
Tablate - Secano


Trail photos

Photo ofTablate - Secano Photo ofTablate - Secano Photo ofTablate - Secano


Trail stats

6.07 mi
Elevation gain
1,762 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,673 ft
Max elevation
2,655 ft
Min elevation
974 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
2 hours 49 minutes
3 hours 41 minutes
December 31, 2023
December 2023
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1 comment

near Tablate, Andalucía (España)

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Trail photos

Photo ofTablate - Secano Photo ofTablate - Secano Photo ofTablate - Secano

Itinerary description

Tablate - Secano


PictographPhoto Altitude 1,988 ft


Comments  (1)

  • David Beatty Dec 31, 2023

    We followed an existing trail, only in reverse, which proved to be a good decision. From the turnoff on 323 towards Acebuches we headed over to Izbor. After climbing up from Izbor we were quickly into areas that had burnt in the spring of 2022. A lot of burned trees have been logged and either placed as erosion breaks or stacked by the roadside. About half way up the trail leaves the mee we in road and follows a pretty gnarly trail which at times is a erosion course but we were also following the tracks of mountain bikes and motorcycles. We were glad to be climbing this track instead of coming down it, which the circular course would have taken us had we not gone in reverse. The route climbs about 600 meters in total but rarely ramps up into anything exhausting. At the highest point we were above the height of Lanjaron and even up higher thsn the northern windmills. Some nice views, and it was interesting to see Izbor, but I didn’t find the route interesting enough to do it again. The final pitch down was all road, concrete and at times dirt. Nice views of the Sierra Nevada, the Sierra de Lujar, the distant Beznar reservoir and the Rules Reservoir. The confluence of bridges at the beginning and end of the route are a foto worthy architecture of engineering.

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