
The barren ridge and Spectrum wadi of Ghub


Trail photos

Photo ofThe barren ridge and Spectrum wadi of Ghub Photo ofThe barren ridge and Spectrum wadi of Ghub Photo ofThe barren ridge and Spectrum wadi of Ghub


Trail stats

13.17 mi
Elevation gain
3,104 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,989 ft
Max elevation
3,330 ft
Min elevation
361 ft
Trail type
One Way
7 hours 32 minutes
October 14, 2016
February 2012

near Ḑāhir, Al Fujayrah (United Arab Emirates)

Viewed 2688 times, downloaded 64 times

Trail photos

Photo ofThe barren ridge and Spectrum wadi of Ghub Photo ofThe barren ridge and Spectrum wadi of Ghub Photo ofThe barren ridge and Spectrum wadi of Ghub

Itinerary description

A 1 day trip, starting on the main Dibba Road and heading into the mountains, along and down a unique wadi with it's spectrum of rock colours and tightly twisted and warped strata.

Initially small termite mound-like, heavily baked rocky hills, provide a navigating field from the main road to the ridge line. A few tracks and farms make this navigable.

This takes you to the gentle arête which gets straight down to business and takes you up to to the ridge between Tawain and Ghub. On the way up small now abandoned fields make perfect camp sites for many. The top of the arête is marked with a telegraph pole and a get out track weaving back west to Tawain. This section of the route is Moderate Trekking/Easy Mountaineering.

We then followed the ridge along, initially over the gentler ground with the short track section, but then onto a moderately exposed ridge. a set of peaks and lay along this, and given more time it is possible to continue and do a full circular of the Ghub basen ridge. This Section of the route is Easy, however, it's a turn around or committed.

We then dropped off the ridge and into the wadi for descent. The wadi drops sharply with rock hopping and hand usage being frequent. As the wadi matures the familiar smoothed bowls, drops and narrow sides appear, however it remained easily navigable with only 1 awkward step which we clambered around almost at the end of the route. In this lower part of the wadi the rocks have been crumpled up and an full spectrum of rock colours twist and bend defining the wadi. This section is moderate mountaineering, difficult trekking.

Once at the first house and military surveillance tower there is a few km of track to ghub which in this case was hitch hiked, and ghub then leads onto the main road taking you back around to the start point.

Comments  (2)

  • Photo of Lyndon Lopez
    Lyndon Lopez Dec 6, 2020

    Hi Ben! Is there any permit to go for this trail?

  • Photo of Ben Robbins
    Ben Robbins Dec 6, 2020

    Hi Lyndon, Not that I know of. The top section of this trail by the mast is commonly used for camping. Wadi Ghub itself is the only section which is more tucked away.

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