
|Sibiu - Distrito de Sibiu - Región Centru| Paseo por Sibiu


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Photo of|Sibiu - Distrito de Sibiu - Región Centru| Paseo por Sibiu Photo of|Sibiu - Distrito de Sibiu - Región Centru| Paseo por Sibiu Photo of|Sibiu - Distrito de Sibiu - Región Centru| Paseo por Sibiu


Trail stats

2.52 mi
Elevation gain
59 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
59 ft
Max elevation
1,451 ft
69 5
Min elevation
1,339 ft
Trail type
Moving time
one hour 5 minutes
one hour 20 minutes
September 2, 2022
September 2022
  • Rating

  •   5 1 review

near Sibiu, Județul Sibiu (România)

Viewed 672 times, downloaded 26 times

Trail photos

Photo of|Sibiu - Distrito de Sibiu - Región Centru| Paseo por Sibiu Photo of|Sibiu - Distrito de Sibiu - Región Centru| Paseo por Sibiu Photo of|Sibiu - Distrito de Sibiu - Región Centru| Paseo por Sibiu

Itinerary description

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Logbook. Year 2022
Friday, September 2


Route 77: Walk around Sibiu

Recreation Google Earth

Hitler was not a pioneer in invading Eastern countries and then colonizing them. As early as the 12th century, German settlers were founding walled towns to later develop prosperous trade for Saxon interests. Sibiu was the richest of the seven walled citadels built by these pioneers. Although the walls of Sibiu divided the city in two: the upper city (Orasul de Sus) and the lower city (Orasul de Jos). We will focus our walk on the upper part, since it was where the commerce was developed and it is the richest and full of heritage. That is why we look for a place to park and start this walk whose first point of commerce is the small Plaza Aurarilor, where the goldsmiths used to meet to sell their products.

Aurarilor Square

We surround the Piata Mica to cross the bridge of lies. It unites this square with the neighboring Piata Huet and is one of the symbols of Sibiu. There are several legends about the name of the bridge, but the one that attracts the most to this place are the lovers who make promises that they will remain in the foundations of this bridge.

bridge of lies

We continue through Albert Huet Square, which has the imposing Evangelical Cathedral in its center. Dominate the sky of this city with the bell tower with a height of almost 74 meters. Around it and in its vicinity, there are buildings dating from the 15th to the 18th century, such as the Lyceum, the School of Art or the Astra Museum.

Evangelical Cathedral

A small passageway is used to cross back to Plaza Mica. This type of passageway, like the one in the Council Tower, served to mobilize the guilds so that they were located in their respective towers; After all, we already know how strict and orderly the German people are. But the most surprising thing about this city is that it watches you, wherever you walk. The roofs of its buildings seem to have glassy eyes, tired as if about to sleep.

council tower

We leave through the famous Strada Nicolae Balcescu, full of shops, cafes and restaurants. Our idea is to go around the walls, but first we spend time in the Astra Park, which houses nine busts of the most important Romanian personalities. This reflects the culture of the individual in which we live, since a few meters and a few centuries ago, the population was classified by guilds, as we see with the Tower of the Arquebuceros, the Tower of the Potters or the Tower of the Carpenters .

Carpenters' Tower

We return to the Piata Mare, the largest in Sibiu, where the most important buildings of the city are located, such as the Roman-Catholic Biserica, the Brukenthal Museum, the town hall or the Council Tower. The walk ends a few meters away and our next objective is to look for one of its famous pubs to have a good Saxon beer, after all Sibiu is one of the cultural capitals of Romania... Until next time

Piata Mare

Other of our routes through the District of Sibiu :

Walk through Sinaia

Technical information

IBQ: 14 - Very Easy Details . (Depending on how you consider your physical preparation, it will give you the degree of difficulty of the route. In our case, medium preparation)
Type of terrain: The entire route follows paved roads, so it is advisable to wear comfortable shoes.
State of conservation: All roads and streets are in a good state of conservation.
GPS: It is an unofficial route and the city of Sibiu is very large, so we have made this walk with a few kilometers and only through the upper part of the city. But many variations can be made.
Best season: We did it in summer, but being close to the Transilvania region, it is a very rainy city.
Heritage: Not cataloged on this route.
To highlight: The different squares of the city.



PictographReligious site Altitude 1,385 ft
Photo ofIglesia de las Ursulinas

Iglesia de las Ursulinas

The Church of the Ursulines, the former church of the Dominican Monastery was built in 1474, when the Dominicans moved inside the defensive wall. After the departure of the Dominicans, in 1543 the church passed into the hands of the Lutherans, in 1755 the buildings were given to the Ursuline nuns. With the financial help of Empress Maria Theresa, the Gothic church became Baroque. Only the exterior of the church, the portal and a side chapel are reminiscent of the Gothic style. The statues of the saints worshiped by the nuns were placed on the pillars built inside. The inscription on the triumphal arch that recalls the benefactress of the church, Empress Maria Teresa, is a special element of the complex. The monastery housed the famous girls' school which was closed in 1949. All the property of the monastery and the School was confiscated and nationalized. Even to this day it has not been returned.

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PictographMonument Altitude 1,388 ft
Photo ofEstatua de Nicolás Olahus

Estatua de Nicolás Olahus

The Nicolaus Olahus Statue is a stone monument dedicated to the Romanian-Hungarian historian and politician Nicolaus Olahus (1493-1568), which was created in 1996 by the sculptors Călin Baciu and Septimiu Enghis. Nicolaus Olahus came from a mixed Romanian-Hungarian family. The name Olahus refers to the ethnic origin (Romanian) on the father's side. He was a counselor to King Luis II and especially to Queen Mary of Hungary, holding the position of secretary-counselor at the royal court. He held various administrative positions in the Kingdom of Hungary, being governor of the Netherlands and then royal chancellor. As a Roman Catholic priest, Olahus was elected Bishop of Agram, Bishop of Eger, and then Archbishop of Strigoniu, and thus primacy of the Roman Catholic Church in the Kingdom of Hungary. During the first 10 years of its inauguration, the Nicolaus Olahus statue was painted with graffiti, requiring the stone to be repainted to remove obscene inscriptions.

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Photo ofPlaza Aurarilor

Plaza Aurarilor

Beautiful square where we find beautiful corners, such as the Goldsmiths' Staircase Tower, the passage of Plaza Aurarilor that connects this square with Plaza Mica. The passage links the Plaza Mica Market with the Goldsmiths Market It is a two-story building. On the ground floor, the tower is a vaulted passage through which the stairs leading to the Piata Aurarilor are accessed. The floors were arranged to be habitable, with large windows, thus losing the fortification character it had in the 13th-14th centuries.

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PictographMuseum Altitude 1,385 ft
Photo ofMuseo de Etnografía y Arte Popular Sajón Emil Sigerus

Museo de Etnografía y Arte Popular Sajón Emil Sigerus

Established in 1997, it collects the contribution that the Saxons made to the formation and enrichment of the Romanian culture in the more than 800 years of living in the Transylvanian space. It has almost 7,000 pieces: the Emil Sigerus collection transferred from the heritage of the ancient Carpathian Museum (founded in 1885) and the valuable collections belonging to Julius Bielz, Wilhelm and Gisela Rosa Richter, Carl Engber and Erwin Ulbrich. It has a permanent exhibition is "The civilization of Transylvania. The craft of tiles". The appearance of the first tiles is linked to the evolution of cities in the 14th-15th centuries, when a higher organization of trades was developed, in the form of guilds. They possessed advanced technology and a number of technical "secrets".

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PictographBridge Altitude 1,382 ft
Photo ofPuente de las Mentiras

Puente de las Mentiras

It is the oldest metal bridge in Romania. Officially called Liegende Brücke, which means Lie Bridge, it was erected in 1859, in place of an old wooden bridge, called Liar's Bridge, a name that recalls the exaggerated inventions of shoemakers who displayed their wares in the bridge area. . Today it has become the pride of the city. On one side of the bridge you can see the year of construction, and on the other side the emblem of the Saxons: two crossed swords, and on them a crown, which symbolized at the time, the submission of the Saxons to the Hungarian king and the Principality of Transylvania. Since the bridge was not built on piles, it was called Liegenbrücke in German, which means "laying bridge". This name is almost a homophone with Lügenbrücke, which is why some locals began to call it "the bridge of lies" and thus the legends that justify its name arose. There are several legends about this name, namely: A legend says that couples in love used to walk on this bridge. There the young people swore eternal love and the girls claimed to be virgins. But after the wedding night, some girls were found to be liars. They were dragged across the bridge, being thrown over the railing. Many cadets who studied at the Military Academy lived in Sibiu. They would meet the local girls on the bridge, promise them much, and then wait in vain for their men who forgot about them and their vows of love. According to another legend, various fairs were held on Mica Square in Sibiu, and when they got home, some buyers realized that they had been cheated. They returned to the square and found the merchants lying down with their chests and, to the laughter of the crowd, they threw them over the bridge. Therefore, when they stopped again in Sibiu, the merchants were afraid of cheating the locals again.

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PictographReligious site Altitude 1,378 ft
Photo ofIglesia Metodista Unida de Luz

Iglesia Metodista Unida de Luz

The church was completed in 2014 located next to the Sibiu Lutheran Cathedral.

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PictographCastle Altitude 1,375 ft
Photo ofTorre de las escaleras

Torre de las escaleras

It is the only one of the three access gates of the first fortification enclosure that is preserved and dates from the 13th century, being the oldest construction that is preserved in Sibiu, although its current form dates from 1542. The tower is presented as a one-story solid brick construction, housing on the first floor an arched passage through which one can reach the stairs that connect the "Upper City" with the "Lower City" in the direction of the street. Turnului, and on the side it has an arched passage that leads to the corner of expiation located under the curb wall that separates the garden from the Parish House.

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PictographReligious site Altitude 1,375 ft
Photo ofCatedral Evangélica de Sibiu

Catedral Evangélica de Sibiu

The Evangelical Church of "St. Mary" is one of the most impressive buildings in Sibiu. It was built in the 14th century on the site of an old 12th century Romanesque church. The building is dominated by the seven-story tower with the four towers at the corners, a mark that shows that the city had the right of expropriation. With a height of 73.34 meters, the tower is the tallest in Transylvania. The cathedral tower is situated on the balcony of the south wing and includes a Baroque-style organ made by a Slovakian craftsman in 1671 that replaced the first organ brought to Sibiu in 1585. The mobile inventory of the Evangelical Church in Sibiu, one of the most impressive Gothic halidoms in Romania, is particularly valuable. Although a number of cult vessels, made in gilt silver by famous craftsmen in Sibiu such as Sebastian Hann, are not accessible to the public, visitors can admire other valuable pieces inside the church. In the choir, in the axis of the church, is one of the most beautiful bronze fonts in our country. Likewise, 228 relief librettos adorn its surface, most of them figurative representations of Byzantine influence. The fountain dates from 1438 and is the work of master Leonhardus. It is supposed that it was cast in the bronze resulting from the Turkish cannons captured by the inhabitants of Sibiu in 1437. Starting from 1496, for a period of 300 years, the Church served as a burial place for mayors, county administrative leaders or other personalities in Sibiu. The tombstones that covered the graves were dismantled from the nave of the church in 1853 and incorporated into the walls of the ferula church, thus obtaining a gallery of 67 tombstones, unique in Romania.

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Photo ofCasa Histórica del Gremio de Sastres

Casa Histórica del Gremio de Sastres

The building was erected between 1470 and 1490 and is the most important monument of Gothic architecture in the city of Sibiu. The initial structure has been preserved almost in its entirety, with the transformations being mainly in the Renaissance style with regard to the decorative elements. The ground plan of the building observes a trapezoidal outline that includes an interior patio; the shape of the building is the result of several stages of construction The whole complex was built in successive stages. The street building dates from the 18th century while the western wing dates from 1500. The oldest part of the complex is the dwelling tower, which dates from 1470. The highest level of the tower and the roof are of recent construction.

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PictographCastle Altitude 1,392 ft
Photo ofTorre de la puerta

Torre de la puerta

The defense tower, attached to the building of the old town hall, was built in the century. fourteenth; It is one of the best preserved towers in the third enclosure. It has a rectangular floor plan with a vaulted walkway. The outer dimensions of the tower at the base are 7x7 m. Initially, the traffic was carried out under the tower, and with the appearance of large tonnage vehicles, this had bad consequences with the appearance of cracks in the walls. In the early 1950s, access under the tower was blocked until rehabilitation work was completed.

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Photo ofEscuela de Arte

Escuela de Arte

The building was built in 1897 by the Sibiu architect Carl Heinrich Eder for the evangelical boys' school. A rectangular building body with a central facade of three axes towards Al.Odobescu street. The building located on the hillside has two differentiated facades, one with a ground floor and first floor facing Al.Odobescu Street and another with a ground floor and three floors, on the opposite side, facing Mos Ion Roata Street. The roof of the building is sloped. The main entrance to the premises is through the door located in the center of the rezalit. The interior is interesting for the glass and metal patio light (the first in Sibiu) as well as for the first floor corridor, open to the central hall and whose parapet is made of balusters on which fluted Doric columns are placed.

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Photo ofCasa de las Cariátides

Casa de las Cariátides

In 1781, with the ordinance issued by Emperor Joseph II, the gates of Sibiu were also opened for other nationalities. Thus, many Hungarian noblemen bought or built houses. Bethlen Gergely's widow built her late-baroque mansion in 1786, on the site of silversmith Sebastian Hann's home. The building, in the style of late baroque, has elements similar to those of the Brukenthal Land, also called "The Little Palace". The attraction of the building consists of the statues of the two women that support the balcony above, the two Caryatids, probably made in the workshops of the master Simon Hoffmayer. Historical and architectural monument for Sibiu, the House of Caryatids was built by the widow of Count Gergely Bethlen between 1786-1787, on the site of an older house where the famous silversmith of the time, Simon Hann, lived.

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PictographReligious site Altitude 1,382 ft
Photo ofIglesia Reformada

Iglesia Reformada

The reformed church was built in the period 1784-1786, after the approval of Emperor Joseph II and on land donated by Baron Losontzi Bánffy Farkas. It is a building with a narrow façade, with a sober interior. The organ placed on a support supported by two massive pillars was bought by the baron in the chapel of the evangelical church. After several modifications, it reached its current form in 1958. A canopied pulpit with gilt drapery motifs and rose garlands is striking. It was built in 1790, a work financed by Count Bethlen Gergely and his wife Nalátzi Borbála.

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PictographMuseum Altitude 1,408 ft
Photo ofMuseo Astra

Museo Astra

Building where the Astra Film Festival is held. An international documentary film festival that takes place every year in Sibiu. The festival was founded in 1993 by Dumitru Budrala and is the first international documentary film festival in Romania.

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PictographTunnel Altitude 1,415 ft
Photo ofPasaje Pantofarilor

Pasaje Pantofarilor

Passage located under a house that joins the two squares. In Saxon, Schusterloch, because the respective guild had its sales hall not far from the end of Piaţa Mică. Medieval builders and those who thought and built the city of Sibiu were faced with the problem of excessive time spent by citizen-soldiers from their houses to the towers and walls they defended during a siege. His solution was to draw very narrow lanes in certain parts of the city, lanes through which citizens managed to shorten the time it took to reach the walls. It is said that a soldier could walk from one side of the fortress to the other in a few minutes. Thus, communication and transportation during a siege was fast, and the soldiers moved quickly, being able to occupy different sectors of the wall in a very short time. Today, the Sibiu citadel still preserves several such passages, one of which is located between Piața Huet and Piața Mică, its name is Pasajul Pantofarilor. The name probably comes from the perspective that opens in front of whoever walks through it, being the Casa del Zapatero the most imposing building of the time. It is possible that this corridor was occupied by the shoemakers' guilds, which are among the most important guilds in Sibiu. The passage passes through the house where the documentary film studio of the ASTRA National Museum Complex, Astrafilm, works. In front of the passage there was a round chapel until the 16th century, but today it only exists signposted on the road. This round chapel is the first stone place of worship in Sibiu. After archaeological research and the study of period documents, it seems that this chapel belonged to the Sibiu strikers, in the first stage of the town's existence.

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PictographReligious site Altitude 1,408 ft
Photo ofIglesia católica romana 'Santísima Trinidad'

Iglesia católica romana 'Santísima Trinidad'

The Roman Catholic parish church "Holy Trinity" was built by the Jesuits between 1726 and 1733 in the spirit of early Viennese Baroque, being consecrated on September 13, 1733 by the Bishop of Transylvania Gregor von Sorger. The tower that emerges from the nave was completed in 1738 and has four high levels and a dome. It measures 47 meters and houses three huge bells and a clock with two faces. The three bells were first installed in the 19th century. In 1916 the bells were confiscated and melted down. They were restored to their original form by the company of Friedrich Kauntz and consecrated on March 29, 1931. At street level, the tower has a vaulted passageway that allows access to Piaţa Mică. At the opposite end of the tower, the roof ridge is equipped with a lantern tower. The exterior of the monument is quite sober, with the seven windows on the first level (there are only six axes towards Piaţa Mică) overlapped by smaller, rectangular, stone-framed ones with a central emblem. Inside, there are huge pillars that support the vault. Initially, the interior of the church was whitewashed and the windows had clear glass, so the church was much brighter than it is now. The painting of the ship belongs to the German painter Ludwig Kandler and was made in 1904.

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Photo ofAyuntamiento de Sibiu

Ayuntamiento de Sibiu

The building, located on the site of an old medieval house that separated the two main squares, was the headquarters of the Land Credit Bank, one of the most important banking companies in Sibiu. The headquarters opened in 1906, the building being considered one of the best examples of Jugendstill in Romania. Until the communist nationalization in the 1950s, the building remained a bank headquarters. After the communist nationalization, the building passed to the administration of the CEC, being here the headquarters in Sibiu. After the 1989 Revolution, the headquarters was transferred to Banca Agrícola, heir to the land credit banks and implicitly to Sibiu. Its bankruptcy made this building enter the heritage of the city of Sibiu. The town hall building is built in the shape of a horseshoe, it consists of a basement, a ground floor, two floors and an attic. The decoration of the facades is eclectic, very rich secession type. On the ground floor, on the façade facing Piața Mare, pilasters supported by high plinths and capitals with eclectic decoration are applied. There are two pedestrian entrances from the Plaza Grande, two to the Plaza Pequena and one to Brukenthal Street. They are rectangular, with decorations of garlands or holes filled with glass. The ground floor is delimited by a profiled horizontal belt. Generally the windows are decorated with a frieze of balustrades in the lower part and with plant garlands, coats of arms and a molded cornice in the upper part.

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PictographMuseum Altitude 1,385 ft
Photo ofBrukenthal Museum

Brukenthal Museum

Baron Samuel Brukenthal, son of Michael Breckner, became Governor of Transylvania in 1777 due to his outspokenness and firm actions. He built the Brukenthal Palace between 1778-1788 with the large amount of money he received from the empress, because he was chivalrous towards her, from his own fortune and that of his wife. He also established a large picture gallery in 1790, 3 years before the Louvre opened. The 1090 Dutch, Flemish, German, Austrian and Italian masterpieces make this Baroque collection one of the largest in Central and Eastern Europe. According to his will, the palace became a museum and belonged to the Evangelical Church. The art treasury and its library of thousands of volumes was the cornerstone of the museum. In 1946, during the nationalization, the 19 paintings more than 11 thousand valuable works were brought to Bucharest and in the 80's they had been valued in the Art Museum without erasing the record of the Brukenthal palace. Since 1989, the Evangelical Church and the Romanian German Democratic Forum have been petitioning for the paintings, but to no avail. According to the laws regarding church profits, the Evangelical Church has already regained ownership of the palace, there is more paperwork to be done, but the people of Sibiu boast that they have recovered the Bucharest paintings after 60 years.

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PictographMonument Altitude 1,388 ft
Photo ofEscultura de Samuel von Brukenthal

Escultura de Samuel von Brukenthal

Samuel von Brukenthal was a Saxon jurist, governor of Transylvania, art collector, and founder of the Sibiu museum that bears his name. Baron Samuel Brukenthal, son of Michael Breckner, became Governor of Transylvania in 1777 due to his outspokenness and firm actions. He built the Brukenthal Palace between 1778-1788 with the large amount of money he received from the empress, because he was chivalrous towards her, from his own fortune and that of his wife. He also established a large picture gallery in 1790, 3 years before the Louvre opened.

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PictographFountain Altitude 1,418 ft
Photo ofFuente de Nicolae Balcescu

Fuente de Nicolae Balcescu

Hexagonal vase fountain with a column in the center with two glasses located in Nicolae Balcescu street.

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PictographPark Altitude 1,424 ft
Photo ofParque Astra

Parque Astra

The park is located in the heart of the city, bounded by Mitropoliiei, George Bariţiu, Ioan Lupaş and Piaţa Unirii streets. The idea of establishing a park after the demolition of the walls on this side dates back to 1869 and materialized in 1879, with the foundation of the Society for the beautification of the city, the park being its first great achievement. The park houses 9 busts of the most important Romanian personalities grouped around the association of the same name: Gheorghe Barițiu, Badea Cartan, Timotei Cipariu, Octavian Goga, Gheorghe Lazăr, Andrei Mureșanu, Andrei Şaguna, Ioan Slavici and Emanuil Gojdu. Among the buildings that surround it, the ASTRA Palace stands out, it was made by Oskar Späthe in 1912 and taken to the park in 1924; the Children's Clinic (former Sanatorium built in 1906); the Association Palace, opened in 1905 when it housed the conference room; library; the first Romanian theater and the Museum of Ethnography and Romanian Painting. The east side of the park includes a series of buildings from the XIX In 2007 the artesian fountain was inaugurated in the center of the park. The fountain has 9 large and 6 small illuminated water jets that can work both simultaneously and in groups. At the end of the park towards St. Johannis Church, there is a space furnished with chess and backgammon tables, a meeting place for retirees.

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PictographCastle Altitude 1,428 ft
Photo ofPalacio de la Asociación

Palacio de la Asociación

In 1897, the ASTRA Association bought the land at Şaguna street no. from Mrs. Maria Weindel. 6 in which there were "a few houses, a blacksmith shop, and a deserted garden that ended at the city wall." The Şaguna fortifications were removed in 1903 after 7 months of work. General Bucow is said to have fallen on this part of the fortress wall in 1764 and died from here. The ASTRA Palace was built from 1903 according to the plans of the architect Alador Baranyai, commissioning the construction to the architect Gustav Maetz. Construction was completed in December 1904. The furniture was provided by Fritz W. Elges, the sculpture by Iosif Schneider, and the interior painting by the Bohemian painter Johann Hofrichter. On August 19, 1905, the "Astra Central National House" (Association Palace) was inaugurated, equipped with a "Public Library" - on the ground floor, a "Transylvanian Historical-Ethnographic Museum" - on the first floor and the "ASTRA Lecture and Lecture Hall", the last built by the "Society for a Romanian Theater Forum in Transylvania". For this reason, the Astra Hall was intended to be the setting for the first Romanian theater in Transylvania. The room was inaugurated with Vasile Alecsandri's piece, Fântâna Blanduziei. The Association Museum ceased its activity in May 1950.

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PictographCastle Altitude 1,451 ft
Photo ofTorre de los Arcabuceros

Torre de los Arcabuceros

The current shape of the tower is octagonal with the upper part projecting outwards, resting on consoles and provided with jets. The niches, in the form of a keyhole, are made for the possibility of firing arquebuses. The base of the tower up to a height of 1 meter is made of stone, higher up of brick. It is possible that the current tower is a transformation and elevation of an older tower.

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PictographCastle Altitude 1,424 ft
Photo ofTorre de los alfareros

Torre de los alfareros

The year of construction of the tower is not proven with certainty. There are assumptions, some say that it was built in the mid-16th century, others in the mid-16th century. It has launch mouths, and is connected to the next defense tower by a wall. At the top of the wall were ramparts which the defenders reached through a covered access corridor. In the middle of the 20th century, the local communities restored the three towers by rebuilding the wooden guard path of the wall. A new restoration takes place between the years 2005-2006. Today they are delivered to traveling day laborers, who organize their workshops inside.

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PictographCastle Altitude 1,434 ft
Photo ofTorre de los Carpinteros

Torre de los Carpinteros

It is a building built around the fifteenth century, having a defense function. It has a circular floor plan at the base. From the level of the cornice, the tower takes the form of an octagonal prism, adapted to firearms (arquebuses), and the projecting muzzles were used to drive away the besiegers who reached the base of the walls. It was restored in 1967 and 2008. Then it would be renovated again during 2019-2020 thanks to an investment from the Sibiu City Council.

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Photo ofFilarmónica de Sibiu

Filarmónica de Sibiu

Sibiu's most famous symphony concerts take place here, where the Sibiu Philharmonic performs. The theater was built between June and December 1787, opening on June 1, 1788 with one of Christoph Seipp's plays. Countless pieces were performed here, including "Sibiu Forest" in 1815, "Three Transylvanian Paintings of Another Time" in 1832, "Ce-ti tot povesteste Sibiul" in 1859, but concerts were also held, such as the one in 1879 with Johannes Brahms and J. Joachim. Martin Hochmeister also organized balls or receptions charging 2 guilders for 16 performances and a dance or just one guilder to attend a dance. The name Sala Thalia comes from the communist period when, after another fire in 1949, the union club of the Independenta factory worked here. After 1990, the Diputación decided to restore the complex. The works began in 1994, but will be finished only after ten years in 2004, when the Sibiu Philharmonic moved here instead of the theater.

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PictographMuseum Altitude 1,418 ft
Photo ofMuseo de Historia Natural

Museo de Historia Natural

The establishment in 1849 of the Transylvanian Society of Natural Sciences constituted the foundation stone of the museum. After a long period of space crisis, with the help of personalities and institutions, the current museum building was inaugurated in 1895. The collection of over 1,000,000 pieces was achieved through both the labor of employees and donations from the collection. In the museum we can see: The herbarium of J. Lerchenfeld (sf. XVII) with 1,811 pieces. The herbarium of M. Fuss (1834-1882), with approximately 29,000 pieces- The ornithological collection of FW Stetter (1853), with 528 native and exotic bird species. The Ethnographic Collection of Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia of Vice Consul Franz Binder The Ackner Mineral Collection, the entomological collection of Dr. Eugen Worell (in 1957), with 95,000 insects from Europe, Africa, America, Asia. Weindel's Collection of 7,000 Butterflies (1965) The H. Hannenheim Collection (1964), with 10,000 insects. The Breckner paleontological collection (1955), with 7,000 pieces, mostly Tertiary shark teeth collected in the Porcești (Turnu Roșu) region. The Nyárádi botanical collection (1980), with approx. 152,000 pieces. The Dr. E. Bielz Mineral Collection (1953), with 1,400 pieces. The Kimakowicz malacology collection, with 250,000 pieces. In 2007, the Natural History Museum underwent major transformations, incorporating new elements such as lighting systems that follow the day-night cycle or sound systems that reproduce the auditory dynamics of each individual ecosystem. The permanent exhibition includes the zoological, paleontological and mineralogical sectors.

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PictographMonument Altitude 1,418 ft
Photo ofBuso de Friedrich Schiller

Buso de Friedrich Schiller

It is a bronze monument dedicated to the German poet and playwright Friedrich Schiller, created by the sculptor Thomas Khuen in 1905. In the Middle Ages, the current Schiller Square was known as Prairie Square. In 1905, on the occasion of the centenary of his death, several cultural events dedicated to the great German writer Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) were organized.

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PictographFountain Altitude 1,401 ft
Photo ofFuente de la Plaza Grande

Fuente de la Plaza Grande

Its existence is mentioned in 1538, being its basin used by women to wash clothes, which had gutters used by animals to drink water. In 1798, the fountain was adorned with a wrought-iron screen donated to the city by Fileck, the furrier. Fileck also financed the construction of a new pond in 1819. In 1920 the old iron grille of the fountain located in this square was reinstalled. The grille was donated by General Falkenhayn in 1916 and on top of it was a stork with a snake in its beak. In 1948 the fountain was demolished. In 2006 the iron grid fountain was recreated. The square has existed since 1366, when the third fortification belt was completed. During the Middle Ages, the square was the scene of the most important events in the daily life of the city, such as public meetings but also executions. The square has a maximum length of 142 m and a maximum width of 93 m.

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PictographBridge Altitude 1,392 ft
Photo ofEstatua de Gheorghe Lazăr

Estatua de Gheorghe Lazăr

The Gheorghe Lazăr statue is a bronze monument dedicated to the Romanian scholar (1779-1823), made in 2006 by the sculptor Radu Aftenie. This statue replaced a limestone statue of Gheorghe Lazăr, also made by Radu Aftenie, and which stood at Piața Mare in Sibiu between 1986 and 2004. As a teacher, Gheorghe Lazăr translated a series of pedagogical works and even a pedagogical manual into Romanian. For this reason, he came into conflict with state and ecclesiastical authorities. Persecuted by the authorities, he crossed the mountains in March 1816 and settled in Bucharest, where he manifested himself as a promoter of the idea of establishing a Romanian school at the highest scientific level. During the Revolution of 1821, he was a collaborator of Tudor Vladimirescu. He was persecuted by the authorities after the suppression of the revolution.

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PictographCastle Altitude 1,408 ft
Photo ofTorre del Consejo

Torre del Consejo

The connecting tower between the Plaza Grande and the Plaza Pequena has two vaulted passages. It was built together with the second fortified enclosure, between 1224 and 1241. Access to the interior of the tower is through a small door, from where, via a spiral staircase, you can access the upper floors. The current form of the tower was achieved through various modifications. Of the first tower, only the part up to the first floor has been preserved. In 1585 the upper floors collapsed. On the frontispiece facing the Plazoleta, a commemorative plaque commemorates April 26, 1586. That day, the tower collapsed and buried Juan David, who was painting the arch. The Latin plaque in the vaulted passage also commemorates this event. In two years (1586-1588) the tower was rebuilt. On the side facing the Great Plaza, two stone lions guard the entrance. In the 19th century the appearance of the tower was changed, building the current pyramidal roof with four towers. In the tower you can admire the clock mechanism, but there are also temporary exhibitions. Any artist can exhibit their work here for free, painters are especially welcome. From the tower, from the height of seven stories, a beautiful panorama opens over the streets and squares, but you can also see the dimensions of the city.

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Comments  (4)

  • Photo of Oct 15, 2022

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Una de las ciudades más bonitas de Rumanía. Gracias por compartirla 😘

  • Photo of Eri y Edu
    Eri y Edu Oct 15, 2022

    Gracias por tu comentario y valoración Sin duda, fue bastante sorprendente 🙂

  • mgcaballer 18 Apr 12, 2023

    Muchas gracias por el paseo y las explicaciones 🙂

  • Photo of Eri y Edu
    Eri y Edu Apr 12, 2023

    Gracias a ti por tu comentario mgcaballer 18 😀

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