
Seru Jaminika CURACAO


Trail photos

Photo ofSeru Jaminika CURACAO Photo ofSeru Jaminika CURACAO Photo ofSeru Jaminika CURACAO


Trail stats

4.37 mi
Elevation gain
344 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
344 ft
Max elevation
305 ft
Min elevation
31 ft
Trail type
Moving time
one hour 46 minutes
3 hours 6 minutes
November 18, 2018
November 2018

near Boca St. Michiel (Curacao)

Viewed 940 times, downloaded 31 times

Trail photos

Photo ofSeru Jaminika CURACAO Photo ofSeru Jaminika CURACAO Photo ofSeru Jaminika CURACAO

Itinerary description

This was a lovely, diverse hike!
We began parking at Kokomo... then walked back to the street where we found a trail opening across the street.
The trail went along the right side of the "field". It was a bit tricky finding the start. We walked through a field of what looked like wild onions.
As we continued, there was a fork in the road. The yellow markings went left... so, we did too... and walked along the old dam.
This path took us to where the other trail would have led. We went a bit to the right to see the Dispersa Lake... which had lots of water due to the rainy last couple of months.
We reversed our direction and went back toward where we exited the original path we came from. We continued on (that would be taking a left from the intersection of the original path to the main path).
This trail continued for a while. We then found another fork. The right fork was narrower, but well marked. This trail took us to Jamanika.
The trail narrowed a bit, but was still pretty well groomed. As we started to climb the hill, there were some grasses we needed to stomp, but no problem. Going up was not a problem. There was a short bit of a rock scramble.
Remember to LOOK BACK, because, that is where the view is!!!
The trail then goes down a bit... feeling steep at points only because there was a lot of scree... so we needed to be careful not to slip.
You actually walk along the ridge which is sharp rock, and a bit narrow at one point, but not so narrow that you have to be nervous! From the ridge, the views are lovely. For us, it was sooo green... again... because of all the rain from the last couple of months!
The down was done carefully... then it leveled off for an easy reach to meet the Biña Trail and the street.
When we reached the street, we took a left and walked to find the start of the Roi Kenepa/Boka Uniko Trail.
This trail was easy, and reached a fork. The right fork took us to a small rocky beach.
We reversed our path and went back to the fork that took us up the hill and an a path the went along the top edge of the hill, running parallel to the water for a while.
The path then took a turn to the left, heading parallel to the Kokomo parking lot.
We followed the trail which switched back and took us down to the parking lot where we had originally parked our car.
GREAT hike!!!
Not hard, but there were a couple of rock scrambles, some steepish down hills with scree, walking across the ridges on sharp rocks (I know that would scare some people... but it was not for long).
We would definitely do this hike again!!!
Bring water and bug spray... and then, simply.. Enjoy!!!

Comments  (1)

  • Photo of John Dohmen
    John Dohmen Dec 25, 2018

    Good to know that it is still well groomed. I did this "grooming" some time ago; took quite an effort and I had to cut an alternative path around a fallen tree that was too big for me to move out of the way. I (Curacao Hiking) have this hike on my planning for January and intended to go check it in the first week of January. Maybe that is not necessary based on your review.
    The part on top over the rocks is indeed a bit scary for a lot of people because they are afraid they would loose their balance (which actually never happens). And the climb and descent are quite steep. I do this hike for the largest part in the reverse direction starting at Kokomo by going uphill and ending through the field on the other side of the road.

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