
Slovénie, la Via Alpina dans le parc national du Triglav


Trail photos

Photo ofSlovénie, la Via Alpina dans le parc national du Triglav Photo ofSlovénie, la Via Alpina dans le parc national du Triglav Photo ofSlovénie, la Via Alpina dans le parc national du Triglav


Trail stats

55.37 mi
Elevation gain
16,900 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
16,762 ft
Max elevation
7,732 ft
Min elevation
1,995 ft
Trail type
One Way
August 4, 2017
August 2017

near Petrovo Brdo, Tolmin (Slovenija)

Viewed 1530 times, downloaded 41 times

Trail photos

Photo ofSlovénie, la Via Alpina dans le parc national du Triglav Photo ofSlovénie, la Via Alpina dans le parc national du Triglav Photo ofSlovénie, la Via Alpina dans le parc national du Triglav

Itinerary description

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Red ring marking of the Slovenian Alpine Club throughout the course.
Proper markup in the set. There are, however, some untagged junctions that require careful attention before continuing on the road.
Buy the 1/50000 "Triglavski narodni park" card from the Alpine Association of Slovenia.
With backpack, to estimate the journey time of the stages, predict less than 3 km / h; add the stops.
Every day there is at least one particularly delicate passage.
English and German are both useful languages ​​on the way.
Nice welcome in all the cottages. Plan to arrive there no later than 6 pm
No shower in the shelters "Koča pri Triglavskih jezerih" and "Koča pri izviru Soče".
To sleep a bag of meat is enough. There are blankets in the shelters.
Good dinner and breakfast are available everywhere. By cons the sandwiches for lunch were generally very disappointing.
Summary of the hike:
The day before, at 8 pm, arrival by train in Podbrdo station where Rudolf Zgaga the manager of the Petrovo Brdo hotel picks us up. Dinner very nice.
Day 1: from Petrovo Brdo (850 m) to Planinska koča hut Merjasec na Voglu (1535 m): length 24 km, duration with stops 9 h 40, altitude gain 2700 m, altitude loss 2000 m.
Day 2: Koča Merjasec to Koča pri Triglavskih jezerih refuge (1685 m): length 21 km, duration with stops 8 h 40, altitude gain 1700 m, altitude loss 1500 m.
Day 3: from Koča pri Triglavskih jezerih to the Koča pri izviru refuge Soče (886 m): length 25 km, duration with stops 10 h 40, altitude gain 2100 m, altitude loss 2900 m.
Day 4: from Koča pri izviru Soče (886 m) to Podkoren (840 m): length 20 km, time with stops 7 h 20, altitude gain 1600 m, altitude loss 1600 m.
Appointment with an Austrian taxi church square in Podkoren to bring us to our hotel in Villach (Austria), 22 km. Dinner and overnight in Villach. The next day return by train from Villach station.


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