
Sevaberd - Azhdahak mountain - Geghard / Armenia


Trail photos

Photo ofSevaberd - Azhdahak mountain - Geghard / Armenia Photo ofSevaberd - Azhdahak mountain - Geghard / Armenia Photo ofSevaberd - Azhdahak mountain - Geghard / Armenia


Trail stats

29.11 mi
Elevation gain
5,791 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
6,276 ft
Max elevation
11,693 ft
Min elevation
6,295 ft
Trail type
One Way
May 3, 2018
May 2018
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near Sevaberd, Kotaykʼ (አርሜኒያ)

Viewed 280 times, downloaded 17 times

Trail photos

Photo ofSevaberd - Azhdahak mountain - Geghard / Armenia Photo ofSevaberd - Azhdahak mountain - Geghard / Armenia Photo ofSevaberd - Azhdahak mountain - Geghard / Armenia

Itinerary description

Mount Azhdahak is the highest summit in the Geghama Mountains and is located on the border between the provinces of Kotayk and Gegharkunik. The summit consists of an extinct volcanic cone with a crater that is 50 meters deep and 500 m in circumference. The summit also features a beautiful lake that is approximately 3,597 m high, and stands 400 m above the surrounding area.

The name Azhdahak derives from the name of Azi Dahaka, an evil dragon that features in Iranian mythology, which does battle with the God of Thunder. In the text of the Shahnameh, Azi Dahaka appears as a foreign king by the name of Zohak, who is defeated and enchained by the hero Hruden. In an old Armenian source, the dragon Azi Dahaka appears in the form of a king of Media who is defeated in battle by King Tigran and relegated to an eternal prison in stone (the easter plateau of Mount Masis).

Another legend, which is meant to explain this region’s rocky terrain, involves a shepherd who brings his animals there to be milked. The milkmen notice a terrifying dragon approaching the herd and the shepherd begs Pir, the God of Herders, for protection – promising to sacrifice twelve of his best rams to the deity if the herd is saved. The shepherd’s request is granted, and the dragon Azhdahak is turned instantly to stone. With his request granted, the shepherd soon forgets his original promise and prepares to sacrifice only two of his rams instead of the promised twelve, at which point the shepherd, milkmen and the herd of animals are all turned to stone.

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