
Traghetto leonardesco di Imbersago - santuario della Rocchetta


Trail photos

Photo ofTraghetto leonardesco di Imbersago - santuario della Rocchetta Photo ofTraghetto leonardesco di Imbersago - santuario della Rocchetta Photo ofTraghetto leonardesco di Imbersago - santuario della Rocchetta


Trail stats

9.28 mi
Elevation gain
594 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
594 ft
Max elevation
1,026 ft
Min elevation
543 ft
Trail type
Moving time
2 hours 24 minutes
3 hours 15 minutes
November 21, 2023
November 2023

near Villa d'Adda, Lombardia (Italia)

Viewed 53 times, downloaded 1 times

Trail photos

Photo ofTraghetto leonardesco di Imbersago - santuario della Rocchetta Photo ofTraghetto leonardesco di Imbersago - santuario della Rocchetta Photo ofTraghetto leonardesco di Imbersago - santuario della Rocchetta

Itinerary description

The Tale of Red Rock Jewel Valley 5
cal appanbons of the local deities who dislike me. Although I have
been living here a long time, I have never given them any offering
or compliment." He then began to sing a "Complimentary Song to the
Deities of Red Rock Jewel Valley":
This lonely spot where stands my hut
Is a place pleasing to the Buddhas,
A place where accomplished beings dwell,
A refuge where I dwell alone.
Above Red Rock Jewel Valley
White clouds are gliding;
Below, the Tsang River gently flows;
Wild vultures wheel between.
Bees are humming among the flowers,
Intoxicated by their fragrance;
In the trees birds swoop and dart,
Filling the air with their song.
In Red Rock Jewel Valley
Young sparrows learn to fly,
Monkeys love to leap and swing,
And beasts to run and race,
While I practice the Two Bodhi-Minds20
and love to meditate.
Ye local demons,21 ghosts,22 and gods,
All friends of Milarepa,
Drink the nectar of kindness and compassion,
Then return to your abodes.
But the Indian demons did not vanish, and stared balefully at Mil-
arepa. Two of them advanced, one grimacing and biting his lower lip,
and the other grinding his teeth horribly. A third, coming up behind,
gave a violent, malicious laugh and shouted loudly, as they all tried
to frighten Milarepa with fearful grimaces and gestures.
Milarepa, knowing their evil motives, began the Wrathful Buddha
Meditation and recited forcefully a powerful incantation.23 Still the
demons would not leave. Then, with great compassion, he preached
the Dharma to them; yet they still remained.
Milarepa finally declared, "Through the mercy of Marpa, I have al-
ready fully realized that all beings and all phenomena are of one's
own mind. The mind itself is a transparency of Voidness.'' What
therefore, is the use of all this, and how foolish I am to try to dispel
these manifestations physically!"2G
Then Milarepa, in a dauntless mood, sang "The Song of Realiza-
Father Guru, who conquered the Four Demons,28
I bow to you, Marpa the Translator.
I, whom you see, the man with a name,
Son of Darsen Gharmo,27
Was nurtured in my mother's womb,
Completing the Three Veins.28
A baby, I slept in my cradle;
A youth, I watched the door;
A man, I lived on the high mountain.
Though the storm on the snow peak is awesome,
I have no fear.
Though the precipice is steep and perilous,
I am not afraid!
I, whom you see, the man with a name,
Am a son of the Golden Eagle;29
I grew wings and feathers in the egg.
A child, I slept in my cradle;
A youth, I watched the door;
A man, I flew in the sky.
Though the sky is high and wide, I do not fear;
Though the way is steep and narrow, I am not afraid.
I, whom you see, the man with a name,
Am a son of Nya Chen Yor Mo,30 the King of fishes.
In my mother's womb, I rolled my golden eyes;
A child, I slept in my cradle;
A youth, I learned to swim;
A man, I swam in the great ocean.
Though thundering waves are frightening,
I do not fear;
Though fishing hooks abound, I am not afraid.
I, whom you see, the man with a name,
Am a son of Ghagyu Lamas.
Faith grew in my mother's womb.
A baby, I entered the door of Dharma;


PictographPhoto Altitude 657 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 785 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 786 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 772 ft
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PictographPanorama Altitude 641 ft
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PictographPanorama Altitude 636 ft
Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama


PictographPanorama Altitude 635 ft
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PictographPanorama Altitude 618 ft
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PictographPanorama Altitude 580 ft
Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama


PictographPanorama Altitude 573 ft
Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama


PictographWaypoint Altitude 645 ft
Photo ofSantuario della rocchetta Photo ofSantuario della rocchetta Photo ofSantuario della rocchetta

Santuario della rocchetta

PictographPanorama Altitude 681 ft
Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama


PictographPanorama Altitude 657 ft
Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama


PictographPhoto Altitude 794 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 839 ft
Photo ofCascina Fornace Photo ofCascina Fornace Photo ofCascina Fornace

Cascina Fornace

PictographPhoto Altitude 844 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 853 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 892 ft
Photo ofRobbiate Photo ofRobbiate


PictographPanorama Altitude 975 ft
Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama


PictographPanorama Altitude 986 ft
Photo ofDuraga Photo ofDuraga Photo ofDuraga


PictographPhoto Altitude 619 ft
Photo ofOasi Photo ofOasi


Comments  (1)

  • Photo of ORCAMAN
    ORCAMAN Dec 23, 2023

    Bel giro 👍👍👍

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