
Track 109: Hâret Jandal - Awali River - Bisri Valley - Mokhtara


Trail photos

Photo ofTrack 109: Hâret Jandal - Awali River - Bisri Valley - Mokhtara Photo ofTrack 109: Hâret Jandal - Awali River - Bisri Valley - Mokhtara Photo ofTrack 109: Hâret Jandal - Awali River - Bisri Valley - Mokhtara


Trail stats

12.44 mi
Elevation gain
1,985 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,985 ft
Max elevation
2,380 ft
59 5
Min elevation
1,428 ft
Trail type
Moving time
5 hours 18 minutes
7 hours 16 minutes
May 7, 2022
May 2022
  • Rating

  •   5 1 review

near Hâret Jandal, Mont-Liban (Libanon)

Viewed 331 times, downloaded 6 times

Trail photos

Photo ofTrack 109: Hâret Jandal - Awali River - Bisri Valley - Mokhtara Photo ofTrack 109: Hâret Jandal - Awali River - Bisri Valley - Mokhtara Photo ofTrack 109: Hâret Jandal - Awali River - Bisri Valley - Mokhtara

Itinerary description

The hike starts in Haret Jandal, on dirt roads, all the way down the valley till you reach the Awali River.
Pleasant walk among agricultural lands, you pass by an old bridge over a stream, a beautiful waterfall and some nice views over the Bisri Valley.
On the other side of the river you can see the high Imad's Rock.
At 2.8 km from starting point, you will see a "No Entry" sign. The land has a fence but the door is open. Usually, I respect the private places but I don't know why this time I didn't, maybe because of the high sound of the water coming from there. I was pretty sure I would find a waterfall. I entered and for my surprise it was a whole new thing. Very beautiful place, wild and exotic.
I wouldn't miss it and will definitely go in everytime I am in the area. If you pass the small wooden bridge you can continue your hike and get to Mokhtara.
I chose to go back and continue my descent to Awali River.
I would recommend you to have your swimming suite and enjoy the cold water for a while.
At 4 km from the start, you will get to an old Ottoman bridge that you can cross and get to the left side of the river.
I wanted to expend my hike and get more into the awesome Bisri Valley.
I knew there where no other bridges to cross to the other side, but I took the risk.
At 5.5 km from the starting point you will have the chance to cross but you have to get wet till your knees.
It was really great and very refreshing.
I once did the Bisri area (Track 03) and Mokhtara (Track 18). This time I wanted to join them both in one track, one loop and try not to use the same road more than once.
We stayed along the river till we arrived to a 3 choices' cross road at 7.7 km from the start.
You can take your left and go uphill till you reach Imad's Rock (I didn't go there this time) visit the waterfall (very recommended) and then you take your right and continue your hike.
At 9.5 km from the start, we saw some bungalows and from there the trail starts to be hard to follow. I guess the high level of the water in this period and due to the huge quantity of precipitation that we had this year the trail by the river isn't usable anymore.
At 9.8 km I couldn't continue anymore on the left side of the river.
I had 2 choices:
1- Cross the river near the bungalows and Try to see if I can continue on the right side of the river. It was a bit risky and I didn't have much time anymore.
2- Go up the mountain and bypass the tricky area till I reach the next bridge.
I took option 2 and started my ascent (100m). It wasn't that hard but once you are up, the trail is not that obvious and full of thorny bushes. It stayed like this for the next 1.6 km till I reached a cliff, managed my way down and took the dirt road again till the river.
At that point, I reached the Mokhtara - Track 18 - and continued on the trail passing by beautiful old Mills and bridges.
Once at Mokhatar. You should pass by "Berket ElArous" (Bride's Pond), enjoy the place and the waterfalls, then continue on the dirt roads till you close the loop and reach the car.
I didn't expect to walk that much but we were determined to do it, and we did.
It was very satisfying, awesome in all means and very very recommended.
I would say it is a moderate hike and if you are a frequent hiker, this one should be on your top to walk list.

Enjoy and keep it clean !!!


PictographPhoto Altitude 2,123 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographPanorama Altitude 2,115 ft
Photo ofWadi Besre

Wadi Besre

PictographFlora Altitude 1,971 ft
Photo ofFlora


PictographBridge Altitude 1,894 ft
Photo ofBridge


PictographRiver Altitude 1,906 ft
Photo ofRiver


PictographPhoto Altitude 1,996 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographPanorama Altitude 1,818 ft
Photo ofPanorama


PictographPhoto Altitude 1,712 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographRiver Altitude 1,716 ft
Photo ofWaterfall


A peace of paradise

PictographRiver Altitude 1,703 ft
Photo ofRiver


PictographRiver Altitude 1,707 ft
Photo ofRiver


PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,712 ft
Photo ofNo entry

No entry

Usually I respect the signs and other's properties but for this time, I am glad I didn't ... (sorry :) ) Just make your entry quick and respect the place and be careful it is a bit slippery but it is really a peace of paradise ...

PictographRiver Altitude 1,525 ft
Photo ofRiver


Families camping and enjoying the cold water

PictographRiver Altitude 1,488 ft
Photo ofRiver


PictographRiver Altitude 1,431 ft
Photo ofRiver


PictographPhoto Altitude 1,441 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographRiver Altitude 1,453 ft
Photo ofRiver


PictographRiver Altitude 1,450 ft
Photo ofRiver


PictographBridge Altitude 1,457 ft
Photo ofBridge


PictographRiver Altitude 1,470 ft
Photo ofWalking along the river

Walking along the river

PictographFlora Altitude 1,467 ft
Photo ofFlora


PictographBridge Altitude 1,494 ft
Photo ofBridge


PictographRiver Altitude 1,515 ft
Photo ofRiver


PictographRuins Altitude 1,536 ft
Photo ofRuins


PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,598 ft
Photo of3 ways

3 ways

Going up to Imad's rock In the middle to see the waterfall Going down to continue along the river

PictographRiver Altitude 1,590 ft
Photo ofAmazing waterfall

Amazing waterfall

PictographRiver Altitude 1,555 ft
Photo ofRiver


PictographRiver Altitude 1,674 ft
Photo ofRiver


PictographRiver Altitude 1,745 ft
Photo ofRiver


PictographCampsite Altitude 1,806 ft
Photo ofBangalows on the river

Bangalows on the river

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,911 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,931 ft
Photo ofWaypoint


My aim is to reach the top and the road between those 2 hills

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,190 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 2,264 ft
Photo ofThis is the hardest part

This is the hardest part

No obvious trail, just a target and walking on thorny bushes

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,260 ft
Photo ofThis is my destination

This is my destination

I have to reach this road

PictographCastle Altitude 2,292 ft
Photo ofMokhtara castle

Mokhtara castle

PictographBridge Altitude 2,024 ft
Photo ofBridge


PictographRiver Altitude 2,016 ft
Photo ofRiver


PictographBridge Altitude 2,025 ft
Photo ofBridge


PictographRuins Altitude 2,038 ft
Photo ofOld water mill

Old water mill

PictographBridge Altitude 2,103 ft
Photo ofOld Ottoman Bridge

Old Ottoman Bridge

PictographBridge Altitude 2,109 ft
Photo ofBridge


PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,144 ft
Photo ofWaypoint


PictographRiver Altitude 2,150 ft
Photo ofRiver


PictographRuins Altitude 2,174 ft
Photo ofOld mill: ' Mat7anit Jisr Baddi'

Old mill: ' Mat7anit Jisr Baddi'

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,185 ft
Photo ofnull


PictographRiver Altitude 2,185 ft
Photo ofRiver


PictographBridge Altitude 2,287 ft
Photo ofBridge over amazing waterfalls

Bridge over amazing waterfalls

PictographRuins Altitude 2,275 ft
Photo ofBirket El Arous 'Bride's pond'

Birket El Arous 'Bride's pond'

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,138 ft
Photo ofPhoto


Comments  (4)

  • Photo of Hajj.H
    Hajj.H May 13, 2022

    Can I depend on the app for the location all the way on the trail? Or will I get lost?
    Is it this good in this time of the year?

  • Photo of tony aoun
    tony aoun May 13, 2022

    Hello. The trail is very accurate and better to read my description and information about it. Very recommended to do now. Enjoy

  • Rami Kh May 17, 2022

    I have followed this trail  View more

    I did the Mokhtara side and it is one of my best hikes. amazing trail Toni

  • Photo of tony aoun
    tony aoun May 17, 2022

    I agree Rami. It is an awesome place

You can or this trail