
ST35 AAT: Prosecco/Prosek – Lipica



Trail stats

12.77 mi
Elevation gain
1,391 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
915 ft
Max elevation
1,410 ft
Min elevation
799 ft
Trail type
One Way
May 18, 2020
May 2020
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near Prosecco-Contovello, Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italia)

Viewed 141 times, downloaded 2 times

Itinerary description

In a region where Miramare Castle is reflected in the sea which is whipped by the bora, you can enjoy a glass of wine Teran with some prosciutto from the Karst, and look forward to seeing the snow white Lipizzan horses. On the way from Prosecco towards Lipica you can visit the Cave Vilenica, which is the oldest tourist cave in Europe. A few kilometres away are the Škocjan caves, the first Slovene attraction enlisted as a part of the UNESCO world natural heritage, which are also a treat for every hiker on the stage from Prosecco to Lipica. In Italy, close to Trieste, there is also the Giant Cave (Grotta Gigante), a Karst cave with the biggest open space in the world, also listed in the Guinnes World Records.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 833 ft

Alpe-Adria-Trail Infopoint Prosecco

PictographWaypoint Altitude 899 ft


La Grotta Gigante, situata nel cuore del Carso triestino, è considerata il simbolo della natura di questa terra. E’ qui che a metà Ottocento furono compiuti i primi studi a livello internazionale sulle grotte carsiche, e da allora in provincia di Trieste sono state scoperte oltre duemila cavità sotterranee. Tra queste, La Grotta Gigante è stata attrezzata per il turismo, e dal 1908 i visitatori possono ammirare al suo interno la sala naturale più grande al mondo tra quelle accessibili turisticamente. Il percorso è lungo 850 metri, con un dislivello di 101 metri dall’ingresso al punto più profondo. La visita si svolge a piedi, grazie a comodi sentieri e scalinate realizzate a misura d’uomo, perfettamente illuminati e costruiti nel pieno rispetto delle norme di sicurezza e dell’ambiente che attraversano. Una manutenzione costante rende la visita comoda e priva di sostanziali difficoltà. La temperatura della grotta è stabile nell’intero arco dell’anno (11°C), presentandosi quindi più mite di quella esterna in inverno e più fresca in estate. Si consigliano pertanto un abbigliamento adeguato e scarpe comode. L’ingresso naturale da cui si accede si apre subito all’esterno del Centro accoglienza visitatori, dove si può sostare aspettando la visita nella comoda Sala d’Attesa e visitando gratuitamente il Museo dell’Uomo e delle Grotte. Presso il Centro chi avesse difficoltà a partecipare alla visita alla grotta può effettuare un tour virtuale grazie ad una apposita postazione computer. Il Centro ospita inoltre la biglietteria ed i servizi. All’ingresso ed all’uscita della Grotta Gigante (distanti 100 metri uno dall’altra) sono disponibili gratuitamente comodi parcheggi per automobili e pullman. Da Trieste l’autobus 42 (partenza dalla centralissima Piazza Oberdan) arriva in 30 minuti a Borgo Grotta Gigante, a cinque minuti di passeggiata dalla grotta. Sempre da Piazza Oberdan parte il tram storico che conduce a Opicina, da dove, sempre con l’autobus 42, si raggiunge Borgo Grotta Gigante (in alternativa dal capolinea della funicolare a Opicina si può scegliere la passeggiata sul sentiero 26, che conduce in 50 minuti fino alla grotta, attraverso tipici ambienti carsici). All’uscita della Grotta Gigante sono a disposizione dei visitatori uno shop ed il Ristobar Grotta. La Grotta Gigante è aperta tutto l’anno con i seguenti orari e prezzi. Tutte le visite sono condotte da guide esperte ed il servizio è già compreso nel costo del biglietto di ingresso.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,010 ft

Strada Vicentina

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,122 ft

Obelisk von Opicina

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,106 ft

Tram de Opicina

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,050 ft

Albergo Trattoria Valeria

Simplicity, comfort and authenticity are the key words that distinguish the Valeria hotel recently renovated by its new owners Jana and Tom. Located just steps from the Slovenian border, the hotel is located in the center of Opicina, small Karst village, connected to the center of Trieste by the historic Opicina Tram. The hotel has 12 spacious rooms with bathroom, each distinguished by different colors, modern taste, all air-conditioned and soundproof. The rich buffet breakfast, made with local home products, is served downstairs at the restaurant. This is managed by the expert hands of chef Tom, who serves excellent cleverly revisited local tradition dishes.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,204 ft

Alla Valle di Banne

Well, very simple! We love our job and we put our heart and souls into it. We are happy to talk to you and we can give you a piece of advice on what to visit or where to go eating. We commit ourselves to sorting out possible problems promptly, and, if you have particular demands, we make our best to please you (“particular”, please, not “exorbitant”. Ah ah ah!). We just want you to enjoy a quit stay and we are especially focused on cleanliness. Simple, isn’t it?

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,421 ft

Karst-Kulturlandschaft bei Gropada

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,247 ft

Center Hotel

Structure located on the Karst plateau in three buildings : Center Hotel , Depandance Lipa and Depandance Center Hotel . Accommodations : - 4 single rooms - 42 double rooms - Triple and Quadruple on request - 90 beds in total Restaurant : 10% discount for the hotel guest at the Gostilna-Trattoria-Pizzeria " Al Tiglio ' - Pri Lipi

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,220 ft

Natural Scientific Centre Basovizza

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,260 ft

Josef Ressel-Weg

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,293 ft

Karst living museum

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,296 ft

Lipikum - museum of the Lipizzaner horse

Lipikum - museum of the Lipizzaner horse is based on modern museological principles and through a variety of classical and interactive approaches turns the visit into an interesting and playful experience for children

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,312 ft

Hotel Maestoso ***

Hotel Maestoso bears a noble name connecting the present with glimpses of the past. The hotel named after a characteristic line of Lipizzaner horses invites all fans of white horses and peace of the picturesque Karst landscape to have comfortable and pleasant stay. The Hotel Maestoso awaits you for holidays or a short break. It offers a pleasant environment for organising business events (seminars, congresses) and wedding ceremonies. Even a short visit is enough to enjoy the excellent Karst cuisine.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,322 ft

Grand Casino Lipica

Casino Lipica, živahen ambient v zeleni oazi miru.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,283 ft

Stud Farm Lipica, since 1580

The Lipica Stud Farm is one of the most beautiful cultural-historical monuments in Slovenia and is a home to almost 400-Lipizzaner horses. With a tradition of over 400 years, it is the oldest stud farm in the world breeding horses uninterruptedly since its establishment. Lipica has a rich offer of various unforgettable experiences: - guided tour of the Stud farm, - trainings and performances of Classical riding school, - carriage ride along the trails of the estate, - playing golf, mini golf, archery, - bicycle rental.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,289 ft

Alpe-Adria-Trail Infopoint Lipica

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,125 ft


Alla Casetta is a holiday home and is completely independent, with an entrance and an outdoor area reserved exclusively for guests, to enjoy the natural tranquility of the place. It is divided into two rooms, each consisting of a double bed and a foldaway bunk bed, food warmer corner with kettle for tea / coffee and fridge, bathroom, porch and outdoor area equipped with barbecue.


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