
The Pekoe Trail - Stage 09 - Bogawantalawa To Dayagama - Official Profile


Trail photos

Photo ofThe Pekoe Trail - Stage 09 - Bogawantalawa To Dayagama - Official Profile Photo ofThe Pekoe Trail - Stage 09 - Bogawantalawa To Dayagama - Official Profile Photo ofThe Pekoe Trail - Stage 09 - Bogawantalawa To Dayagama - Official Profile


Trail stats

10.26 mi
Elevation gain
2,408 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,972 ft
Max elevation
5,404 ft
36 5
Min elevation
4,252 ft
Trail type
One Way
3 hours 18 minutes
February 19, 2024
February 2024
  • Rating

  •   5 1 review

near Bogawantalawa, Central (Sri Lanka)

Viewed 337 times, downloaded 33 times

Trail photos

Photo ofThe Pekoe Trail - Stage 09 - Bogawantalawa To Dayagama - Official Profile Photo ofThe Pekoe Trail - Stage 09 - Bogawantalawa To Dayagama - Official Profile Photo ofThe Pekoe Trail - Stage 09 - Bogawantalawa To Dayagama - Official Profile

Itinerary description

IMPORTANT NOTE: The stage is walkable but not yet fully signposted. Trail users are advised to consider all the information available and to heed local advice when available. The services of a professional mountain guide are recommended. Trail users are responsible for all decisions as to the trail routes, trail conditions, weather, and safety. In addition to the hazards posed by steep terrain and mountain weather, hikers should be prepared for difficult route-finding and challenging trail conditions, dogs, leaches, heavy rain, intermittent thunderstorms, and plenty of sun. It is recommended to drink at least 1/2 litre of water per hour when hiking. Access to emergency medical care and rescue is not always immediately available.

Please download the latest version of the map before navigating the stage to avoid missing out on any re-routing.


Today’s stage starts in Bogawantalawa, the bustling town that gives name to the entire valley. The village of Bogawantalawa sits at an elevation of 1279 meters and is surrounded by tea estates and mountains shrouded in mist and emerald landscapes. The Bogawantalawa Valley is home to many legendary tea estates – all well known in Sri Lanka – such as Norwood, Kotiyagala, Tientsin, Kew, and Loirnon, the latter wedged between Peak Wilderness and the Horton Plains National Park.

We leave Bogawantalawa town heading northwest towards the Bogawana Tea Factory clearly visible in front of us. At the 900 meter point, we pass the Bogawana Tea Factory leaving it on our left-hand side. A hundred meters later the road forks into 3 possible tracks – take the middle one. The middle track curves around the side of the hill towards the Lynstead division. Look up and you will see a rocky ‘v’ shaped mountain pass ahead of you called the “Jacobs Ladder”.

Leaving the Lynstead Superintendents bungalow behind us at the 3 km point we proceed to the base of Jacob’s Ladder. A well-marked narrow path zig-zags up towards the pass. It’s a relatively easy ascent if the weather is dry; in the rain, the rock may be a bit slippery so watch your step. There is a wonderful sense of anticipation as you ascend up the narrow footpath toward the gap. Bogawantalawa town and the upper divisions of the Kotiyagala Estate are clearly visible behind you.

Walking over and through the gap is exhilarating; it feels like a gateway to another world, and indeed it is. The landscape is completely different from that of the valley we just left behind. The hustle and bustle of the tea plantations surrounding Bogawantalawa town give way to undisturbed grasslands and hills and one single path ahead of you. The name of this hidden valley is Bopaththalawa. Our elevation is now 1584 meters.

There are two unmarked camping sites on the foothills of Haritha mountain – the mountain on your left, looking west. If you ever decided to camp here it is imperative that you clean up – please leave only footprints.

Follow the path for 1 km and soon you will reach the Manik Palama Farm, one of the two dairy farms in the valley. Here the track turns into a country road that weaves its way through the farm. All the grass you see is cultivated to feed the odd 1000s cows they have at the farm on-site.

At the 7.3 km point, we pass a few houses and keep heading northeast. The right side of the road is now forested. At the 9 km point, we leave the NLDB Circuit Bungalow on our left and keep going. At the 10.4 km point, we dog-leg east towards Bopaththalawa Farm, the other dairy farm in the valley – the one that gives it its name. At the 11.4 km point, we pass by the cowsheds and then a couple of homes surrounded by vegetable gardens. Then we enter the forest.

The next two kilometers are a gradual ascent on a forest track. Most of the trees are eucalyptus trees, planted to supply firewood for the surrounding tea factories. When walking through a forested area like this it is advisable to make noise – clap, sing, or talk loudly, and to avoid going off-route if nature calls. At the 14 km point, the forest track resolves into a small village. You have just stepped into the Agarapatna Valley, one of the most remote and inaccessible valleys in the Tea Country. Turn left/northbound and follow the road down to Dayagama Town. Today’s stage ends here, at an elevation of 1417 meters. We walked 16.4 km.


The Pekoe Trail is designed to support development and livelihoods in rural areas of Sri Lanka. Buying goods and services from local businesses helps communities along the trail to thrive. The Pekoe Trail is made possible thanks to generous funding from the European Union with additional support from the US Agency for International Development

Comments  (2)

  • Pekoe Trail Sri Lanka Hiking & Camping Feb 19, 2024

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Wow, eine der schönsten Etappen des Pekoe Trail. Zum ersten Mal war ich hier 2016 mit Hiran, Fazil und Thilagar aus Haputale unterwegs (White Monkey& DiasRest). Wir machten damals eine Wanderung von Haputale über Horton Plains, Powysland, Rajamalai und Adam's Peak nach Eratna. Damals waren wir begeistert von der Landschaft. So einen schönen Ort, mit Weiden und Viehwirtschaft, kannten wir noch nicht.

    2023 wanderte ich den gesamten Pekoe Trail gegen den Uhrzeigersinn. Einige mit meinen Hunden und Freunden, andere alleine. Manchmal mit Zelten, privat oder in Gästehäusern.

    10. Februar 2023
    Am Vortag waren wir von Udaveriya nach Dayagama gewandert. Wir kamen im Dunkeln an der Bushaltestelle an. Aßen dort in einem Imbiss Abendessen. Ein Einheimischer bot mir und Thilagar Unterkunft bei sich zuhause an. Eine einfache Unterkunft, 2 Zimmer, Bad/WC in einer Ruine, direkt an Etappe 9. Unser Gastgeber bereitete uns einen Kübel mit heißen Wasser zum Duschen und Waschen vor. Für mich gab es das einzige Bett im Haus. Auf einem Regal standen christliche Bilder und Figuren. Es wurde ein schöner Abend.

    Unsee Gastgeber war früh morgens abgereist. Er vertraute uns den Haustürschlüssel an. Am Morgen gab es letzte Fotos mit Nachbarn und ein Frühstück im Dayagama. Eine Familie bat mich in ihr Haus. Der Vater lag schwer krank im Bett. Wir unterhielten uns eine Weile. Sie sagten er sei an Corona erkrankt. Seither bettlägerig. Leider wusste ich keinen Rat 😢.

    Vorbei ging es an dem Tempel und dem Dayagama 1st West Bungalow. Ein schönes koloniales Gebäude mit Garten. Der Weg führte durch eine Teeplantage und Gemüsegärten zur Sandrigham Tamil Schule. Dort bogen wir in einen Wald ab und wanderten in eine neue Landschaft mit Kühen, Ställen, Weiden, Flüssen und Brücken.

    Ein Musiker lud uns zum Tee ein. Sehr nett. Seine Familie lebt dort in einem schönen, kolonialen Bungalow. Weiter ging es um einen See, Wege hoch und runter, vorbei an Feldern und Traktoren. Wir erfrischten uns an einem Fluss. Dem folgte ein neues Dorf mit Gemüsegärten, eine Schule und dann die weite Ebene vor dem Berg Haritha Kanda. Ein beliebter Ausflugsort für Wanderer, Bergsteiger und zum Zelten.

    Der Pekoe Trail führt seitlich an Haritha Kanda vorbei. Die Ebene ist zu Regenzeiten aufgeweicht und matschig. Holzbohlen sind für Wanderer ausgelegt. Am Ende des Weges ist der Pass, der hinunter führt nach Bogawantalawa. Der Weg führt steil hinab über ausgetretenen Felsen. Weiter unten geht es wieder in Teeplantagen hinein. Ich erinnere mich an eine große Felsenzeichnung der Region, und an große weiße Grabmale.

    Vom ersten größeren Dorf begleiteten uns freundliche und neugierige Kinder bis zur Teefabrik. Dann kam Bogawantalawa, eine Schule, eine große Mosche, Geschäfte. Empfehlenswert ist das MARINA BAKERY & CAFE, direkt an der Hauptkreuzung.

    Mehr Informationen über den Pekoe Trail siehe in der Facebook-Gruppe:

    Pekoe Trail Sri Lanka - Hiking & Camping

  • Pekoe Trail Sri Lanka Hiking & Camping Feb 19, 2024

    [19.2., 09:42] E. Oliver:

    Wow, one of the most beautiful stages of the Pekoe Trail. I was here for the first time in 2016 with Hiran, Fazil and Thilagar from Haputale (White Monkey & DiasRest). We hiked from Haputale via Horton Plains, Powysland, Rajamalai and Adam's Peak to Eratna. At that time we were amazed by the landscape. We never knew such a beautiful place with pastures and livestock farming.

    In 2023 I hiked the entire Pekoe Trail counterclockwise. Some with my dogs and friends, others alone. Sometimes with tents, privately or in guest houses.

    February 10, 2023
    The previous day we had trekked from Udaveriya to Dayagama. We arrived at the bus stop in the dark. Ate dinner there at a snack bar. A local offered me and Thilagar accommodation at his home. Simple accommodation, 2 rooms, bathroom/toilet in a ruin, right on stage 9. Our host prepared a bucket of hot water for us to shower and wash. For me there was the only bed in the house. There were Christian pictures and figures on a shelf. It was a lovely evening.

    Our host had left early in the morning. He entrusted us with the front door key. In the morning there were final photos with neighbors and breakfast at Dayagama.

    Another memory: A family next to our host invited us into their house. The father was seriously ill in bed. Hands cramped. We talked for a while. They said he was sick with Corona. Bedridden since then. Unfortunately I didn't know any advice 😢.

    We passed the temple and the Dayagama 1st West Bungalow. A beautiful colonial building with a garden. The path led through a tea plantation and vegetable gardens to the Sandrigham Tamil School. There we turned into a forest and hiked into a new landscape with cows, stables, pastures, rivers and bridges.

    A musician invited us to tea. Very nice. His family lives there in a beautiful, colonial bungalow. We continued around a lake, paths up and down, past fields and tractors. We refreshed ourselves at a river. This was followed by a new village with vegetable gardens, a school and then the wide plain in front of Mount Haritha Kanda. A popular excursion destination for hikers, mountaineers and camping.
    [19.2., 09:44] E. Oliver: The Pekoe Trail leads past Haritha Kanda on the side. The plain is softened and muddy during rainy times. Wooden planks are designed for hikers. At the end of the path is the pass that leads down to Bogawantalawa. The path leads steeply down over worn rocks. Further down we go back into tea plantations. I remember a large rock drawing of the region, and large white tombs.

    Friendly and curious children accompanied us from the first larger village to the tea factory. Then came Bogawantalawa, a school, a big mosque, shops. We recommend the MARINA BAKERY & CAFE, right at the main intersection.

    For more information about the Pekoe Trail see the Facebook group:

    Pekoe Trail Sri Lanka - Hiking & Camping

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