
Timisu de Jos subida a Postavaru bajada por Cabana Postavaru


Trail photos

Photo ofTimisu de Jos subida a Postavaru bajada por Cabana Postavaru Photo ofTimisu de Jos subida a Postavaru bajada por Cabana Postavaru Photo ofTimisu de Jos subida a Postavaru bajada por Cabana Postavaru


Trail stats

10.42 mi
Elevation gain
3,904 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3,904 ft
Max elevation
5,838 ft
70 5
Min elevation
2,337 ft
Trail type
6 hours 24 minutes
July 30, 2019
July 2019
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  •   5 2 Reviews

near Timișu de Jos, Braşov (România)

Viewed 2099 times, downloaded 32 times

Trail photos

Photo ofTimisu de Jos subida a Postavaru bajada por Cabana Postavaru Photo ofTimisu de Jos subida a Postavaru bajada por Cabana Postavaru Photo ofTimisu de Jos subida a Postavaru bajada por Cabana Postavaru

Itinerary description

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Today I return to Timisu de Jos, on the previous occasion I made two beautiful routes one through the Canyon of the Seven Stairs and my last was the Ascent to Piatra Mare . On this occasion we will cross the road and depart next to the train station. It will be a hard route due to the unevenness that we have to overcome in a short distance.

We leave as I have commented next to the train station, so this route can be made by public transport. We follow the Path with Blue Band, at a first crossing we will see the Blue Cross Path that will be our downhill path.

We continue straight until we reach a stream that we will have to wade through a trunk, or it is also possible to do so if it does not come very grown by a small dam a few meters above.

We pass through the area called Piatra Crinului . The climb has a lot of slope that is being noticed in my legs. The path makes many requiebros and zigzageos.

I arrive at the Poiana Stanii viewpoint, the climb from here becomes even more tiring due to the unevenness of the path.

Even on some occasion my body touches the ground fatigued by the effort.

I have almost reached a small hill from which on my right I see the top waiting for me.

I make the last meters of climbing between rocks and touch the top of Postavaru with its 1799 meters high. I notice that my shirt is completely soaked by the sweat of my body. Now I need to recover for a while and eat something enjoying the views.

You have before you, a whole show, below you the Phahova valley and in front of the top that I climbed the other day Piatra Mare . Below me is the town of Poiana Brasov and in the background you can see the city of Brasov.

Once rested sufficiently low again to the previous pass. I continue facing the high part of the cable cars, passing by a small viewpoint.

On the side of Poiana Brasov, I notice that there is someone who wants to go paragliding.

When we pass by one of the cable cars, we leave the track along a path on the left, I follow the Yellow Band Path until we reach the Cabana de Postavaru .

At this point several paths are joined and the one we leave above we return to resume our Blue Band Path, which coincides with that of the Yellow Band.
Our path connects again with the main track through which we descend from the cable cars. Next to it is a lagoon of water, which we will surround on your right.

We continue until we deviate along the Blue Cross Path , which will be the one that will definitely leave me at the Timisu de Jos station.

The first part of the path, we will go down with exaggerated unevenness, we have to carry the anchor cast to avoid being dragged. You can tell the legs that a good braking game should do.

We will go very close to a stream, sometimes the marks disappear and you can get confused, but always stay close to the stream. In this part the path is very dense by the vegetation. I was wearing shorts and I finished completely netted.

At last this slope is relaxing and you follow an old loose stone path that will leave us in a barrier. We pass the barrier and we are already on the road we came from the station, a few meters more and we have finished this hard route.

I wish you like it.

Route in my Blog

Video of the route

Video of the route profile

Recommended time Spring, Summer, Autumn.

Transportation Own vehicle, it can also be done by train, since the route starts right next to Timisu de Jos station.

Difficulty Level: Very Hard
Distance: 16,7 km
Elevation + 1300 meters Elevation - 1302 meters
Total time: 6h 24 '
Time in movement: 5h 22 '
Stopped time: 1h 02 '
Total average speed: 2.6 km / h
Average speed in motion: 3.11 km / h
Total average pace: 17: 07 min / km
Average pace in motion: 15: 53 km / h
IBP index index: 125 Report

Other routes of mine around the area

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PictographTrain stop Altitude 2,338 ft
Photo ofParada Tren Timisu de Jos

Parada Tren Timisu de Jos

PictographRiver Altitude 2,447 ft
Photo ofVadear arroyo Photo ofVadear arroyo

Vadear arroyo

PictographPanorama Altitude 5,171 ft
Photo ofMirador Poina Stanii

Mirador Poina Stanii

PictographSummit Altitude 5,816 ft
Photo ofPostavaru Photo ofPostavaru Photo ofPostavaru


PictographPanorama Altitude 5,789 ft


PictographInformation point Altitude 4,982 ft

Cruce de sendas

PictographLake Altitude 4,923 ft
Photo ofBalsa de agua

Balsa de agua

PictographInformation point Altitude 4,792 ft

Cruce de sendas

PictographIntersection Altitude 4,720 ft
Photo ofDerecha Seguir Senda Cruz Azul Photo ofDerecha Seguir Senda Cruz Azul

Derecha Seguir Senda Cruz Azul

PictographDoor Altitude 2,470 ft

Paso barrera

PictographIntersection Altitude 2,376 ft

Ida de Frente por Senda Banda Azul

PictographMountain hut Altitude 5,214 ft
Photo ofCabana Postavaru

Cabana Postavaru

PictographInformation point Altitude 5,334 ft

Cruce con sendas

PictographInformation point Altitude 3,845 ft

Piatra Crinului

PictographIntersection Altitude 5,703 ft

Telecabinas desvío izquierda

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