
The NE Passage



Trail stats

5.72 mi
Elevation gain
1,122 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,122 ft
Max elevation
2,174 ft
Min elevation
1,130 ft
Trail type
January 15, 2016
January 2016

near Daftah, Raʼs al Khaymah (United Arab Emirates)

Viewed 713 times, downloaded 28 times

Itinerary description

Enjoyable hike that links two wadis via a ridge and involves some boulder hopping with two or three short sections that require some basic rock climbing skills. 4wd/SUV recommended as the approach to the start is via a track and short wadi section. After exiting the wadi section on the approach go past the farm and pull off the track to the left before descending into the next wadi. There is an alternative start / car parking spot a little further on from the posted start point going anticlockwise at 'NEP Parking 2' but this will definitely need a 4wd!
I recommend taking a clockwise route unless you are happy down climbing the two or three tricky sections. If taking the clockwise option there will be a boulder strewn wadi to the right at waypoint NEP1. The scrambling section is not far up this wadi after a bit of boulder hopping. A little further on from here you will need to exit the wadi to the right (around waypoints NEP3 / NEP4). This will involve a little more scrambling, ascent up to a col (NEP5) and descent down to the next wadi (NEP 6). From here it is just a question of following the wadi down, past some very unusual rock types and dry waterfalls. There is an option to exit the wadi just before NEP 7 and follow a track for about 600m or so before returning to the wadi. After the B044 border marker at NEP 8 continue in the wadi until an exit ramp to your right. From here it is a 15 minute walk back to your start point.


PictographCar park Altitude 1,230 ft

NEP Parking 2

28-NOV-15 9:30:52

PictographCar park Altitude 1,230 ft

NEP Start

Parking space for Smith's Retr

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,391 ft


29-DEC-12 14:25:41

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,509 ft

NEP2 Crux

29-DEC-12 14:18:21

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,742 ft


29-DEC-12 14:07:47

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,742 ft


29-DEC-12 13:55:00

PictographPanorama Altitude 2,169 ft


29-DEC-12 13:24:34

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,985 ft


29-DEC-12 13:09:50

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,608 ft


29-DEC-12 12:26:58

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,552 ft

NEP8 B044

04-APR-10 8:10:14

PictographPanorama Altitude 1,526 ft

NEP9 Pass

25-DEC-09 15:18:33

Comments  (4)

  • Photo of DavidSth.
    DavidSth. Jan 20, 2016

    Hello there,

    I'll probably do this hike in April. But I have 2 questions:

    1. How close to the beginning can I get in a car (how far would I have to walk to your beginning point from parking my car)?

    2. Any water around?


  • Photo of merlin81260
    merlin81260 Jan 20, 2016

    Hi David, thanks for your query. I guess the answer to the first question depends on what type of vehicle you have - if a 4wd / SUV you will have no problem as the hike starts from where you park (either the prime start point or alternative). You may be able to get to the prime start point in a 2wd saloon but be prepared to take a few knocks on the underside, a 4wd is preferable.
    Regarding water there are a few dry waterfalls on the second part (if going clockwise from start point) which have small pools that fill with water after rains but I would not count on these by any means. I recommend carrying sufficient water to complete the circuit.
    If attempting this in April I recommend starting as early as possible, certainly no later than 08.00. The first part (if going clockwise from the start point) follows a wadi that is largely in shade during early morning but once on the ridge climb mid-section and return section there is very little cover. Happy hiking!

  • Photo of DavidSth.
    DavidSth. Jan 20, 2016

    I'll be in a crappy old 2wd saloon, but it's seen a few scrapes and lost a few underparts over the years. I don't mind a longish (3-5 KM) walk along a flat gravel wadi bed anyway. Not having a 4WD, I've had to walk a few KMs numerous times in the past before the hike began. Thanks for the info.

  • Photo of merlin81260
    merlin81260 Jan 20, 2016

    If you take it easy you should be able to get pretty close to the start. Drive down Sharjah Airport Road, through Al Dhaid towards Masafi, at Masafi head towards Fujairah, ~5 km after Wadi Dafta do a u turn and head back towards Wadi Dafta. Within 1 or 2km there will be a small sign for 'Murair al Shabiya', take this and follow the track (it dips down to the right initially) for about 3 or 4km. The track then descends into a wadi for maybe 500m before a ramp takes you up to a small farm. The parking spot is ~100m past the farm on the left. Good luck!

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