
Skaland to Husfjellet with rain and strong wind


Trail photos

Photo ofSkaland to Husfjellet with rain and strong wind Photo ofSkaland to Husfjellet with rain and strong wind Photo ofSkaland to Husfjellet with rain and strong wind


Trail stats

3.84 mi
Elevation gain
1,831 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,506 ft
Max elevation
1,696 ft
Min elevation
-10 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
2 hours 13 minutes
3 hours 3 minutes
September 4, 2023
September 2023
Be the first to clap

near Skaland, Troms og Finnmark (Norge)

Viewed 36 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo ofSkaland to Husfjellet with rain and strong wind Photo ofSkaland to Husfjellet with rain and strong wind Photo ofSkaland to Husfjellet with rain and strong wind

Itinerary description

Date: September 4th, 2023.
Weather: very cloudy, wind specially at the top, with winds as strong as 50 km/h (15 m/s). Rain during most of the time.
As it is explained in the parking, the hike is divided in three parts. First there is a very visible path which passes by a couple of huts that can be used to make a fire or eat on a table. The path continunes until a point where you have to turn right and enter a forest; this is indicated with a red sign which was half broken but easily visible. In the forest the hike is more steep. With rain, pay special attention to slippery places. I didn't have big problems to do it but you need to be aware of where you're stepping onto. At some point the forest ends and you are not far from a sign post announcing a milestone. Here you will find a sign towards Husfjellet. It is very easy to find the correct path. At some point there is a quite long wetland which with rain was tricky. There are woodem tables to help you but some parts are not well maintained, so you have to find the best way to cross it, probably choose the less watery parts to walk. After that comes the ascension to the top. At some point I stopped and didn't finish because it was so windy it looked dangerous. Also at the return the phone died so I couldn't record my whole hike. Very important with mud, rain and wind is that you bring good waterproof hiking shoes, raincoat/windshield, waterproof pants and a rain cover for the backpack. And thermal insulation such as micropuff from Patagonia or others, this saved me from cold at the top.

Aside from those recommendations the views are amazing. The thick clouds didn't prevent some good views and I was there alone, probably something unusual.

Disclaimer: I post this here solely with informative purposes from my experience, not to be taken as official recommendations. Always use your own judgement and as they say in Norway "no shame in going back" in the mountain if it looks dangerous.


PictographPanorama Altitude 1,678 ft
Photo ofPanorama



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