
Sử Pán - Mao Lenh Family Homestay - Cau May Waterfall - Hầu Thào


Trail photos

Photo ofSử Pán - Mao Lenh Family Homestay - Cau May Waterfall - Hầu Thào Photo ofSử Pán - Mao Lenh Family Homestay - Cau May Waterfall - Hầu Thào Photo ofSử Pán - Mao Lenh Family Homestay - Cau May Waterfall - Hầu Thào


Trail stats

3.72 mi
Elevation gain
846 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,145 ft
Max elevation
3,983 ft
Min elevation
3,040 ft
Trail type
One Way
3 hours 10 minutes
August 29, 2018
August 2018

near Giàng Tả, Lào Cai (Vietnam)

Viewed 1551 times, downloaded 54 times

Trail photos

Photo ofSử Pán - Mao Lenh Family Homestay - Cau May Waterfall - Hầu Thào Photo ofSử Pán - Mao Lenh Family Homestay - Cau May Waterfall - Hầu Thào Photo ofSử Pán - Mao Lenh Family Homestay - Cau May Waterfall - Hầu Thào

Itinerary description

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Second day of trekking through the Sa Pa Valley! If the first day was exceptional, the second also promised similar sensations. Again with Mu as a guide through the area and a beautiful route ahead. Let's start!


After the fun night we had, it was time to get up and start the day. First, a very delicious breakfast, prepared by the local people who accompanied us throughout the adventure. Next, preparing backpacks and starting the activity, together with the companions with whom we had spent the night, except Carlos and Amparo, who were returning from their trip sooner and had to return to Sa Pa earlier. We will begin the route at the Mao Lenh Family Homestay itself.


We take the first steps of the route along a narrow path between crop fields and rice fields.

The day promised to be hot. It's early and the sun is already shining brightly, so maximum sun protection, water and a hat!

Following a detour, we arrived at an area more populated than the area where we slept. It's Monday and the activity is noticeable. There are many people in the streets and children running around with their backpacks.

We left the town behind and visited a small waterfall, very beautiful! We continue the route along a comfortable path with a slight ascent.

We cross a wooden bridge, carefully, and follow a detour to the left to continue on the right direction. Mu is the first and the heat is noticeable...

From here, the route becomes somewhat more demanding, gaining in beauty and tranquility. The wide path of the town gives way to a narrow path that will wind into a beautiful bamboo forest. Without a doubt, one of the most beautiful places we will pass through on our trek through Sa Pa.

The forest is small and we leave it following several detours, in a zig-zag fashion. The altitude and the sunny day allow us to have a beautiful panoramic view of the valley!

We leave the bamboo forest behind and arrive at a populated area, where we find a small waterfall. They are places of great activity, small shops and many people on the street.

We followed one more detour to leave the town and continued our route, now along a clear and shady path, without any difficulty.

We are at the highest point of today's route. We begin the descent and follow one more detour to continue. We see more and more children with their backpacks!

Descending from the most populated area, we find a kind of school and daycare, at which point all the children begin to leave. Seeing so many Westerners catches their attention and they don't hesitate to leave all their things and come greet us. Without a doubt, it was a unique moment! Seeing how they shake your hand, play with you, some showing how strong they are, laugh and enjoy your company, is something priceless. We once again have the feeling that we are very lucky, although we do not doubt that they are happy children, and that, even if they have little, is worth a lot! Several photos surrounded by children and with Raúl and Irene, with whom we had a good time laughing, surrounded by children of all ages! Another moment to remember!

We continue the route joining the rest of our companions, while we find another waterfall again! The area is beautiful and we are enjoying it a lot!

Once again in a populated area, we follow two detours to begin the descent towards the river, at the bottom of the valley. The path is very wide, full of curves and has no loss.

We have already traveled about 4 kilometers and reach the road that goes to Sa Pa. We follow a couple of detours to quickly leave it and continue descending towards the valley. The breadth of the landscape allows us to have stunning panoramic views!

We continue descending, between rice fields. This part will be the most beautiful, so you should pay attention to these last few meters. The road is muddy and has a steep slope. However, it is a short stretch, so we quickly completed it, without any major problems.

We reach the height of the river, which we must cross along a curious suspension bridge! Another moment to remember! The river is wide and mighty, and the bridge is several meters long. Here we go!

After crossing the bridge, we follow a detour to the right to continue along the left bank of the river. The path is wet and narrow, but it does not have any difficulty, so we are advancing without problems.

We complete the first steps next to the river and arrive at an area of rice fields, where we follow a detour to get closer to the Cau May Waterfall, very close now.

Several more meters and we reach Cau May Waterfall, a waterfall that we access by crossing a somewhat improvised bridge. In the vicinity of the waterfall, there is a kind of shop and restaurant where you can eat or drink something. Cau May Waterfall is ideal for taking a bath, it has several pools and some waterfalls. We don't hesitate to take a break, some take a bath, others put their feet in the water and others simply rest. The area is beautiful and the waterfall is very pretty, several meters high. It is evident that it is a place where many tourists pass through. Perhaps, Cau May Waterfall is one of the most frequented and visited places in the Sa Pa Valley, and surely a stopping point for all or almost all organized treks. To leave the waterfall area, we crossed another curious bridge!

We leave the Cau May Waterfall area behind and cross another beautiful bridge over the river, in order to continue our route. This area is very beautiful!

Now on the other bank of the river, we will ascend, little by little, until we reach the road again, where we would end the trekking. We passed through a more populated area and another waterfall.

We are facing the last stretch of the route. We continue gaining height, following a detour further to the right and visiting another waterfall. The views towards Cau May Waterfall are beautiful!

Finally, after several more minutes of slight ascent, we arrive at Hầu Thào, at the height of the road that goes to Sa Pa. Here we finish today's route and the trekking through Sa Pa. It will also be a refreshment point and time to say goodbye. , since each of us would have a different destiny. A multi-seat van will take us back to Sa Pa, where we finish our adventure through this beautiful valley. We said goodbye to all our companions, to Álvaro and Andrea, the Chilean travelers who are traveling the world for a year and a half, and to Raúl and Irene, with whom we would continue enjoying their company in Sa Pa, since we would spend one more night there .


Another one of those days full of sensations! A second day of hot and demanding trekking, but full of moments to remember! Beautiful views of the Sa Pa Valley, a beautiful bamboo forest, contact with local children full of unique moments, beautiful paths along the valley and the Cau May Waterfall as the final culmination. Spectacular!


Sử Pán - Mao Lenh Family Homestay - Cau May Waterfall - Hầu Thào


Rubén Wanderlust (

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,683 ft
Photo ofMao Lenh Family Homestay

Mao Lenh Family Homestay

Mao Lenh Family Homestay

PictographIntersection Altitude 3,689 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,685 ft
Photo ofPoblado



PictographWaterfall Altitude 3,707 ft
Photo ofCascada



PictographBridge Altitude 3,723 ft
Photo ofPuente



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,735 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographTree Altitude 3,896 ft
Photo ofBosque de bambú

Bosque de bambú

Bosque de bambú

PictographIntersection Altitude 3,960 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,965 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,983 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographWaterfall Altitude 3,974 ft
Photo ofCascada



PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,975 ft
Photo ofPoblado



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,977 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,867 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographWaterfall Altitude 3,627 ft
Photo ofCascada



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,535 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,537 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,249 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,251 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographBridge Altitude 3,054 ft
Photo ofPuente colgante

Puente colgante

Puente colgante

PictographIntersection Altitude 3,056 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,124 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographWaterfall Altitude 3,103 ft
Photo ofCau May Waterfall

Cau May Waterfall

Cau May Waterfall

PictographBridge Altitude 3,102 ft
Photo ofPuente



PictographBridge Altitude 3,109 ft
Photo ofPuente



PictographBridge Altitude 3,113 ft
Photo ofPuente



PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,145 ft
Photo ofPoblado



PictographWaterfall Altitude 3,191 ft
Photo ofCascada



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,251 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographWaterfall Altitude 3,251 ft
Photo ofCascada




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