. Slijedimo greben i nakon 20 minuta smo na vrhu Velikog Svitavca.

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