
Spicers Peak


Trail photos

Photo ofSpicers Peak Photo ofSpicers Peak Photo ofSpicers Peak


Trail stats

5.27 mi
Elevation gain
1,955 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,903 ft
Max elevation
4,009 ft
30 3.7
Min elevation
2,468 ft
Trail type
11 hours 40 minutes
June 25, 2010
August 2009
  • Rating

  •   3.7 1 review
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near Clumber, Queensland (Australia)

Viewed 3458 times, downloaded 94 times

Trail photos

Photo ofSpicers Peak Photo ofSpicers Peak Photo ofSpicers Peak

Itinerary description

Spicers Peak


PictographCampsite Altitude 3,895 ft

Camp 1

C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\Camp 1.JPG

PictographCampsite Altitude 3,816 ft

Camp 2

C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\Camp 2.JPG

PictographCampsite Altitude 3,262 ft

Camp 3

C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\Camp 3.JPG

PictographCar park Altitude 2,527 ft


C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\Carpark.JPG

PictographAlpine Climbing Altitude 3,431 ft

Cliff Line

C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\Cliff Line.JPG

PictographTree Altitude 3,857 ft

Giant Grasstrees

C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\Giant Grasstrees.JPG

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,566 ft

Governors chair (2)

C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\Governors chair (2).JPG

PictographPanorama Altitude 2,529 ft


C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\Governors chair.JPG

PictographSummit Altitude 3,981 ft

Spicers Peak

C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\Spicers Peak.JPG

PictographHiking Altitude 2,527 ft


C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\Start.JPG

PictographHiking Altitude 3,938 ft

Track Juntion

C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\Track Juntion.JPG

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,987 ft

Veiw 7

C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\Veiw 7.JPG

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,648 ft

View 1

C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\View 1.JPG

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,067 ft

View 2

C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\View 2.JPG

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,066 ft

View 3

C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\View 3.JPG

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,761 ft

View 4

C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\View 4.JPG

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,767 ft

View 5

C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\View 5.JPG

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,808 ft

View 6

C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\View 6.JPG

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,884 ft

View 8

C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\View 8.JPG

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,765 ft

View 9

C:\Users\Mark Laverty\Mapping Data\Spicers Peak\Shopped Photos\View 9.JPG

Comments  (3)

  • warrigal May 15, 2016

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Beautiful walk though very steep. Need to be a competent rock scrambler as a minimum; would suggest rock climbing experience would be a distinct advantage.
    I got to the top of Spicers Peak with an incredible view over the Fassifern Plan. There was lots of bird life around that wasn’t afraid to approach you if you moved slowly. I heard a Lyre Bird that was very close but couldn’t see it and there was lots of evidence that they had been around.
    The route taken down on the western end is over grown with blackberry – mongrel stuff!! Managed to find a way around just on the eastern end of the saddle however lots of typical rainforest push through. Emerged from the rain forest and this is where things went bad for myself. Had a fall negotiating a fallen tree and rolled and slid for around 10 to 15 meters down the very steep slope. My fall was only stopped by some grass trees. At this point I had lost my Pentax K7 Camera and my Samsung tablet. I searched for over 30mins but found no trace of them. From this point I contoured to the east to meet the original track. If you manage to find these items I would appreciate it if you would let me know.
    I strongly suggest you take 3L+ of water, wear loose clothing, long pant and long sleeved shirt. This walk is best done when the temperature is cooler and there are a number of spot where the terrain is exposed.
    I would recommend this walk as a challenging but enjoyable walk.
    God Bless

  • warrigal May 25, 2016

    A friend and I went up the peak again last weekend. Found the tablet but there was no evidence of the camera:-[. Had another great walk!

  • Photo of pjp617
    pjp617 Aug 13, 2017

    Enjoyed your comments. We did the eastern escarpment route yesterday. It is good to see the grass grown back after last years fire reduction burns. The track is very, very dry and with six people there was a lot of dust. Always a great climb, although as I approach 70 I wonder how many more times will it be possible. I have not done the descent route you took and may not after your description. There is also supposed to be a route from lower down on the Spicers Gap 4WD drive road, but involves private property.

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