
Staza mlinova


Trail photos

Photo ofStaza mlinova Photo ofStaza mlinova Photo ofStaza mlinova


Trail stats

7.58 mi
Elevation gain
1,781 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,781 ft
Max elevation
1,101 ft
Min elevation
20 ft
Trail type
6 hours 23 minutes
March 23, 2019
March 2019
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near Gorica, Istarska (Hrvatska)

Viewed 691 times, downloaded 10 times

Trail photos

Photo ofStaza mlinova Photo ofStaza mlinova Photo ofStaza mlinova

Itinerary description

Kružna staza počinje u mjestu Sutivanac (ili Sveti Ivan nad Rašom), u koji spada deset sela. Mjesto je dobilo ime po legendi o Ivanu, mudrom mjesnom vladaru, koji je čuvao sav novac seljana u bakrenoj posudi u svojoj kući, poput neke drevne banke. Kad god bi ga ljudi u teškim vremenima pitali za svoju ušteđevinu, Ivan bi im odgovarao da izdrže još malo, jer mogu doći još teža vremena. Ljudi su ubrzo izgubili strpljenje te su jedne noći upali Ivanu u kuću i ubili ga pod optužbom da im je ukrao novac. Kada su uvidjeli da je sav novac na broju u bakrenoj posudi, seljani su se pokajali i podigli Ivanu u čast malenu crkvu koja i danas stoji na mjesnom groblju.
Iz Sutivanca krećemo s križanja ceste iz Balića prema zaseoku Dolica, spuštajući se prema jugu čas cestom, čas poljskom stazom. Kada dođemo u Medančiće, skrenemo desno na jugozapad, prolazimo zadnje kuće i polja te ulazimo na šumsku stazu koja vijuga u smjeru juga. Nakon 2. kilometra put skreće na istok i ubrzo izlazi na serpentinu kamenitog traktorskog puta kojim za oko 400m izbijamo do korita rijeke Raše. Zanimljivo je da se krajem 18. stoljeća, neposredno pred pad Venecije, u dolini Raše uzgajala riža, a taj dio doline stanovnici su zvali „rižera“.
Krećemo uzvodno na sjever i sljedeća dva kilometra pratimo Rašu, čije su vode nekada pokretale kolo staroga mlina Sušak, pored čijih ostatak prolazi naš put. Na 5,4 kilometru napuštamo dolinu Raše i počinjemo uspon po makadamu ispod mjesta Gorica. Pratimo makadam do oštrog zavoja na 7. kilometru (261 m). Cesta skreće na sjever, a mi nastavljamo šumskom stazom na zapad. Na 8.2 kilometru iz šumice izlazimo na asfaltnu cestu između Varoša i Cvitića. Tu skrećemo lijevo te po cesti za manje od 500m dolazimo na startnu poziciju u Sutivancu.

The roundabout begins in Sutivanac (or Sveti Ivan over Raša), which includes ten villages. The place was named after the legend of John, the wise local ruler, who kept all the money in a copper bowl in his home, like an ancient bank. Whenever people in difficult times asked him for his savings, John would have responded to him for a little longer, because heavier times could come. The people soon lost their patience, and one night they went to Ivan in the house and killed him under the charge of stole their money. When they realized that all the money in number in a copper bowl, the villagers repented and raised John to honor the small church still standing in the local cemetery.
From Sutivanac we start from the crossing of the road from Balić to the hamlet of Dolica, descending towards the south by the road, on the Polish path. When we arrive in Medancići, we turn right southwest, pass through the old houses and fields and enter the forest path that winds southwards. After 2. kilometer the road turns to the east and soon comes out to the serpentine stone road, which for about 400m we reach the river Raša. Interestingly, at the end of the 18th century, just before the fall of Venice, Raša brewed rice, and this part of the valley was called "rice" by residents.
We go uphill to the north and follow the next two kilometers to Raša, whose waters have once been driven by the old mill Sušak, in addition to which the rest of us pass our way. At 5.4 km we leave the valley of Raša and we start climbing the macadam below Gorica. Follow the macadam to a sharp bend at 7 km (261 m). The road turns north and we continue on the forest trail to the west. At 8.2 km from the forest we exit on the asphalt road between Varoš and Cvitić. We turn left and on the road for less than 500m we come to the starting position in Sutivancu.


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